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I adopted Zoey (previously named Breeze) from the shelter in July 2009.  She was a puppy mill breeding dog and had probably lived her whole life in a cage with no positive human contact.  She was terrified of people, the outdoors, noises, everything ...  There was nothing that she was not
afraid of.  She was probably badly neglected and possibly abused.  She was not the type of dog that could be adopted by a regular family.  She needed a calm, quiet and dedicated home.  Over the past 15 months, she has taught me all about patience.  For the first 6 months that I had her, she did not leave her crate and was visibly terrified of me.  Zoey stood like a statue, trying to make herself invisible.  It took 6 months for her to look at me.

It took about a year for her to leave her corner of the kitchen, she now cautiously walks around my house, curious to see what is out there.  Though she is still terrified of the outdoors, I'm happy that she is getting better inside the house.  She's still a little nervous in the house, but at least she doesn't spend 24/7 in a corner of the kitchen anymore.  After about a year, she also started to trust me more.  She now wags her tail for me and wants to spend time with me.  She actually wants to cuddle next to me on the couch and wants to sleep next to my bed rather than in her corner of the kitchen.  She still has her issues, she still isn't really housetrained, doesn't know how to go up and down stairs and is too scared to go for walks outdoors.  Though she has decided that I am trustworthy, other people are a different story.  She is still scared of visitors, especially men, but is getting better; she now looks at people when they talk to her or pet her.  Zoey and my other dog Abby now interact more than they used to.  They are starting to play together a little too.

There's still a lot of work ahead with Zoey, but she has captured my heart and the hearts of everyone who meets her.  She is the sweetest dog and everyone always wants news on how she is progressing.

Zoey will never be a normal dog, but I'm glad she has come into my life.  She has taught me a lot about dog behaviour and patience.  Thank you for all the work you do, it is greatly appreciated by me and by
dogs like Zoey who is getting a chance at a second better life.

Thank you!

Sarah, Zoey and Abby


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