During the past week, the author learned of a Statistics Canada report concerning unemployment in the High Tech sector of the economy, in particular the following :-


ICT – Information and Communication Tachnology

CT – Telecommunications


In Ottawa, where the author lives, this is of particular concern on account of ca. 20,000 layoffs since March 2001 (most of these from Nortel and JDS Uniphase). The report contains data specific to Ottawa. The report ‘s approach measures the drop in numbers « Employed » in these two sectors, thus it seems to correctly state the true size of the problem in this sector.


From this we may infer that at least one federal government department  - Statistics Canada – knows all about what is happening.


Reference : « High Tech Boom and Bust », by Geoff Bowlby and Stéphanie Langlois.

Statistics Canada - Catalogue no. 75-001-XPE                        Summer 2002 PERSPECTIVES


However  it is questionable at present whether other federal government departments, the provincial government, the business community or the general public are paying attention to the information and acting on it.