LARKEN Lab-Bot 1616

Perfect compact CNC Router for the Classroom

  • 3D Modeling Milling 
  • Educational Applications 
  • Sign Routing 
  • WoodWorking 
  • Solid, precision constuction
  • 3D Digitizer ready
  • StarCNC Windows Controller
Lab bot 1616

Precision Quality Construction

Precision Thompson Linear bearings are on all axes. These recirculating ball bearings are extremely accurate and rugged. They guarantee very accurate reliable positioning and excellent cut quality. The hardened rails are bolted to the frame all along their length.
The table and frame are machined from  solid 6061 aluminum plate and bar that has been precision machined. We don't use hollow aluminum extrusions like other xyz tables.

Perfect for Complex Graphics

With the Labbot you can easily do complex jobs that you would have previously thought too difficult or time consuming, such as inlaying metal into wood or cutting out elaborate graphic shapes .

Our StarCNC USB Windows controller is compatible with all Cam programs like Fusion 360, Vcarve pro, Aspire, RhinoCam..etc. The spindle is a 1Hp Bosh router variable from 8000-24000 rpm.


Labbot 16/16 Specifications

XYZ travel . . . . . . . . 16" x 16" x 4 "
Z Clearance . . . . . . . . . . 6 "
XYZ Resolution . . . . . . . 0.0005"

Repeatability . . . . . . . + - 0.002"

Spindle type . . . . .. . 1 Hp Bosch
Maximum cutting speed . 100 in/min

Control type . . . Micro-Step Stepper motor 100 oz/in

Table Material . . .. Aluminum drilled and tapped plate (.375")

Shipping weight . . . . . . 150 Lb

XYZ table top space . . 24" x 30 "

Power required . ... 120 volt 8 amps

Computer required . Windows 32 or 64 bit, XP, Win7 , Win 10..

cnc made

The 1616 is manufactured on our high precision CNC Machining Center

larken cnc

Made In Canada since 1989

Larken Automation, 5350 Canotek Unit 13,

Ottawa, Ontario, (613) 746 5685


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