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Ziggy is well-named as he still does not walk in a straight line.  He is adapting extremely well to his new surroundings and he has become part of our family.  We have had him for a couple of months and he has changed so much that we can't believe it. 




He was so shy and submissive when we got him that we thought he would remain quiet and just want to be loved.  Well, we were wrong – his personality is emerging and he is quite a brat.  He has gotten into everything and loves to play.  For awhile his favourite thing was to try to eat every dandelion in sight but that phase is over and now he goes for every stick he can find. 





He has learned to walk on a leash and is good unless he sees something like another dog, a squirrel, a leaf or anything else that moves.  It keeps us on our toes as we are walking at least a couple of hours a day with him.  Ziggy is like the Energizer Bunny – he keeps going, and going, and going. 




It was quite a challenge to groom him at first as he squirmed faster and harder than we ever could have thought but he now loves to be brushed – the joy of having a Keeshond is that we brush daily.




Life with Ziggy will never be boring and we look forward to many happy years with this wonderful and loving companion.

We will send you more photos and updates in the near future.

Karen & Tedd




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