would like to introduce you to the new member of my family, "Yari".
She is my little 2 1/2 year old chihuahua who came into my life on a
cold January 5th morning 2009.
I had
just lost my beloved 14 year old chihuahua, "Mika", before
Christmas on Dec. 2nd. She was my companion, my biking, camping
and walking buddy. Where I went, Mika went ... so her departure
left a painful void in the house and in my heart. I thought I
would eventually get a new companion. I would take time to get
used to not having Mika around, let winter go by, and then look into
it. BUT, destiny had other plans for me.
Christmas holidays that had their ups and downs, I returned to work at
D'Arcy. I don't have a computer at home so on January 5th I was
looking through my e-mails to find one that had been sent on
January 2nd by a colleague. She works at the SPCA in Aylmer and
knowing of my loss and love of chihuahuas, she sent me a note stating
that they needed a foster family for a rescued chihuahua. She
also sent me a picture ... my heart sank ... was I ready so soon ...?
I told her I would think about it for a couple of hours. I had after
all never fostered before and I was still thinking of Mika.
I went back to the picture and I was speaking to friends who told me
jokingly "Mika must have sent her your way so you wouldn't be alone".
It was after all one month to the day that she passed. I could
not leave her at the shelter. I think I knew that all along. So
after work, I hastily got in my car and drove to the shelter not
knowing quite what to expect. They took me to the big cage where
inside a little
carrier cage hid my new "house guest".
It was love at first sight. She was very small and scared. I
immediately placed her in my jacket. She cuddled up very snuggly and
exhaled deeply. I could feel she knew she was protected and
would be loved. I took her home and got her settled in. She was very
nervous and any sound would make her bolt to her carrier. Slowly but
surely she got use to the everyday sounds.
We watch TV together and she snuggles close to my neck. She is a
wonderfully loving little pal. I think I knew from the moment she
came out of the shelter she was heading for her forever home.
We truly helped each other heal. I could not imagine not going home
to her at the end of the day.
Destiny and my supporting friends worked magic that day more than they
know ...
Thank you,
Carol & Yari
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