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PART 1. Russell Mills' recommendations, made in his speech to the O.C.R.I. Awards Dinner in Ottawa on March 29th 2000, could probably summarised as follows :-


·         ITEM 2. In order to respond to the public concern about health care, we have to bring forward a set of policies aimed at wealth creation, and explain the need for these to support a public health-care system.

----Therefore, federal M.P.'s must be given powers to act as they see fit in order to solve a problem - instead of ---------being forced to brush it off or pretend that it is a "dead issue", or some such notion.

·         ITEM 9. Without a strong opposition, a dangerous concentration of power develops that is almost certain to degenerate into bad government. The recent controversy over Human Resources Department grants is a case in point. Ministers stonewall in the House of Commons and bureaucrats continue their careers unaffected. This is an indication that we have a serious crisis of accountability at the federal level. (If we are to have grant programs of this type, for corporations, then they must be properly run and - apart from social concerns - there must be clear positive results in terms of the investments yielding satisfactory returns to the tax base, as the basis for proof of economic viability.)

·         ITEM 10. Governments have an obligation to help those who cannot help themselves, but in a global economy, they must find new and more creative ways to do it. (This is necessary to ensuring that anyone who wants to work - and hence be a tax payer - is not prevented from doing so, indirectly by neglect or otherwise, by bureaucratic red tape, "lack of Canadian experience", etc.)

·         ITEM 11. We need immigration policies that are driven not by politics but by Canada's labour force needs in the global economy. We need taxation policies that will encourage entrepreneurs to start businesses here, that will encourage established companies to keep and expand head offices and research facilities here, and that will encourage talented young people to build their lives and careers in Canada. (All of this is necessary to maintaining and strengthening the tax base to pay for health care and other things).

·         ITEM 12. The federal government surplus should be given back to Canadians to spend and invest as they choose.



·         ITEM 2. Such policies must focus on the "economic generators" in Canada - which means exporters, the high-tech industry and others identifiable as playing a leading role in creating new jobs, across the whole range of professions and trades which make up the complete economy.

Further, with respect to H.R.D.C. in particular:-

(a) The Employment Insurance Act must be amended to specifically recognise the question of permitting somebody to become a tax payer, if dis-qualification from an H.R.D.C. – funded  program means that this would be made difficult or impossible.

(b) The Employment Insurance Act must be amended to waive the minimum "insurable weeks of employment" criterion, to "qualify" for E.I., in the case of persons who are forced to quit a job on account of non-payment of wages or salaries by the employer and impending or actual bankruptcy. Further, it must include new provisions concerning the recording of "exceptional" situations faced by applicants, and provide for the use of discretion in such cases.

(c) The "insurable weeks of employment" criterion for deciding whether someone should be admitted to a training or job-placement program must be abolished. It must be replaced by criteria based on proof of wanting to work, based on a combination of provable approaches to employers, actual work for an employer or client even if this is not "insurable" employment, skills maintenance and / or enhancement on the applicant's own initiative and voluntary work on the applicant's own initiative. For the same reason, the "Reach-Back" program must be amended because of its connection to previous "insurable" employment, which many people have been insufficiently fortunate to have - on account of having found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, or having found themselves dealing with the wrong sort of people, or both.

(d) The Employment Insurance Act must be amended to specifically recognize the Charter of Rights and Freedoms provisions concerning right to life and security of the person, because these are directly dependent on gainful employment. The definition of "right to life" and "security of the person" is NOT to be restricted to meaning only freedom of speech and freedom from physical assault or murder. Failure to address this automatically equates to failure to optimize revenues for the tax base

(e) No further resources are to be expended on applying certain regulations which serve to prevent individuals from becoming tax payers.

We don't want public opinion and policies based on ill-informed and pejorative crap, involving criticism of  immigrants on such "grounds" as being un-wanted competition for jobs, or suggesting that are not wanted. This is not in anybody's interest.

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