Mrs. Marlene Catterall, M.P.,------------------------------------------------------------------------590 High Street,

2571 Carling Avenue,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------North Bay,

Suite 204,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ONTARIO PlB 6R6.


ONTARIO K2B 7Z2.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tel. (705)474-3059

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FAX (705)474-3059

FAX 1-613-993-6501


October 28th, 1995.


For the attention of: Ms. Jackie Doyle

Dear Ms. Doyle,

Robert T. Chisholm - S.I.N. 262-644-495 - U.I. Benefits.

You will recall our previous correspondence since January this year concerning this. You will also recall the involvement of the Board of Referees followed by the Umpire's office, and my interest in getting on to the "ON-SITE" programme.

I was obliged to move suddenly from Ottawa to North Bay during the first week of September. This was occasioned by my wife's decision to do a Batchelor of Education course at Nipissing University in order to formally qualify to teach French Immersion in the school system; this in turn was the result of possible full-time job opportunities failing to develop for either of us in Ottawa or elsewhere.

Since I last contacted you, I received the decision from the Umpire ' s office on my case, dated August 29th, and this is attached. As expected, my appeal was allowed. Two months have now passed since the decision and I still have no word of the details of the Unemployment Insurance Commission's "appropriate determination". I would appreciate it if you would find out what the Commission is doing without delay, and in particular whether they are going to confirm my eligibility for the "ON-SITE" programme for the normal placement period of 20 weeks.

Yours faithfully,


ROBERT T. CHISHOLM B.Sc.Hons.(Eng.), C.Eng.(U.K.),

M.I.Mech.E.(U.K.), Jr.Eng.(Quebec).



1. Letter from the Umpire' s office dated September 13th, 1995.

2. Chief Umpire' s decision dated August 29th, 1995 (reference CUB 28929).