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Attached are some pictures of Zoey (Guinness) for the Happy Tails website.  She loves her new name and her new home.  The blanket she is laying on is a down comforter which she claimed her first afternoon at home.  After our walks, she runs in and curls herself right in there all snug and cuddly.




She has a new Christmas coat, which looks smashing with her red collar and red leash.  People stop and ask to pet and talk with her, she is so pretty and proud on her walks.  We had a lady drive by and turn her car around and stop and get out just to pet her.  She is so smart, that every house we pass where someone has talked with her, she will give a little squeal of pleasure and look to see if maybe they are there waiting to see her the next time we pass by!



We have an appointment to meet with Melanie to see about agility training, and some training for mom and dad.

We have promised Zoey that in the spring we will come back and pick out a brother or sister for her, since she just loves company!





Thank you, Aylmer SPCA, for everything!

Robin and Michael



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