am happy to inform you that Blanche (renamed Winter) has adjusted
fully to my house and is very happy. After a few days, she was
happily exploring her new home and relaxing on the couch. She has
been to the vet and given a clean bill of health. I wish I had her
blood sugar level! She has since had a lion cut to get rid of any
hair mats that were causing her discomfort and since then she seems
more happy and carefree.

Winter is a very playful and inquisitive cat. She loves chasing laser
pointers and catnip mice and chases them quite ferociously. She also
enjoys cuddling up and receiving attention in the form of petting and
chin rubs.
I've attached a few pictures for you to post on your website.

I would encourage anyone who has a stable home environment (quiet and
stable in layout and visitors) to consider adopting a special needs
cat. Although they require more time and patience to acclimatize to
their surroundings, they are usually incredible pets, fun and
Pierre & Winter

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