ANABEL Associates |
Monique Lussier - Memoriam 2014
(Click on the picture to sign the permanent online guest book) |
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Monique Lussier - Memoriam 2013
(Click on the picture to sign the permanent online guest book) |
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Monique Lussier - 60th Birthday
(April 9, 1952 - January 30, 2009) (Rockland, Monday, April 9, 2012) Today was Monique's 60th birthday. I wonder what we would have done for this special anniversary? Not only is the 60th considered to be a "diamond" anniversary, but the traditional birthstone for the month of April is also a diamond. Monique was not much for fancy jewllery so we would not have given her any diamonds. Although she did like watches, a habit I think she may have picked up from her older sister who had quite a watch collection. So I probably would have picked up another watch for her... she had about 20 in her collection. I spent a quiet day remembering and reflecting, and the time passed without much fanfare. The photo was taken on the occasion of her 51st birthday in 2003. That's her sons Emmanuel and Vincent at her favourite Lebanese restaurant. |
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Monique Lussier - Memoriam 2012
(Click on the picture to go to the Citizen online memoriam) (Click here to sign the permanent online guest book) It was an interesting weekend because although January 30 is the anniversary date, it fell on a Monday and Friday was the actual day of the week... so I have been quietly observing the event since then. I spent the day in quiet reflection and realized that memory is an interesting thing. In spite of the pain and misery that Monique suffered for so long, I only seem to remember the good times, the healthy days we had together but I shall never forget the courage and strength that she exhibited enduring the terrible pain that came with the disease. (Incidentally, you can leave a message on the current "Guest Book", but it will only stay up until the end of February 2012. However we have preserved the original guest book in perpetuity (forever**) and you can leave a lasting message here.) (**Of course we know that nothing lasts forever, but the guest book is supposed to last until at least as long as the company does ;-)
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Here are a few more photos taken over the years:
![]() Here is the memoriam as recorded in the January 30 issue of the Ottawa Citizen:
I also had a mass dedicated to Monique. Had to do it Sunday as there are no services on Monday.
![]() Memories of my best friend remain familiar and clear. Reminders are everywhere, they don't go away and they
shouldn't go away... sometimes they lead to tears and for the silliest of reasons. Like this evening The gesture touched me profoundly and emotionally and my The mass was also special because I thought of my mother as well. She passed away just three months to the day
and my aunt Jan and cousin Darlene in the catholic tradition have been having masses dedicated to her during the
Sundays in January. Did I tell you that I started going back to church? Not because I have to, but because I want to. I'm not getting preachy. I'm still the same impatient, sarcastic, often irreverent, over-eating, imbibing, sometimes lazy, lacking discipline, wannabe curmudgeon and old fart that I try to be. It's Monique's fault. I continue to make it a weekly event, again not because I have to... I am no fan of the current pope and the church hierarchy, I think he and they are out of step with today's reality and the "doubting Thomas" that I am, I falter at my faith, a hard thing to grasp. But thanks to Monique, I go. I found the perfect Sunday venue...the four o'clock family mass, short service, short sermon, in and out in
half an hour, and if wasn't for all the little ones distracting everyone with their crying and running around it
would be perfect (see I told you I was a curmudgeon... no they are not "Cute" they are undisciplined,
I guess I'm old school). And so another year has passed, and I remember. Thanks Monique. (In case you missed the notes above, I have put the original photo tribute to Monique on YouTube and the guest book is now perpetual, I guess that means as long as anything lasts today.) |
Monique Lussier - Memoriam 2010
From the Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, January 30, 2010 |
An E-mail sent to family and friends: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 It's a cliché to say this, but it really is hard for me to believe that it is now one year since our dear Monique passed away. I am sure that it has been a difficult time for many of you as it has been for me. There is not a day, nor more than a few hours in the day, that I am not thinking about her, or reminded of her, through little events, objects in a room, flowers and trees that she planted, and the many pictures that slide by on the screens of all my computers. Everyone says that time will heal all... another cliché, but everyday that ends gets a little better, and while I have received the help and support of family and friends like you, the grieving process is a road that one must travel alone. And yet we are not alone, because we believe that Monique is with us not only in memories but from that indomitable spirit that gave her the strength and courage to live to the fullest as much as she was able, right to the very last days and hours of her life. If I have not replied to your messages, or if I have not kept in touch as I should, I know you will understand. There is so much news I would have liked to have shared with you, or news that I would have liked to have passed on from other family members or friends:
Today Friday is the actual day that Monique left us, but Saturday January 30 is the actual date. I am sending this note to let you know that I have placed a "Memoriam" to appear in the Saturday edition
of the Ottawa Citizen, ( ). You will find it if you click on the "Obituaries"
link on the upper right-hand side of the page. Thank you again for your kindness, love and support. I cherish you all and only wish I could contact all of you. Please feel free to call or write or get together when we can... and if you would like to leave a message on the Memoriam, to share, you can click on: "Click here to View and Sign Guest Book". Finally, please pass this note on to anyone you think I may be missing. Best to all! |
A Celebration of Life
was held on Wednesday, February 4 Please come back again. Thanks! - Patrick
"Life's clock is wound but once, and no man hath the power |
We HAD visitations at the Brunet Funeral Home, 2419 Laurier Street in Rockland, Ontario. Their phone number is 613-446-4691 and their Web site is: Monique's wishes were to have a "religious" service, so Father John Decoste, chaplain at the Ottawa Hospital , who was so helpful during our difficult times, presided over the service. (We did not put an obituary in the Ottawa-Gatineau newspapers
due to the weekend and time constrains, however it did appear in the local Vision
Newspaper and as such will eventually be included in the National Archives as
an historical document. The obituary (below) also appeared on the funeral home website, along with a lovely picture
slide presentation which is now on YouTube. If you live in the Clarence-Rockland or Cumberland area you can also check out our community
news Web site The Canaan Connexion
and click on the obituary link.) |
Monique's Obituary![]() Ms. Marie Jeannette Monique Lussier Date of birth: 9 April 1952 - Date of passing: 30 January 2009 It is with great regret and sadness that we announce the passing of Marie Jeannette Monique Lussier, of Rockland, On., on Friday, January 30, 2009 at the age of 56 with her loving spouse and partner Patrick Meikle at her side. Daughter of the late Roland Lussier and Graziella (Berthe) Drolet. She was the loving mother of twin sons Emmanuel and Vincent. Sister of Pierre, Danielle (William Martin), Céline (Denis Gascon), Jean (Sylvie), Lise (Pierre Jacob) and Jacques (Sandra). Predeceased by sister Marie. Survived by nieces Marie Hélène and Sophie Lussier and Guillaume Jacob. Loved by her "second family" James, Suzanne, Shawn and Andrew Meikle and family friend François Geoffrion and admired and respected by family, friends, colleagues and all who met her. The family wishes to express their appreciation to all those who have helped, shared and prayed with us. Thank you for giving us strength. Monique was born in Montreal, Quebec and lived with her family until her twenties when she moved to Ottawa to attend Ottawa University to enroll in their translation program. After graduation she worked as a translator for a number of companies until the mid-1970's when she joined the RCMP as a "Civilian" member hired for her special talents as a translator. Her Regimental Number was: C/2332. (She and Patrick knew of each other as early as the mid-1970s as they worked in the same wing of RCMP Headquarters. However they did not have their first "date" until December of 1983.) In the early 1990's she resigned from the force to pursue a freelancing career and shortly thereafter with her partner Patrick, started a successful translation company, Anabel Associates. In late 2004 Monique was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time it did not appear to be serious, however in November of 2006 the cancer had moved into her lower spine area, crushing nerves and causing severe pain. 2007 was an awful year with continuing pain, surgery and admissions into hospitals which endured for a total of more than four months. In October of that year, while in the Ottawa Hospital (General Campus), Monique almost succumed to septic shock and spent many days in the intensive care unit. She was bed-ridden for close to three months. She had to learn to walk again, spending a fourth month in the rehabilitaion center. Finally in early 2008, Monique was able to come home, where she quickly resumed her translation work. She was never able to fully walk again without the aid of a cane, but she and Patrick lived a full life together until her passing. By late 2008, in spite of numerous radiation and chemotherapy treatments her cancer could not be arrested and she was given only months. She had great inner strength, an indomitable spirit and will and continued to translate up until the day before she was admitted into Elizabeth Bruyére Hospital on Monday, January 26. During all of this time she received great comfort and strength from her brothers, sisters and friends like you... and what is to me so profoundly significant, she did not once complain of her awful pain. She often expressed how frustrated she was and how annoying the continual visits to the hospitals and clincs were, but she never once complained of the pain. There are simply too many people to thank or to mention here, however a Web site devoted to Monique carries this information ( (A Celebration of Life service was held at the Brunet Funeral Home, Rockland, Ontario, on Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 at 11a.m. Family received relatives and friends at the Funeral Home from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday, February 3rd and again from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wednesday, February 4. Donations (Noted below) would be appreciated. Condolence messages and memorial donations may be made through Patrick at: meikle[at] ![]() |
Patrick's Eulogy to Monique As a former spy chaser I am going to share some secrets with you, but also as former spy chaser what I am about to say can't leave this room or else I'll have to kill you. Je regrette que le site web n'est pas bilange, et aussi je regrette que je va parler en englais, mais c'est parce'que je peut m'exprimer mieux en englais. I just apologized for not speaking more in English... all those years sleeping with a translator who talked in her sleep and I never improved on my French language! I first encountered Monique at the RCMP Headquarters where we both worked. She was a member of the force, hired as a translator and I was working for the Security Service in human source development... that was an acronymn for running undercover operatives. I used to write a daily quip or philosophical note on a large pad attached to my office door, and invariably whenever I tried to write something in my impoverished French, the next day I would find little corrections scrawled on the pad. I learned years later that it was Monique who was making the corrections. Shortly after this time I was transferred to Yellowknife, and after a few years, back in Ottawa, I saw Monique again. By now I was a single parent. We happened to take the same bus together and I would purposely sit behind her so I could watch her, and follow her into our office building. I thought she was so attractive. Some years later, very much attracted to her, I found out who she was so I could ask her out. One lady said "oh she is not for you, she has two young kids." That did not bother me, but what was difficult was screwing up the courage to call her. It took me about a week, and when I finally did, she made several excuses for not going out... one of them was... well I have two children. That's O.K, I said... I have four. Then she said something like... well I am involved with someone else. I was totally embarrassed. "I'm really sorry and I apologize, I said. Goodbye" and hung up the phone. About eight months later, lovely Mrs. Lamirande, one of her supervisors came up to me and said... "Monique would like to see you." "Monique who?", I said, not remembering. That was in December of 1983 and a few days later we had our first date. I felt like Ebenezer Scrooge when he awoke still alive after having seen the three Christmas spirits... I was as giddy as a schoolboy and twice as excited. Our first meal was rainbow trout and I remember saying to her... I am sooo excited.... I want to know all about you? She looked at me with a straight and serious face and said... "I don't talk about myself." It took some time but about four years later we started to share our lives together permanently.... and the rest as they say... After Monique passed away at Elizabeth Bruyére, Emmanuel, Vincent and I spent a couple of hours with her saying our goodbyes. We laughed, we cried, we reminisced... and I think it was good... a great weight was lifted and I felt relief knowing that she was no longer suffering. Allow me to borrow some thoughts from the obituary. Many of you have no doubt read it on the Web site, but for those of you who have not let me share this with you: Monique was the loving mother of twin sons Emmanuel and Vincent who are here today, as are brothers Pierre, Jean and Jacques, and sister Lise. Sisters Céline and Danielle are travelling abroad. They are as heart-broken as we and are very distraght that they can not join us in mourning, but they do send their love. (Continued above...) ![]() |
(Thank you so very much for your phone calls and messages of condolences below... I wanted to share them with you as I believe it shows how much Monique was loved, admired and respected by all who knew her. I wish I could respond to all of you.) (NOTE: I have put links to some of the people where I could. Others you will readily find if you do a Google search. If you have a link you want to share, please send it to me... AND...for previous information, on Monique, click here.) |
Condolences and messages received: I am sorry for the pain you must be feeling right now. I just want to say we really appreciate all that you
have done for Monique during those difficult years. She was a good person in every sense of the word. If you
need anything I would really like to know. I just read the news about Monique. I am really sorry and I feel very sad. I want to thank you again for every thing you have done for her. Specially, the last two years have been very difficult for both of you and you were always at her side. Denis and I can't be with you but you know that our thoughts are with you. - (Sister) Céline Lussier et Denis Gascon, Montreal My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love... - (Cousin) Cory Ashworth, Vancouver I am so sorry for your loss. I send you my love and prayers. - (Patrick's Cousin) Darlene Poulin, Ottawa So sorry to hear of Monique's passing...I hope time will help you to find solace in the special time you had together...take care Patrick... - (Patrick's Cousin) Theresa Foster, Victoria Sorry to hear the sad news. We wish you strength in the days ahead as they can be difficult at times. Please along our condolences to Vincent & Emmanuel and the Lussier Family. All the best. - (Friends) Morlen & Brigitte Reynolds, Sarsfield (Rockland) This is the worst day of your life. I know. But your faith, your own strength, and your many, many friends will see you through. Monique will always be with you, As will we all. - (Friend) Rosaleen Dickson, Ottawa ![]() I cannot claim to know exactly how you must be feeling now. I do know, from you, how difficult a journey the past four years has been for both Monique and you. I am saddened by her passing. But in this time of grief, remember how blessed you are to have had such a wonderful relationship with your spouse and best friend. You're a good man and I wish you peace. - Christopher Guly, Ottawa We want to offer you our most sincere condolences. - Harry & Mireille Jennings, Ottawa Dear Patrick, Everyone on this list and everyone you know are tremendously sympathetic and sincerely wish you peace at this difficult time. With love, - Shannon Lee Mannion, Ottawa I'm sorry for your loss, and I'll be thinking of you over the next few days as you prepare for the formal goodbye. The informal one will take a lot longer. God bless. - Pandora Ballard, Ottawa So sorry to here, Patrick. my heart goes out to you. hugs. - Amanda Earl, Ottawa (Bywords) Please don't worry about replying to this message. I just wanted to say that I'm very sorry to hear the news about Monique. - Matthew & Carolyn Barritt, Ann Arbor, Michigan My thoughts and deepest sympathies are with you at this so very painful time of loss. May your dear Monique's memory forever be a blessing to you and yours. - Rona Shaffran, Ottawa (Tree Reading Series) ![]() I am so sorry to hear about your wife. May you find the strength through your friends, family and prayers to sustain you in this most difficult time. - Mary Ann Simpkins, Ottawa May I extend my sincerest condolences. - Roy Mayer, Ottawa I am so sorry to hear this dreadful news. You are in my thoughts. - Jon Pierce, Ottawa Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your spouse. I regret that I never had the privilege of knowing Monique. Sincerely, - Valerie Knowles, Ottawa Monique was ever a warm, bright lady and the perfect person for you. Though I did not see a lot of her over the years, she was ever gracous and hospitable to a tee. You, and Monique, have always been very thoughtful of me... - Allan Levine, Ottawa On behalf of the members of the VWG I offer you our sincere sympathy. Monique battled long and hard against this terrible disease. I doubt that there is one family that hasn't felt the cold shadow of cancer, but each victim is unique and dear to the ones who love her (or him) and irreplaceable. We know that words do little to ease the pain you are feeling, but we hope our thoughts and prayers will let you know that we care. May God bless you, Patrick and give you comfort. - Mollie Pearce McKibbon (Valley Writers Guild) My prayers are at your service. May God give Monique repose, and you the strength to see you through. Peace. - Paul Mackan, Ottawa We are very sorry for your loss, Pat. Monique was a very nice lady and I'm sure she will be missed by all who knew her. Stay strong, Pat, we're with you if you need us.Our deepest condolences. - Nicolas, Steven and Joanne Francoeur, Rockland ![]() May you feel Monique near in every treasured memory. With sympathy. I love your list and the way you keep the writing community in Ottawa connected. Thank you! My prayers are with you at this sad time. - Tracey Briggs, Toronto (Humber College) Our deepest sympathy in this time of berievement. Monique has taken her path to her eternal destination, as someday, so will we all. Despite the profound loss and sorrow you must be experiencing, we hope you can find some comfort in the fact that someday your paths will cross again. - Stan & Pauline MacIntyre, somewhere in Florida ;-) With healing thoughts and deepest sympathies to you and yours, sincerely... - Evelyn Voigt, Ottawa(?) I am very sorry to hear your news, Patrick. Take care of yourself. - Mary Dufton, Ottawa I'm so very sorry for your loss. May you find the strength to cope. My thoughts are with you. - Richard Bercuson, Orleans. ( Richard has recently written a book: "Assume the position - One guy's journey through prostate cancer". I urge you to check it out... click here.) I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Patrick. May you have the strength, love and peace to get through the coming weeks and months as you adjust to this profound change in your life and may you gain comfort in feeling Monique's presence with you when you need it. - Susan Hickman, Ottawa I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You have served this community faithfully even while you have gone through a terrible ordeal. We all appreciate your work, and I offer you my deepest condolences. - Mitchell Caplan, Ottawa (Producer/host of CHUO's Click here.) ![]() We want to express our deepest sympathies for your loss. We will always remember Monique as a kind and generous person. We are thinking of you during these difficult times. - Marc de Caraffe and Lucie Guertin, Gatineau, Quebec Dearest Patrick: Such terrible news. Our hearts go out to you. You are the best friend the writing community has--and not just here in Ottawa. You know, I'm sure, that we're all with you at this time. - Melanie Fogel, Freelance Editor & Writer We are so sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you at this difficult time. We were amazed at what a strong woman Monique was, out there everyday walking and always a wave hello. Please feel free to call on us at anytime if there is anything that you need. - Kathy and Rob Legault, Rockland I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost your wife. I wish to extend my sincere condolences to you and and the family. It is a sad time. - James B. Forsyth, Victoria, BC (Founder and CEO of the RCMP VETS NET) (Monique was a former member of the RCMP as a "Civilian" member hired for her special talents as a translator. Her name appears on the "Last Post" honour roll link" on the Vets web page. Scroll down to January 30, 2009.) Please accept my sincere sympathy on your beloved Monique's passing. I do believe, as Rosaleen said, that she will always be with you. At this point, I pray that many blessings will be yours as you grieve. Sincerely. - Virginia Lafond, Ottawa Our prayers go out to both of you. I cannot begin to imagine how hard it must be for you to accept the situation. May God give you the strength to be there for her and comfort her in her last few days. - Grace Elasmar, Toronto (Canadian Urban Transit Association) So sorry to hear about your wife. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. - Terry Tyo, Ottawa (Transcontinental media) ![]() |
The condolences below were sent between February
1 and February 13
NOTE: I have put links to some of the people where I could. Others you will readily find if you do a Google search. If you have a link you want to share, please send it to me... AND...for previous information, on Monique, click here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My deepest sympathy... - Maranatha It's been a difficult road, but the two of you shared it together, and that makes it well worthwhile, even with this sad parting. Know that you'll have the endless support of friends and admirers. Tim Lougheed, Ottawa My thoughts and sympathy are with you. Though I never met Monique, I can tell from occasional e-mails in which you mentioned her and from your website how much she meant to you. Jean Van Loon, Ottawa I was so sorry to hear of your loss. May Monique's memory be a blessing. Rachel, Ottawa I too add my sincerest wishes for peace and know that she will always be watching over you and guiding you. She was a wonderful, kind and big-hearted person and I am glad to have met her. You have many friends and family to help you along this part of the paths of life. Take care my friend whom I admire and greatly respect. - Valerie Nault, Ottawa This is one time that your message is so heartbreaking. Ron and I are so very sorry to hear of your loss. You have our deepest heartfelt condolences. With you Monique had and gave the very best of gifts in love and life. After a very long and valiant battle Monique is now at peace. Our prayers are with you Patrick as are our offers of help in any way at all. Please call on us at any time at any time. May God Bless you and your loved ones and bring you comfort and solace in your times of need. With kindest regards. - Aimee and Ron Britten, Ottawa ![]() May a former student offer her sincere condolences at the loss of your wife? I remember your mentioning her sometimes in our freelance writing class. Based on how you spoke of her, we could tell that yours was a special relationship. This must have been very difficult for you. Be comforted in knowing that so many of us are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. - Chris Taylor, Ottawa I'd like to add my sincere condolences to those already sent on the passing of Monique. - Gill Foss, Carp May I extend my sincere condolences. Your story is one of love, strength, and courage. My memory goes back to a lovely summer party at your house several years ago. My very best wishes go out to you and your children. I admire the way in which you shared Monique's journey. - Iris, Ottawa Patrick, I am so sorry to hear that Monique has passed away. What a terrible, sad time. You are in my prayers, my dear friend -- we'll see you soon -- and if there's anything we can do, please call. - Lorna & Steve, Ottawa Dear friend Patrick, I had been praying for both of you. Every day. And will continue in the hope you shall find consolation and strength. You will not be alone! I am so very sorry for your loss. I have known through our many meetings the depth of your dedication to Monique. Through the friendship you and I built up over time, and though from afar, I share your grief. I look forward to seeing you upon my return and we can, then, resume orgarnizing the World as it should be: just and fair. - Philippe Landry, Rockland (From his winter retreat in Florida) My heart and prayers goes out to you your family and Monique's. Thank you for letting us know. Monique was a fighter but the battle for her is now over and may she be at peace at last. As for you, know you have the love and support of all of us and we send positive vibes and prayers for all of you. Memories will live on and take those with you as you start your journey through the grieving and getting back to living a different pattern and way. Know you are in my thoughts. Take Care. Much love prayers and warm polar hugs. - (Cousin) Nancy Meikle, (Either Australia or Iqalauit, Nunavut?... nursing) ![]() Please accept my most sincere condoleances for your loss. Since we last spoke in December, I've been thinking a lot about you and Monique, and have visited your Website a few times. I'm so sorry... we'll be thinking of you often. Bon courage Patrick. - Jacques & Claudette Delisle, Gatineau I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Best regards. - Christine Kees, Ottawa (My old writing class) May the good Lord guide and keep you and the family strong and well at this terrible time. - Mike Heenan, Ottawa My good friend, I'm fighting a big lump in my throat, and my spirit is standing beside you. I never got to know you well enough to know how you would cope with this kind of loss, but I suspect you will have tears and a huge empty feeling. You and she must have talked about how your life would change, so I hope your discussions give you a measure of comfort now. All of your many friends are waiting in the wings to stand beside you. I hope you will be open to them. After establishing contact with you again after all these years, I'm happy to know that you had Monique for a good part of your life. - Steve McGovern, Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia I heard this sad news... and I would like to convey my deepest condolences. Monique was a colleague for many years I will always remember her fondly. - Louis King, Ottawa I am really sad to hear about Monique's passing. Please receive my most sincere condolences. I know that you are an extremely strong and logical person but these have to be the hardest times for you. My wish to you is that you find consolation in knowing that she is at peace and no longer suffering and that all the sad memories will be superceded by happy ones. Take care and keep in touch. Sincerely, - Lorraine Seguin, Ottawa My best thoughts and prayers are with you... I am very saddened by this news. - Célyne Malette, Gatineau (Translation Colleague) ![]() My deepest sympathy to you and all in Monique's family. What an amazing, spirited, lady she was, and for her to have kept translating for so long is unbelievable. Since the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame benefited from her diligence last month, I am particularly grateful, and didn't have a clue that her condition was deteriorating when she sent me our translated release. I hope the good memories will far outshine the recollections of her pain and suffering over the last few years. I will be thinking of you all on Wednesday morning. Sincerely, - Nean Allman, Toronto (Coordinator, Canadian Mining Hall of Fame ...where you will find some of Monique's work listed amongst the inductees.) I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my request (for subscribing to the Writers Deadline!! List) and giving me information about your family. Take care. - Sue Winter, Ottawa Please accept our deepest sympathy for the loss of your dearest wife, friend and partner. Monique has been in our prayers and will remain in our prayers ... gather strength from her memories and take care. Your neighbours, - Christine and Gerry Louis-Seize I am very sorry to hear your news, Patrick. Take care of yourself. - Mary Dufton, Ottawa I am sorry I couldn't go to see you all today. We are praying for you all. All our love. Monique was such a fighter. We had so many great moments when (worked together). - Sergine Croussett & John, Ottawa So sorry to hear about your wife. I wanted you to know I received your phone message. I'm sorry I never stayed in touch with the family and never had the privilege of knowing her. Just wanted you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong. - (Patrick's Cousin) Louise (& Brian) Blanchard (Sicotte-Poulin), Kimberley, B.C. ![]() So very sorry to hear of your loss. How sad for you ...there are no words to express how this must feel for you. So many of us are going through these terrible traumas and I am so sad for you that you have had to endure this pain. She was so lucky to have had you as a partner and such a caring soul mate. I found this litle poem ... not that it will ease your pain but it helped me deal with some thoughts I was carrying about'... You can shed tears that she is gone,
![]() Dearest Pat and Family, We just wanted to express our deepest sympathies to you and your family over your loss. God Bless. - Love Derek and Family You have my deepest sympathy, my friend. Losing your best friend and spouse, after her difficult fight, has been very tough on you. I know they always say only time heals such deep wounds. That always seems to ring hollow during such painful times as you are going through. I am sure you will treasure the many wonderful times you shared together. This will keep you going above everything else. Do take care of yourself, my friend. Best regards, - Larry & Margaret Comeau, Ottawa I just found out about your great loss. Please accept my sincere condolences. My prayers are with you and your extended family during these difficult moments. - Monique Traversy, Public Health Nurse, Ottawa Public Health, Rural Health Program for Cumberland Ward I was sadly touched when I read of Monique's death. The members of the Clarence-Rockland Environmental Society and I wanted to let you know that you have our greatest sympathy. We know that Monique's passing will leave a void in the hearts of all those who knew her. In her continuing fight against cancer, Monique set an example for all of us, about how to be strong and courageous. God bless you, Patrick. With heartfelt condolences. - Danièle Vinette, Rockland I was saddened to learn of the death of your spouse, Monique Lussier. May the Lord have mercy on her and on those she left behind, especially you and your families. - Tim Halderson, Rockland (Member of St. Edith Stein Catholic Church parish) |
NOTE: I have put links to some of the people where I could. Others you will readily find if you do a Google
search. If you have a link you want to share, please send it to me... AND...for previous information, on Monique,
click here.![]() |
We take each day one at a time and hope for the best... |
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We have so many people to thank for their help and kindness over the past years and we will be providing a rather long list in the near future. |
For donations on Monique's
behalf Here are the links for two local organizations. You can read about what they do specifically and then decide if you want to pursue either of them:|
(Please let me know if you find any broken links.) |
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