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Well, it’s been over a month since I was adopted and I must say I think I have the best mom & dad!!!!!  I was welcomed into their home with lots of hugs and kisses.






They take time to brush me, play and we take lots of walks.  Sometimes our walks are a little longer because I am soooo curious and have to smell EVERYTHING!!!! 





I have been such a good boy that I only slept in my crate at night for the first week, now I sleep on my big bed.  I have been very busy learning new things like sit, lay down, off (mostly the couch!!!!), roll over and stay. 






I’m also going potty outside like a big boy now.  My mom sent some pictures so you can check me out.  I have had a haircut, so you might not recognize me!!!!!!




Bye for now,


(Regina, Joel, Amélie & Sophie)





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