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My family and I adopted "Zelda" from your shelter in March 2003.  She had been brought in to the shelter expecting puppies - her family couldn't afford to keep her or her puppies any longer. 






When we saw her, she had been at the shelter for a month and her puppies had all been adopted (I often wonder what they looked like and how they are doing).  The kids were taken with her immediately and before I knew it, we were driving back to Ottawa with our new dog. 





The shelter had told us she was some kind of terrier mix but they weren't sure what.  After her first grooming appointment, it wasn't hard to see she was pure Schnauzer! 






We love her very much, she is sweet and a little shy (but very loud).  Her "sister" Mattie is her constant companion.  Many thanks to your wonderful staff!  I can't imagine our lives without her!!!

Stephanie, Samantha and Mitchell



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