Mrs. Marlene Catterall, M.P.,--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 Anna Avenue,

2571 Carling Avenue,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ottawa,

Ottawa,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONTARIO KIZ 7T4.






Dear Mrs. Catterall,

Request for Appeal to the U.I. Board of Referees - Un-justified denial of U.I. benefits.

Recently I bad a job as a painter, for 17 weeks, with Dean' s Professional Painting Inc. of 1757 Bank Street, Ottawa.

I officially left it on December 7th 1994, because my employers were in arrears with my wages to the extent of about 4 weeks; on several occasions, they had said that they were going to pay me and then failed to do so. Copies of the relevant correspondence are enclosed.

I filed a claim at the Ontario Ministry of Labour but they won' t even look at it for another 6 months on account of the backlog of similar cases. A copy of my claim is enclosed.

The total amount outstanding was $1839 and so far Dean' s have paid me $600 of this, with the rest due over the next 6-7 weeks.

I attended an information session at 2 p.m. an December 6th at the C.E.C. at 163 Greenbank Road, given by Margo Conacher. I specifically checked with her concerning my eligibility for U.I. benefits, having by then worked for Dean’s Professional Paintinq for 17 weeks, and it, appeared that there was no problem; there was no suggestion that any 20-week rule would apply in my case. Further more, under the circumstances, I really had no choice but to quit the job anyway. At the same time, I filed my claim for U.I. benefits dated December 5th.

I have now been refused U.I. benefits on the "grounds" that I worked for less than the 20 weeks which they say is required. A copy of the letter from H.R.L.C. and my Records of Employment are enclosed. This situation is due to my so-called "weak labour force attachment", notwithstanding my efforts to get work ( particularly in engineering or Human Resources Development-related work ), of which you are already aware (among other things).-

This has put me in a situation where I can't pay my rent for this month, or pay for other essentials.

I have a wife, three-year -old daughter and a new baby born on December 30th, to support.

I would appreciate it if you would lodge an Appeal to the U.I. Board of Referees, on my behalf. This is of the utmost urgency.

Yours faithfully,


ROBERT T. CHISHOLM B.Sc.Hons.(Eng.), C.Eng.(U.K.),

M.I.Mech.E.(U.K.), Jr.Eng.(Quebec).



1.             FAX to Dean' s Professional Painting Inc. dated October 25th, December 5 th and December 12th, 1994, respectively.


2.             Bounced cheque ($100) dated November 15th 1994.

3.             Claim filed with Ontario Ministry of Labour, dated December 12th 1994.

4.             Claim for U.I. benefits, dated December 5th 1994.

5.             U.I. benefits refusal letter dated December 22nd 1994.

6.             Records of Employment:-

-----------6.1.           Dean' s Professional Painting Inc.

-----------6.2.           Love Printing (May 1993)

-----------6.3.           House of Commons