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As it has been awhile since I have sent a picture of Waldo, I have attached one of him and my dog Romeo :).

Waldo is settling in very well, five weeks into joining our family.  He has the routine down pat, and learns very quickly. I have to remember he's still pretty much a puppy as compared to Romeo and it is fun to watch. He and Romeo get along so well and he has been great with two other dogs we see frequently.  We will continue to work on his human "aggression", I find once he gets used to someone, he is fine.  I am meeting with a behaviourist to make sure we meet Waldo's needs in this area going forward.

Just so happy to have him as part of our little family, and from the looks of it, he is pretty happy too!



Update May '16

He is doing great after three months.  We're working steadily on his training and he has made great progress, but still so stranger shy - he is absolutely great with dogs though, he loves to snuggle close to my older dog.






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