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(Online etiquette)
We got so tired of people sending junk mail, hoaxes, urban legends and filling our e-mail screen
with reams and reams of C.C. addresses, that we started this netiquette page.
Please feel free to contribute to... tips on polite usage of the Internet.

There has been much written about Internet etiquette... behaviour in the use of e-mail and designing Web pages. ANABEL Associates has included some of the more important Netiquette guidelines here, with further references below.

1. Sending e-mail:

2. Answering/editing e-mail:

3. Multi-addressing:

4. Change-of-addresses:

5. Attachments (Overly large)

6. Spam (junk mail):

7. Annoying, unecessary and


9. Hoaxes and urban legends:


Sending e-mail:
sending an e-mail message use an appropriate "Subject" and even "identify" yourself if you can. There is so much spam (junk mail) and potential viruses being sent today that many people are using filters in their e-mail software to weed out unnecessary messages.

Simple words like "Hello", "Hi", "Remember me", etc., or unsolicited offers for products, lotteries and the like are generally all spam and we filter them out regularily, so if you do not send an appropriate subject line, your message will likely be deleted without being read.

Use something like: "Meikle says: Here are the class pictures I promised"

You know Meikle and you know that he took pictures of your French class...

So... if you do not recognize the name of the person sending you e-mail, or if the subject is not familiar, no matter how tantalizing, delete, delete, delete!


Answering/Editing e-mail:
answering an e-mail message do not quote the entire incoming message. Keep only important parts of an incoming message as references and cut out all other material, including original header information like: ADDRESS:, TO:, FROM:.


addressing more than one person, or a list of people, address the message to yourself, then include all the other addressees in the "b.c.c.:" portion of the message headers. This way the receiver will only see his/her name at the top of the incoming e-mail.

Here are three reasons for not sending messages this way:

1. It takes up unnecessary space and bandwidth on the I-Net and is considered to be annoying by some to have to scroll through this long list before one gets to the message.

It reveals the identity of everyone on you list and could be considered a privacy issue as many people to not like to be openly identified.

It allows for unscrupulous people to take "your" list and make it vulnerable to spam and virus mongers.


Please advise your correspondents when you have an
e-mail change-of-address.


Attachments (Overly large graphics, pictures, PDFs, etc.):

  1. Be aware of the size and number of attachments you are sending. Some people have a limited amount of space on their Internet provider's server. If the attachments are too large they simple take up valuable real estate on the server, fill it up too quickly and then block and bounce any further incoming messages, some of which may be much more important than yours. Let your receiver know in advance if you are sending large attachments.
  2. Also be aware that many people are using telephone "dial-up" service. Large attachments can take literally hours to download at slower rates of speed and they actually tie up the e-mail software so the person cannot send out any messages until the attachment is downloaded.

NOTE: As a matter of course, unless it is business-related and we know the sender, we do not open any attachments ( Documents, PDFs, graphics, etc.) because of the risk of viruses and the high level of junk mail (spam). If people are sending announcements or notices to our community news Web site (Canaan Connexion), or to our local Ottawa writers list (Writers' Deadline!!), we ask that they include the news within the body of their E-mail. We do not accept attachments on those two Web sites!


Spam (junk mail):
The best thing to do with
spam (unsolicited and unwanted e-mail) is to:
~ Erase the message without opening it. If you open the message you run the risk of setting off a virus if the message contains an attachment.

~ Do not reply to the spammer, or take up any offer to unsubscribe. Doing so will only confirm that they have found a legitimate e-mail address and the junk will continue.

~ You may wish to report offensive junk mail to your Information Service Provider and ask your ISP what the best method is for handling junk mail.

NOTE: Most competent and reliable Internet services are now providing good anti-spam and anti-virus controls that you can incorporate into your incoming e-mail.


Annoying, UNSOLICITED, boring, unecessary E-mail:
Please don't send us unsolicited jokes or the latest and greatest Web sites and information unless we request it or sign on to your mailing list. It simply takes up too much of our valuable time and becomes annoying after a while... our "Delete" button is starting to wear out! Especially DON'T SEND CHAIN LETTERS for peace, prayers, health, happiness, etc.


When sending messages, do not use only upper case letters.

( Better still, learn to type and use proper capitalization ;-)


Hoaxes and urban legends:
Check your sources before you flood your family and friends with needless warnings about viruses and requests to help needy children. Often times these "the-sky-is-falling!" missives are only
hoaxes or urban legends. Find out more on viruses and hoaxes by clicking on our viruses/hoaxes link.
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Other resources

Netiquette Home Page

 Netiquette Guidelines

Online Netiquette Uncensored
See what were the top 3 breaches of Online Netiquette?

 Master the Basics

ALSO do a Google search on "Netiquette" for more...


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