Office of the Umpire,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. R.T.Chisholm,

P.O. Box 8966,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------410 Duke Street West,

Ottawa,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apt. 5,

ONTARIO KIG 3J2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------North Bay,

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ONTARIO PIB 6G1.

FAX 1-613-995-5008.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tel.(705)840-1522



January 8th, 1996.


Dear Sirs,

Robert T. Chisholm - S.I.N. 262-644-495 - CUB 28929, dated August 29th, 1995.

This concerns Mr. Chisholm 's letter and documentation dated December 11th 1995, transmitted to your office by FAX dated December 12th 1995at 1144 hours by Mr. Dean Fleury, Supervisor of Employment Programs at C.E.C. North Bay.

Mr, Chisholm wishes to communicate the following additional comments regarding his personal circumstances and what has led to them:-

1. His continuing lack of income, caused by the situation previously described, is threatening to break up his marriage and render him homeless. He also has two daughters aged four years and one year. The present crisis has been developing for several years, for reasons which can only be described as utterly stupid and which are not his fault.

2. For the strongest possible reasons, he considers that the people previously referred to who put him in this position were either negligent in their duties or were using arguments based on sophistry and deliberately ignoring important facts. For the same reason, he will not accept the current state of the economy as a relevant excuse for continued inaction and / or negligence in getting his rights enforced.

3. He cannot afford the usual waiting period for a formal hearing before an Umpire. He has already been made to wait a totally unreasonable length of time to get his rights enforced and hence those of his family and particularly his two children due to circumstances which were not and are not his fault.

4. As a professional engineer and a potentially important wealth creator in Canada, there many additional reasons why he does not appreciate what has been going on.

5. Mr. Chisholm would therefore appreciate it if you would discuss with him, directly, any questions that you may have arising out of his letter and documentation dated December 11th 1995, without delay, in order that his request for enforcement of his rights with respect to re-training and extension of his benefit period shall be implemented without delay.

6. Also, please note that he has moved since December 11th 1995 from 590 High Street, North Bay, to the Duke Street address shown at the beginning of this letter.

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                                                Yours faithfully,


ROBERT T. CHISHOLM B.Sc.Hons.(Eng.), C.Eng.(U.K.), M.I.Mech.E.(U.K.), Jr.Eng.(Quebec).