I just
wanted to let you know that I think Zoé adjusted well to her new home.
When I opened the box, she went to hide behind the dryer in the
laundry room. This gave me the opportunity to go and get her
litter box and stuff. When I returned she came out of hiding,
sniffed around and found her ultimate hiding place ... under my bed.
She ate and drank a little and even went in her litter box for both
pee and poo. She maybe meowed 5 times and slept under my bed.
I gave her lots of love this morning and showed her the window ledge
in the kitchen where she could hang out.
She misses you guys already but is happy to finally be home.
Update July '09 ...
Zoe is
well. She is eating more now and gaining weight. She is
also warming up to a few of my close friends and not always hiding
under my bed.
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