Saturday, MAY 23 has been designated as Canaan Road
Clean-up Day and in memory of Blue Jay resident, Monique Lussier, who passed away from cancer in January, we would
like to make this the First Annual Monique Lussier Memorial Clean-Up Day. Monique assisted in the clean-ups particularily through supplying the refreshments on the road,
as well as the pizza for the aprés gathering.
Many of you know the routine – we gather, clean Canaan Road from the highway, south to the
golf centre, then meet after for a neighbourhood pizza party.
So this call is going out to all past friends and neighbours who have participated, and to
any residents who would like to volunteer a few hours to help. If you and your family can supply a little time
and elbow grease, it shouldn't take us long to do the job. Starting time is 9:00 a.m. We will meet at the Blueberry Farm (Northeast corner of Canaan and Blue Jay).
(NOTE: This clean up day is not to be confused with the city's annual collection of heavy
items (household appliances) and rubbish.)
Canaan Road clean-up... a history.
The usual winter's accumulation of bottles, coffee cups, fast food containers, etc., clutter up the highways and
byways. Back in 2002 a number of neighbours from Blue Jay Ridge, Forest Hill and Canaan Road (BJFHCR) pitched in
to clean up our own ditches and streets as well as some of the common areas like the entrances to Blue Jay Ridge,
Forest Hill and Cathy Cain Park. The idea caught on and we have been doing an annual clean up ever since.

Thanks to...
The City of Clarence-Rockland Public Works (thanks to past Director Richard Sarazin) assisted us in the past by
supplying garbage bags and road-work warning signs and the City of Ottawa (which maintains Canaan Road from Highway
174 south to Baseline Road)(and thanks to Paul McCann), has provided us with gloves, grabbers, vests and pick-up
tools. It has now become an annual event.
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For information call:
Patrick Meikle
833-1547 or
What to bring:
- work/garden gloves
- work boots/rubber boots
- hat
- sun screen
- shovel or rakes (something to pick up glass tin and general garbage)
- insect repellant

We could use people with ride-on-tractors and trailers to load garbage and deliver it to
a designated central pick-up point.
- We are working to introduce the "Adopt-a-Highway" program along the road so we can continue a regular spring and fall cleaning.
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