Canada Employment Centre,------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 Anna Avenue,

163 Greenbank Road----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ottawa,

Nepean,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONTARIO KlZ 7T4.


Tel. (613)798-1937.

April 10th, 1995.

Dear Sirs,

Robert T. Chisholm - Case no. 449-745 Appeal to the Umpire.

I wish to appeal the Board of Referees Decision on my case, dated February 23rd 1995. A copy of the Decision is enclosed.

The Decision ignores the fact that I had to quit my employment because of non-payment of wages by my previous employer. This situation is not contemplated in the Act. Notwithstanding this, the Decision pretends that reversing the decision of the insurance officer is "contrary to the Act". Hence I must reject the Decision of the Board of Referees as having no basis in law.

In addition to this, the Decision fails to observe the principles of natural justice relating to the right to life and the security of the person, incorporated in the Charter of Rights.

Furthermore, the Decision ignores the consequences for the economy of excluding me from "ON-SITE" and other re-training programmes available to U.I. beneficiaries. These consequences were quite clearly pointed out by me during the hearing; the Decision omits to even mention these consequences for the economy. This omission is both pejorative and incompetent.

Hence I demand that the Board of Referees Decision be reversed immediately, and that my eligibility for "ON-SITE" and other retraining programmes for U.I. beneficiaries be established.

Yours faithfully,


ROBERT T. CHISHOLM B.Sc.Hons.(Eng.), C.Eng.(U.K.),

M.I.Mech.E.(U.K.), Jr.Eng.(Quebec).

Copies for Information.

1. Mrs. Marlene Catterall, M.P. for Ottawa West.