Deadly ditches
killer creeks
Spring warning!
(Kids 'n creeks don't mix)

This is the run-off ditch near Cathy Cain Park, in Forest Hill II. It was built during
the project development to take the excess water away from the area. It eventually flows into the Beckett Creek
Kids seem to hold a fascination with water. How many times have you seen
a little tyke purposely run up to a puddle and stomp his or her feet in it?
Same thing with rivers, creeks, ponds and ditches.
Unfortunately with the spring run-off, which has already started in the area,
ditches can be deadly and creeks can be killers.
So our little reminder to parents and guardians... be extra vigilant in the spring.

This is the creek that runs through Forest Hill I.

Ditches like this one along Canaan Road
can attract young children during spring melting.

Part of the Beckett Creek system, this creek becomes a torrent during the early
spring season.

This is the main Beckett Creek, near Willhaven
and the Beckett Creek Road.
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Check out the water hazards in the Canaan area... see the pictures