Mrs. Marlene Catterall, M.P.,-------------------------------------410 Duke Street West,

2571 Carling Avenue,---------------------------------------------Apt.5,

Suite 204,---------------------------------------------------------North Bay,

Ottawa,-----------------------------------------------------------ONTARIO PlB 6Gl.




March 2nd, 1996.

For the attention of: Ms. Jackie Doyle.


Dear Ms. Doyle,

Robert T. Chisholm - S.I.N. 262-644-495 - U.I. Benefits.

You will recall the communications which I and Mr. Fleury sent to the Umpire's office in Ottawa, with particular reference to the one dated December 11th 1995 which contained the conditions which I wanted met.

My requests were passed to the Legal Services department of Human Resources Development by the Umpire's office; Mr.J.P. Langsner of the Legal Services Department then replied on February 12th giving his reasons for rejecting my requests. Copies of both communications are enclosed.

Once again, people involved in my case have not done their work properly. This time, it's Mr. Langsner. Another lawyer.


If you are going to get people back to work in Canada, then you are going to have to put a stop to this kind of time-wasting and bullshit from lawyers at the expense of people who are simply trying to get back to work. In Canada, you seem to think that you are very good at producing "legal" arguments to fob people like me off - but the fact is that the people who do this sort of thing really don't know what the hell they are talking about, and most of the offenders, from what I have seen, are lawyers. The trouble with Canada is that, to a large extent, it is controlled by poor quality lawyers - who then have to make stupid messes, such as the one that I am in, to cause problems such as mine to feed on themselves and hence make yet more work for lawyers, whilst contributing nothing to economic renewal in Canada.

A copy of my reply to Mr.Langsner, dated March 2nd, is enclosed So far as I am concerned, he has got everything wrong and accordingly I have dismissed his arguments as wholly inapplicable to my case.

Yours faithfully,

ROBERT T. CHISHOLM B.Sc.Hons.(Eng.), C.Eng.(U.K.),

M.I.Mech.E.(U.K.), Jr.Eng.(Quebec).