A.C.J. Jerome, ------------------------------------------------410 Duke Street West,
Chief Umpire,--------------------------------------------------Apt. 5,
Office of the Umpire,-------------------------------------------North Bay,
P.O. Box 8966,------------------------------------------------ONTARIO PlB 6Gl.
ONTARIO KlG 3J2.-------------------------------------------Tel.(705)840-1522.
FAX 1-613-995-5008
April 10th, 1996.
Dear Sir,
Robert T. Chisholm - CUB 28929A, dated March 29th, 1996.
Mr. Chisholm received this in the mail yesterday, and has the following comments to make:-
1. This ruling implies that the only "issue" before the Board of Referees was "the number of weeks worked by the claimant". This is incorrect.
Mr. Chisholm' s request for referral to "ON-SITE" was brought to the Board of Referees' attention but the Board chose to ignore it and also chose to ignore the circumstances involving non-payment of Mr. Chisholm's wages by his former employer. The Board' s conduct ignored natural justice and hence the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and so was illegal.
2. This ruling also implies that the information presented by Mr. Chisholm in support of his Section 86 application only concerned his request for referral to "ON-SITE".
The information presented was for the purpose of detailing a request for an appropriate determination by the Commission which the Commission had failed to make, following CUB 28929, and it is this which is the "new fact" for the purpose of Section 86.
3. Kindly do not insult Mr. Chisholm' s intelligence by contributing to the time-wasting and legal bullshit which are making it impossible for him to obtain employment.
Your agreement to the additions to CUB 28929 detailed in Mr. Chisholm' s letter of December 11th 1995 is requested, without delay.
Yours faithfully,
ROBERT T. CHISHOLM B.Sc.Hons.(Eng.), C.Eng.(U.K.),
M.I.Mech.E.(U.K.), Jr.Eng.(Quebec).