Here are some updates on the status of the Sarsfield Hog Farm as provided to the Canaan Connexion from various sources including P.O.R.C. president Marc Lafleur... Protect Our Rural Communities. Mr. Lafleur is decidedly against the project. To find out more about PORC call Marc Lafleur at (613) 835-2147. ( You are invited to express your views. - C.C. Editor ) ![]()
You can also learn more about PORC, read further updates and see several Internet resources by visiting the Orleans Online Website under: PORC. |
Sarsfield pig farm on hold Residents plan hog farm fight ![]() Council votes to appeal Sarsfield pig farm ruling Hog-farm battle goes to court (CBC News)
Sarsfield hog farm opponents suffer another setback Council creates hog free zone around residential areas Ottawa to debate proposed Sarsfield hog farm Sarsfield farm pigs out
![]() The owners of a controversial hog farm slated for Ottawa's east end are disappointed with a Tuesday court ruling,
but plan to persevere with their case.
The lawyer for the farm's owners, Ronald Caza, says his clients are disappointed that Justice Paul Lalonde agreed to halt construction. But he says his clients have a good chance ultimately of winning the case. "No one has told our clients that they don't have the right to do what they're doing," Caza says. In fact, he says, decisions to date have favoured his clients: "The chief building official gave the building permit because she was of the view that they were legally entitled to do what they're doing," Caza says. "Justice Roy basically denied the city's appeal, and confirmed the building permit because he was satisfied they were allowed to do what they're entitled to do. So every determination that's been made so far, as to what they are entitled to do, they've been successful," Caza says. The City of Ottawa is appealing the case because it believes the chief building official should take environmental laws into consideration. But Caza says his clients have implemented environmental precautions above what they are required to do. The appeal should be decided in the fall. Sarsfield pig farm on hold Council has valid concerns about environmental damage: judge By Zev Singer An Ontario Superior Court decision yesterday will keep a factory hog farm out of Sarsfield -- at least for the
summer -- because of the potential environmental damage the swine and their manure could cause. Residents plan hog farm fight Neighbours of looming factory farm meet to consider legal options Pauline Tam Residents near a controversial hog farm in Sarsfield should consider suing for trespassing if the plant is allowed
to be built. Council votes to appeal Sarsfield pig farm ruling McNeely 'heartened' by decision; By Ken Gray "I am very heartened that council has supported it by such a wide margin," Mr. McNeely said after
the vote. "So now we can get on with the appeal." Hog-farm battle goes to court ![]() The City of Ottawa is in Ontario Superior Court this week trying to overturn a building permit issued by its staff for a factory hog farm proposed for Sarsfield, in the city's east end. The city says its chief building official made a mistake in October when she issued the permit that would allow the construction of facilities for the 1,045-head hog farm.
Factory hog farms produce large amounts of manure and city council is worried that the farm's owners haven't shown they can protect the area's water resources from contamination. Councillors' distaste for the proposal led them to vote in an interim control bylaw to limit pig farms to 750 head. That's in effect until September 2003, giving Ottawa's chief medical officer of health time to complete a study on the health effects of large hog operations. For all of council's opposition, it's still the province that controls hog farms, and it won't stop the project. Plus, the Quebec-based company proposing the farm has met all the legal requirements for a building permit. However, the city argues that Arlene Gregoire should have applied its interim bylaw and that she didn't take into account other applicable laws, such as the Environmental Protection Act and the Ontario Water Resources Act. Sarsfield pig farm - building put on hold till February Sarsfield project on hold until court decision The situation has been developing since the farmers applied in July 2001 to the city to get a permit to convert
a 209-head cattle farm into a large-scale pork operation. At first, they wanted a 2,800-pig farm, but the city
refused on the grounds that livestock operations that size are bad for human health, with manure they generate
contaminates air and water. Sarsfield hog farm opponents suffer another setback (Posted 7:30 a.m., Dec. 9) By Fred Sherwin Opponents of the massive hog factory planned near Sarsfield are quickly losing hope in the battle to prevent the operation from going ahead after suffering yet another setback this past week. After the owners of the planned hog factory were issued a building permit in October, area residents had pinned their hopes on the city successfully gaining an injunction to prevent construction from going ahead. The case was supposed to be heard in Ontario Superior Court on Friday, but the proceedings were put off until February in order to give lawyers representing the owners time to go over all the evidence submitted by the city. While the lawyers were filing for an adjournment, however, at least three cement trucks were busy pouring a concrete slab in one of the buildings on the Lafleur Road farm. According to neighbour Marc Lafleur, the trucks made their delivery late Thursday afternoon. Lafleur is now resigned to the probability that the hog factory will be up and running before the case is heard. Lafleur’s sentiments are shared by Cumberland Coun. Phil McNeely who has led the fight to try and block the hog factory. “By the time it gets to court it’s going to be a fait d’accompli. They have a building permit. They’re going to go ahead with construction. By the time we get to argue our case for an injunction the pigs will all ready be on the farm,” says McNeely. That’s not exactly good news for a community that faces losing its only school. The French Catholic school board has announced plans to close Saint-Hugues at the end of the current school year. The school’s closure combined with the impending hog farm is having a downward effect on property values in and around Sarsfield. Past studies in other communities where hog factories have located have indicated property values can decrease by as much as 25 per cent. Dwindling property values aside, Lafleur is more worried about the future viability of the community he grew up in and the fact that young families are not likely to move into an area with a hog farm and no school. “It doesn’t look good for Sarsfield,” says Lafleur. Meanwhile there is news that the same company which plans to set up the hog factory near Sarsfield, Coté-Paquette, has been making inquiries about a farm near Navan. The land owned by Gilles Beaudry is located at the southwest corner of McFadden and Frank Kenney Roads about two kilometres from the centre of town and has the Bearbrook Creek running through it. According to reports the CIBC holds the title on the 700-plus acre farm and plans to put it up for auction in the near future. The fear is that Coté-Paquette will step in and buy the property and turn it into yet another hog farm. If they do they will likely have to file a nutrient management plan under the recently passed Nutrient Management Act known as Bill 81. That may be problematic given the fact that nearly half the farm is flooded for much of the spring from the swollen Bearbrook Creek. But McNeely points out that the hog factory operators could still use the remaining 350-plus acres to spread their manure and they have the additional ability to enter agreements to have the manure spread on neighbouring fields. “Bill 81 offers no disincentive whatsoever to these guys. They can put as many hogs in
there as they want and call it a ‘normal farming practice’,” says McNeely. Council creates hog free zone around residential areas (Posted Oct. 9) By Fred Sherwin Ottawa city council has raised the bar in its fight to keep factory hog farms away from residential communities by creating a three kilometre buffer zone around built up areas such as Sarsfield and Navan. The buffer zone would not affect existing hog farms which would be allowed to continue operating under a grandfather clause. The measure was introduced by Cumberland Coun. Phil McNeely and passed without any dissent. "Hopefully this will send a message out to the big pork producers that we don't want their factory operations within three kilometres of our communities. If somebody else wants them, they can have them," said a jubilant McNeely after Wednesday's council meeting. The idea of a creating a buffer zone was first raised by McNeely last winter when staff was trying to come up with a Nutrient Management Bylaw to regulate large farming operations within city limits. That process came to an abrupt end in June when the province passed the Nutrient Management Act or Bill 81. In creating a hog free zone around residential communities, council will likely come under fire from farming interests such as Ontario Pork and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture for singling out pork farms. McNeely says he fully expects the bylaw will be challenged by a number of groups including the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. "I expect they will and we'll deal with that when the time comes. For now, as a council, we've decided to take the initiative to protect the best interests of our residents," says McNeely. While the hog free zone will protect residential communities from new factory hog farm operators coming in and setting up shop, it does nothing to kill the hog farm proposed near Sarsfield. To deal with that problem, council passed a motion in-camera directing the city's legal department to seek legal advice in advance of filing an injunction against a building permit for the hog operation should one be issued by the chief building officer between now and when the Nutrient Management Act is finalized likely sometime in December. McNeely say the decision effectively gives legal counsel the green light to fight the province all the way to the Supreme Court of Ontario. Ottawa to debate proposed Sarsfield hog farm (From Cumberland Councillor Phil McNeely, July 9, 2002) The City of Ottawa, in a joint meeting of it's Planning and Development and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committees, will debate a proposal to deal with nutrient management and the proposed hog farm in Sarsfield. The meeting will take place Monday July 15, 2002, 10:30 a.m. in the
The report will allow the hog farm to open in Sarsfield, will allow it to grow to thousands
of pigs, will allow other Hog Factories of this type to open almost anywhere in the rural part of the City. (Please note that this item is being offered for informational purposes and does not
necessarily express the views of the Canaan Connexion. - Ed.) Sarsfield farm pigs out
However at one point, Ottawa Councillor, Phil McNeeley, representing the ward While the information session was being held in the main theatre, members of P.O.R.C.
(Protect our Rural Community) were holding a counter-meeting in a room upstairs. This photo shows part of a poster
outlinging several rural areas where pig farms would be considered acceptable. On Wednesday, February 27, the owner of the proposed Sarsfield hog farm, (Mr. Fontaine, seen
on right) offered a tour of Quebec pig farms to anyone interested. This was the scene just prior to the bus departure.
Marc Lafleur (in front of bus door) is being interviews by the French CBC Radio and Television media. Lafleur is
a member of P.O.R.C. and a neighbouring dairy farmer opposing the hog farm.
Here is another view of the hog farm site, looking west towards Sarsfield, just visible on the horizon. Note the frozen creek in the foreground. ![]()