M. Guy Gregoire,------------------------------------------------410 Duke Street West,

Assistant Registrar,-----------------------------------------------Apt. 5,

Office of the Umpire,---------------------------------------------North Bay,

Place de Ville, Tower B,------------------------------------------ONTARIO P1B 6Gl.

112 Kent Street, 9th Floor,

P.O. Box 8966,---------------------------------------------------Tel.(705)840-1522



FAX 1-613-995-5008.

April 2nd, 1996.


Dear Sir,

 Robert T. Chisholm - CUB 28929 - Section 86 Application.

I am writing with reference to the letter from Mr. J.P. Langsner of the Legal Services department of Human Resources Development, dated March 21st 1996.

Mr. Langsner has not replied to any of the points made in Mr. Chisholm' s letter of March 2nd 1996, in which he opposed all the arguments in Mr. Langsner's letter of February 12th for refusing to refer Mr. Chisholm to the "ON-SITE" re-training programme, inter alia.

So far as Mr. Chisholm is concerned, the Commission does not have any valid arguments against his position; the arguments set down in Mr. Langsner's letter of February 12th were based entirely on false pretences and an incorrect analysis, itself based on those same false pretences.

At this point, Mr. Chisholm would like to draw the Umpire' s attention once more to paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 in his submission entitled "ROBERT T. CHISHOLM - BACKGROUND TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONS TO CUB 28929", dated December 11th 1995. He also wishes to emphasise that the Commission, by acting the way it has and refusing to agree to Mr. Chisholm' s requests, has been acting in direct and blatant contravention of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provisions concerning the right to life and security of the person. It should be self-evident that the right to life and security of the person are principally dependent on gainful employment to provide the necessities of life and the Commission, in Mr. Chisholm's case, has been acting as if these factors do not even exist.

Either the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms exists and is the law of the land in practice, or it is not. This applies as much to the right to gainful employment to provide for the necessities of life as to anything else. The re-training requested by Mr. Chisholm is necessary to Mr. Chisholm' s obtaining gainful employment, not simply for the purpose of expanding his knowledge base.

To pretend that Mr.Chisholm should be dis-entitled from retraining assistance as requested by him, under the circumstances previously referred to, simply amounts to an attempt to apply the Unemployment Insurance Act in a nonsensical manner to produce a nonsensical result. "Corrupt manner" would probably be a more appropriate description. If this charade is allowed to continue then Mr. Chisholm will probably be forced into an ever-downward spiral of poverty, depression, inability to provide for family, family break-up, divorce, desperation, crime, prison, disease and early death. And what will then happen to his wife and children? This scenario, if it is allowed to happen, will be one in which Mr. Chisholm will have been




prevented from making his contribution to Canadian society and in which his wife and children will suffer the same fate - all because of deliberate misapplication of the law for the purpose of preventing Mr. Chisholm from obtaining gainful employment. In addition, it would promote economic dysfunction in Canada.

The charade must stop - NOW. Therefore, Mr. Chisholm makes a final plea to the Umpire for agreement to his requests for assistance dated December 11th 1995.

ROBERT T. CHISHOLM B.Sc.Hons.(Eng.), C.Eng.(U.K.),

M.I.Mech.E.(U.K.), Jr.Eng.(Quebec).




Copies for Information.

1. Mr. Ross Taylor - Manager, Employment Programs, C.E.C. North Bay.

2. Mr. Bob Wood, M.P. for Nipissing.