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It was 10:57 am on the 23rd of October 2010.

I was waiting in front of the heavy metal door of the West Quebec SPCA.  In a minute the door would be unlocked and I would meet “Martin”.

I peeked around the corner to look at the dogs outside.  No sooner had I done so and most began barking wildly.  That's when I spotted Martin.  He was sitting quietly on the cement, not moving or making a sound, just looking quietly.  He definitely seemed out of place amongst the larger, noisier breeds.


The doors did finally open and Martin was led out to greet me.  More than anything I was struck by the distance he kept during our first walk together.  He avoided eye contact, he didn’t want to stop and play, he just wanted to run as fast as he could - dragging me in tow.  Despite the cool reception I knew that I wanted to take him home with me.




It has been three months since that first walk.  In that time Martin took on a new name, Winchester, and we both found new perspectives.

Winchester has transformed from a skinny, shy dog to a plumper, more
affectionate version of himself.  His energy is incredible, matched only by his desire to simply sleep – always in a lap or wrapped in someone’s arms.



Every day new aspects of his character are revealed – his disdain for salmon is paired with an adoration of lamb.  His love of all things bouncy and squeaky is balanced by his fear of all brooms, mops or vacuums.  I have learned that he has a three and a half foot vertical jump and that he prefers to sleep on the pillow than the foot of the bed.

Martin has added so much to my everyday routine and asks for so little in return.  He has a warm place to sleep, clean water, plenty of food and exercise – and in return he gives me constant companionship and unconditional love.

He has been a beautiful gift and I am so fortunate and thankful to have him.



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