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eligibility for unemployment benefits, and his eligibility for the "ON-SITE" program, and that the new facts presented did not concern his eligibility for that program but related to the "appropriate determination" which the Commission was to make pursuant to CUB 28929.

1 am not satisfied that the claimant has shown grounds for amending CUB 28929A or CUB 28929. The Umpire does not have jurisdiction to direct who should benefit from various programs nor to what extent, that is a decision for the Commission. Indeed, subsections 25(11) and 26(8) of the Umemployment Insurance Act state specifically that such decisions are not appealable to a Board of Referees or to the Umpire. While I sympathise with the claimant's concerns, I am confident that his case will be dealt with appropriately by the officials within the Ministry of Human Resources Development.

This application is dismissed for the reasons outlined above.

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