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She is awesome!!!!  My husband Ashley renamed her "ZULA".  She had no troubles settling in and is super cuddly and loves my husband and our 20 month old daughter.  She is surprisingly gentle with our daughter too. 






I have already taken many pictures of her.  I have attached a few that I took the first night on Thursday.  We cannot believe how beautiful she is
and how lucky we are to have found her.






Also, I called my Vet right away the next day and made an appointment for next Friday morning to give her the second booster shot that she needs.  And the little cold that she has seems to be getting better a little bit all the time.




We love her so much.  She sleeps with us in our bed at night and she is so happy to be here.  It was like she knew this was her home from the minute we came in the door and she stepped out of her carrier.  She is also already using the litter pan that is on the toilet (we are hoping to toilet train her and we figured it would be easier to do if we started her on the toilet right away).




I cannot believe that this beautiful kitten ended up at a shelter!!!!!  She is so much fun.  Gentle and loving and playful and very amusing!  She is exactly what we were looking for.
Thank you all so much.  Everyone at the SPCAWQ was friendly and very nice.





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