Turtles can’t stop turbines Watch and slow down for turtles on the road Pioneering eye operation helps snapping turtle Urgently needed: Volunteers/generator/donations for Turtle Care Centre The Petrie Island Project - Nov, 16, 2003 |
For more news from the Turtle Care Centre, visit their Web site...
Turtles can’t stop turbines | |
![]() A story in the Thursday, February 20, 2014 issue of the Toronto Star carried an earlier story: Court favours wind turbines over Blanding's turtle An Ontario court has ruled that an environmental tribunal erred when it rejected a proposed wind farm that threatens the habitat of Blanding's turtles. Blanding’s turtle is in trouble again: An Ontario court has cleared the way for a wind farm that an environmental tribunal says will threaten the turtle’s habitat. The modest reptile had stood in the way of a wind farm at Ostrander Point in Prince Edward County. Read more... |
Watch and slow down for turtles on the road By Michele Andre-St.Cyr and David Seburny |
Species at risk
We can all do our part by paying close attention to the road and shoulders in these designated turtle crossing areas and near any pond, marsh, river, or lake areas from now until the end of September. Paying attention to the road can save a turtle’s life or help prevent a car accident. How to help a turtle cross the road? What to do with an injured turtle?
Turtles are long lived, and some species, such as Snapping Turtles can live for more than 60 years! By saving a turtle you not only help increase its lifespan, you also contribute to the preservation of a healthy ecosystem in your neighborhood. (Editor's comment: Some people think that the turtle crossing signs are a joke, and some drivers have been seen apparently driving over turtles on purpose. However turtles are similar to frogs and bees - they can measure the health of our world environment. We urge you to keep an eye out for turtles or any other wildlife when you are driving our roads. Even frogs and snakes can be seen by the alert driver. There are many turtle crossing signs in our area. Next time you see a sign, keep a sharp lookout out for the turtle. -Ed.) |
Pioneering eye operation helps snapping turtle | |
(By Sharon Lem,
QMI Agency) (Toronto - Dec 18, 2009) "Darth Vader" has snapped back following a pioneering operation.The elderly snapping turtle, aged somewhere between 50 and 75, is recovering at the Toronto Wildlife Centre following cataract surgery to its right eye. On Aug. 15, members of the sailing Club Mimico near Parklawn Road and Lakeshore Boulevard called the centre to report that the turtle had not moved from its spot beside a parking lot gate in three days. The rescue staff found it had lesions on its feet, there was dead tissue at the tip of its tail, its left eye was missing and its right eye had a cataract, said Nathalie Karvonen, the centre's executive director. "Snapping turtles spend much of their time in water and they don't eat on land and need to rehydrate in the water, but he was lethargic and didn't move," she said. Once treated for its lesions, the turtle was ready for cataract surgery. This type of cataract surgery is not known to have been tried before in a wild freshwater turtle. CAN LIVE 100 YEARS Snapping turtles are one of Ontario's seven at-risk turtle species. They're known to live up to 100 years. Veterinary ophthalmologist Dr. Joseph Wolfer at the Animal Eye Clinic donated his time and operating costs to remove the cataract in an eight-hour operation Wednesday at his clinic. "I've done cataract surgery on dogs, cats, birds and deer, but this was my first turtle and this was the biggest and oldest snapping turtle I've ever seen," Wolfer said. "It was more difficult in that you can't lie him on his back or his side, so you have to turn his head sideways. But once he was anesthetized, I was able to get the cataract out fairly easily," he said, adding that the surgery was a success. "We kind of nicknamed him Darth Vader because of this low hissing noise he makes," Wolfer said. Karvonen said the turtle will be kept at the centre until the spring, when he will be released into the wild. |
The urgent call is out: Volunteers needed to save and care for turtles | |
![]() She is putting out an urgent call for a power generator and financial donations to cover the costs of the treatment and care of turtles at the centre. Volunteers are also needed. If you can help, please call: (613) 446-9927 or visit their Web site and click on "Volunteers". |
The Petrie Island Project - Sunday, November 16, 2003 | |
Rockland's "Turtle Lady", Michele Andre-St. Cyr, working in a borrowed wet suite, clears the more than one-inch thick ice from the surface of the pond. (Photo - Patrick Meikle) |
For more news from the Turtle Care Centre, visit their Web site... |