The 2011 Garden Tour was cancelled
(Cumberland Village, Friday, June 17, 2011) Here is a note we received from Rebecca Dufton, the
President of the Cumberland Village Community Association: "We are not having a garden tour this year due
to lack of people coming forward to open their gardens."
The 2009 Tour Garden profiles
this is old information from 2009)
Explore the charm and heritage of Cumberland Village at this year’s garden tour, hosted by the Cumberland
Village Community Association. The afternoon event features six enchanting gardens.

Start the tour at any point you choose and spend as much time as you like. There is no charge for the garden tour,
but donations are collected to support community beautification.
To date, the proceeds from this annual event have been used to purchase flower barrels and banners for the main
street, and to plant community gardens at the Lion’s Maple Hall and the R.J. Kennedy community centre.

Maps and information will be available in the Cumberland Village (Haddad's store) and are on
CVCA website www.cvca-online.com. For more information contact:
Rebecca Dufton: (613) 833-0276 rebeccadufton@sympatico.ca.
The Gardens of Cumberland: Garden Profiles 2009
1 - Marie-Hélène and Roch Baillot
1095 Quigley Hill Road
In 1966, Dr. R.J. Kennedy set his custom cut-granite home among stately mature trees and gardens on this beautiful
9.5 acre property. This natural paradise features a large pond and a stream running down a wooded ravine. Called
a “garden in discovery” the grounds are being restored to their former glory by the owners, who operate Sphere
College, a specialized private high school, onsite.
2 - St. Mark’s Anglican Church
Old Montreal Road
Take a break to enjoy tea and homemade sweets for
sale in the garden of this historic church.
3 - Jennifer and Richard Parks
2526 Old Montreal Road
Six years ago, Jennifer and Richard transformed their grass front yard into a garden paradise. They replaced
the dark, cedar hedge hiding their home with a charming picket fence. Enter through the front gate and follow the
hand-made stone path engraved with their children’s hand prints. Scattered among the collection of plants are driftwood
and other mementoes.
4 - Debbie and Mike Martin
2521 Market Street
The enchanting front yard garden and gardens of this lovingly restored heritage home surrounded
by a white picket fence were the setting for their daughter’s wedding a few weeks ago.
5 - Micheline and Paul Madore
2900 Ernside
This backyard wildflower garden is a delight for butterflies and nature lovers.
6 - Rebecca Dufton and David Millen
1682 Beckett’s Creek Road
The couple has enhanced this naturally beautiful three-acre ravine property with ponds and perennials.
Follow the paths through the garden and walk down to the stream and waterfalls – or enjoy the scenery from above.
7 - Catherine and Glenn Roberts
1085 Armstrong Road
This ¾ acre property near the Ottawa River features hundreds of perennials planted in
the last few years.
Come see an ambitious garden in progress.