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February 2, 1996


Mr. Robert T. Chisholm

410 Duke Street West

North Bay, ON.

PlB 6Gl

Dear Mr. Chisholm:

Thank you for your letter of January 24th, 1996 in which you express your concerns regarding your dealings with U.I.C.

I apologise for not being available to speak with you directly.

Having reviewed your situation, clearly there is no assistance that we can be to you in your endeavour to have the Umpire include your additional requests.

The decision of the presiding judge is determined from the facts that are at hand and from what was contained in the dockets both you and the commission had at the time of your Board of Referee hearing and ultimately your hearing before the Umpire. Any changes should have and could have been made at that time if you felt that all the facts had not been presented.

While I sympathize with your situation, the legislation is very clear and cannot be altered to fit unique or individual situations.

Thank you for writing and I'm sorry that we are not able to be of more assistance.





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