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Patrick's Resume
(The older he gets, the more he adds!)

Patrick Meikle
Patrick Meikle
"The Connector"

My goal is to be a self-supporting
author, living in the country,
preferably by water...

(On a good month
I'm self-supporting,
I live in a small development
on the edge of the country,
and in the Spring, we get
lots of water!)

The 1980s

Writing / Editing / Research / Consulting / Desktop

236 Cardinal Crescent Rockland, Ontario K4K 1K9
Office/Home: (613) 833-1547   Mobile: (613) 612-1547
Writing, editing, researching, desktop/web/html publishing
Canaan Connexion Website - Clarence-Rockland
Online News Editor and Webmaster, 1998

  • The Canaan Connexion is a "community news" Website that focuses on a large regional area on and around the Canaan Road, which is the border between the Cities of Clarence-Rockland and Ottawa. It carries news, features and valuable resources for the residents of the community.
Anabel Associates Translation
Partner and Administrator, 1997
  • Translation services (English into French)
  • Visit the website

National Press Club - Ottawa, Circa 2005-2006

  • Member of the Board - (Membership Chair).

Vision Newspaper - Clarence-Rockland
Columnist and occasional news story contributor, 2001

  • Vision is a weekly community newspaper serving the City of Clarence-Rockland, located on the eastern border of the City of Ottawa. (My Vision page.)
  • My columns are Canaan Connexion and Standing Pat. They alternate each week.

Frontline/Executive Magazines - Associate Editor, 2004

  • Worked as an associate editor with Frontline and Executive (no longer publishing) Magazines, but primarily with Frontline which offers a forum for intelligent analysis of issues relating to Canada's uniformed services (Defence-Security-Policing).

Internet Institute - Ottawa - Instructor, 1998-2000

  • This long-term contract involved teaching Internet Basics, courses to private and government clients, including Algonquin College and Public Works. It included Internet tools (browsers, e-mail, downloading), advanced search techniques and a special on-going class: Job Searching on the Internet for persons on Employment Insurance. Familiarity with Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer, multi-Websites, search tools, Usenet and mail lists. Responsible for upgrading class materials and a devoted Web page for clients (www.net-inst.com).

Menagerie Magazine - Director of Sales & Marketing, 1998

  • A magazine "for pets and their people" (A short run, for me and the publication.)

Monitor Computer Magazine - Online News Editor, 1997-2004

  • Monitoring multi-subscribed news services (CNET News, MSNBC News, News.com, Canada Newswire, etc.), e-mail and fax news releases to produce four online weekly columns that kept up with the computer and Internet industries and their new products. This involved editing, writing, re-writing content then converting into HTML language for posting to the Monitor Website.

OC Transpo - Writer-Editor, 1990-1996

  • Produced monthly and quarterly bilingual newsletters (OC Transpo's Circuits and Para Transpo's Para News)
  • Produced internal communications, briefs, and external news releases, on-the-bus take-ones,
  • Produced brochures, posters, community and newspaper advertisements and features for transit-related trade magazines
  • Researching, interviewing, writing, editing, and photography
  • Production: graphic design and layout to camera-ready (Quark Xpress)
  • Coordinate translation and printing with several regional firms
  • Speech writing for general manager and Regional Chair
  • Coordinated computer platform transfer (IBM/Mac/Vax)

System Operator - Writers' Deadline!! Bulletin Board Service, 1990-1998

  • On-line computer information service, which pre-dated the Internet
  • Offering data, research and E-mail to local writing community

Ottawa Board of Education - Freelance Writing, 1988-2003

  • Teaching "Freelancing for Magazines" to adults and developing their skills to become freelance writers. Working from the idea phase, through to research and investigative techniques to produce a story and market it to magazines and other clients. (Many students are now working for magazines and newspapers and in other writing-oriented positions.)
  • Teaching "Community Newspapers From A to V" (Advertising to Volunteers), to people working on community-based newspapers
Freelance writer, editor, Internet/computer consultant 1982-1997
  • Online news editor - conversion to HTML (Monitor Magazine)
  • Internet website/HTML publishing (Websites include: Anabel Associates, Canaan Connexion, Valley Writers Guild, Ottawa Independent Writers, Turtle S.H.E.L.L. Tortue.
  • Research, writing, editing, news and features, various community newspapers, magazines and government.
  • Internet-computer searching for clients and writing research
  • Computer Consulting (entry level to FreeNet and Internet)
  • Computer training, consulting for City of Ottawa seniors' workshop
  • Consulting for several writing and small business clients
  • Manuscript evaluations for client publication
  • Writing, editing, desktop publishing several in-house newsletters
  • Types of Writing: Advertising/Marketing, Brochures, Desktop Publishing, Editing, Lecturing/Public Speaking, Newsletters, Newspaper Editing, Teaching, Writing/Journalism, Writing obituaries, tributes and family material for private clients.
  • Publications: Frontline, Executive, Vision Newspaper, Canaan Connexion Community News Website, Monitor Computer Magazine, Circuits, Forum, Habitabec, Orleans Weekly Journal, Newswest, Orleans Star, Para News, Passenger Transport, Transpo, Ottawa Computes, Government Computer Magazine, Environment Canada's "Let's talk Green", Canadian Authors Association Newsletter, Blue Jay/Forest Hill Community Association Newsletter Editor, RA Photo Club Newsletter, RCMP Quarterly.
  • "Google" me under "patrick meikle" (use quotation marks).

Newswest community newspaper - Managing Editor, Writer, 1982-1990

  • Editing, writing, advertising, layout, circulation, board liaison, volunteers
  • Later served on the Board of Directors for several years

Aldermanic Ward Assistant - City of Ottawa, 1985-1988

  • Alderman Nancy Smith - St. George's Ward
  • Aldermen Bob Morrison - Carleton Ward
  • Alderman Terry Denison - Queensboro Ward
  • Advisor to the Aldermen; Research - analysis and briefing; Communications to Government (all levels - Private Industry/Individuals); Office Administration, File procedures, Computer systems; Policy Development; Writing - articles, letters and memorandum; Public relations.

Habitabec housing tabloid - Editor, Writer, 1985-1986

  • Editing, working with writers, layout and print coordination on a weekly basis.
  • (Housing industry - construction, maintenance)

Public Relations Consultant - Michelle Kay and Associates - 1985

  • Personnel agency: Communications and interviewing; Developing new clients and servicing existing accounts within government and industry

Clerk - Natural Food Stores - 1985

  • Clerk and cash for Natural Food Pantry and Food For Fitness - Ottawa, Ontario

Communications Officer, Secretary and Board Member - 1983-1986

  • Dovercourt Housing Co-operative, Ottawa, Ontario - Original incorporator and member developing and building a new 40 unit complex; Close liaison with government and private housing organizations; Developed policy, by-laws, educational guidelines for membership development; Budget administration.

Oblate Fathers of Mary Immaculate - 1964-1965

  • In the early part of my career for a 15 month period, I left the RCMP to study the priesthood, wherein I worked in their mission fields in northern British Columbia and studied at their Novitiate in Arnprior, Ontario.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police - 1962-1984

  • Career as a Peace Officer and Intelligence Officer
  • Completed a 20-year career with the force, most of which was actually spent with the Security Service, in the area of domestic intelligence where extreme tact and discretion were required.
  • On two occasions, posted to separate "detachments" responsible for two large geographical areas (NWT and Northern Ontario)
  • Work included: Law Enforcement, Federal and Provincial Statutes, Security & Intelligence Branch; Instructor - Training and Development; Human Relations; Management of Human Resources; Report Writing and Editing; Research and Analysis; General Office and Financial Administration; Public Relations.
  • Read his Force background "In another life..."

Professional musician - Keyboards and vocals - 1959-1998

  • Restaurant/lounge entertaining, dances, private parties
  • Park Lane Piano Bar
  • Opened the Newport Restaurant, home of the famous "Elvis sighting Society"
  • Had a trio in the 70s called Shadow

National Press club -
Member and on the board of directors (Site)
PR Newswire - Member
Ottawa Independent Writers -
Former member and on the board of directors (Site)
Professional Writers Association of Canada - Member (Site)
Valley Writers Guild -Member and former board member (Site)
National Capital Freenet - One of the earliest members (aa134) (Site)

High school, university, RCMP training
  • High School: St.Paul's College, Winnipeg, Manitoba; St.Louis, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
  • Senior Matriculation: St.James Collegiate, Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Some university: (Arts, History, Sociology) St.Paul's (Winnipeg) and Laurentian (Sudbury)
  • RCMP Academy, Regina: A ten month course, covering some 140 courses including: Criminal Law, Federal & Provincial Statutes, Report Writing, Public Speaking, Human Psychology & Domestic Relations, Driver Training, Firearms, Foot Drill, Physical Fitness, Swimming, and Equitation (The last of the horsemen.) (Typing was the most life-practical course taken!)
  • RCMP Career Courses: Radar Speedmeter Operation; Drug Identification Seminar, Intermediate Management and Personnel (Management Techniques, Interpersonal Relations, Basic Psychology); Instructional Techniques and Effective Presentation (Adult Teaching Methods and effective use of audio visual aids.); Legal Aspects Seminar (Updating Criminal Code, Federal and Provincial Statutes, and the Canadian Human Rights Act.); Computer Concepts and Narrative Storage and Retrieval on IBM Mainframe Systems; Intelligence (Link Analysis) Course - Research, development and evaluation of data to produce conclusions, predictions, written materials, etc., for specific intelligence consumers

Other Courses/Workshops
Community college and professional training

  • 2000 - Web Page Design (Parts I, II and III) - Certificate
  • 2000 - Training the (Internet) Trainer - Certificate
  • 1998 - Internet: I Fundamentals (Basic); II Advanced Searches; III Advanced Techniques (Beyond Basics) - Certificates
  • 1996/97 - Marketing/Recycling Course - Sponsored by Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) - a professional writing and mentoring program with Barbara Florio Graham.
  • 1995 - Advanced Writing and Interviewing Workshop - (This comprehensive two-day workshop was delivered by Thomas Hunter, journalist (Wall Street Journal), author and former chief-editor at McGraw-Hill)
  • 1993 - Information Provider Workshop (Training in Unix-based computer language to provide and input information for volunteer organizations on the National Capital FreeNet community-based computer information system)
  • 1993 - Producing Effective Newsletters (One-day comprehensive workshop)
  • 1990 - Quark Xpress course - Algonquin College
  • 1988-1985 - Annual Writer's Conferences - Carleton University - Ottawa Independent Writers (Annual event taking workshops on various forms of non-fiction and creative writing including Editing, Desk Top Publishing, and Comedy Writing)
  • 1987 - Introduction to MS-DOS Computers - Heritage College - Hull Campus - (15 week course introduction to MS-DOS, Wordperfect, dBase-III, Lotus 1-2-3.)
  • 1987 - News Gathering Workshop - Ottawa University - Two weekend course given by former CBC foreign correspondent, David Levy
  • 1986 - Local Area Network (LAN) Seminar - (Workshop to understand the principles of hooking up several computers together in an office setting) - Canadian General Electric
  • 1986 - Male Modelling Workshop - Two day workshop to develop the basic skills for senior male modelling - used to research/develop story idea
  • 1983/89 - Community Newspapers Workshops - Co-ordinated by City of Ottawa (On-going), Editing, Layout, Advertising, News gathering
  • 1983 - Journalism I - (Newspaper news writing and editing) - Algonquin College
  • 1983 - Writing/Marketing for Publications - O.B.E. Evening course
  • 1983 - Ottawa Valley Storytellers Workshop - Tony German (Six week practical lecture series on creative writing for publication) - University of Ottawa
  • 1983 - Editing and Production - Heather Lang-Runtz (Ten week course on all aspects of putting a magazine/newspaper publication together) - High School of Commerce
  • 1983 - Practical Writing Workshop - Periodical Writers Association of Canada
  • 1982 - Magazine Article Writing - Non-Fiction Writing/Marketing - Library Research Methods - Hawley Black (Three courses taken at Algonquin College and with Periodical Writers Association of Canada.)
  • 1981 - Life Drawing Course - Three month practical course in drawing of live models


  • Proficient in Quark Xpress, WordPerfect, MS Word
  • Experience in HTML conversion and Web page design
  • Internet-computer searching for clients and writing research
  • Computer Consulting (entry level to FreeNet and Internet)
  • Computer experience (IBM and Macintosh systems)
  • Councillor Assistant to various City of Ottawa Councillors
  • Chair and Board Member to several volunteer organizations including: Dovercourt Housing Co-op; Chair - Newswest Community Newspaper; Blue Jay/Forest Hill Community Association; Ottawa Independent Writers; Valley Writers Guild and National Press Club.
  • Public Relations Consultant for personnel agency
  • Public Speaking (MC-ing various functions)
  • Semi-professional photographer
  • Rural postal delivery experience


  • Languages: English with a working knowledge of French
  • Hobbies/Interests: Swimming, environment, re-cycling, birding, disabilities and rehabilitation, Internet, leisure and lifestyle, seniors and retirement, RCMP Vets, transportation, transit, music-piano/organ, reading, tape-recording, photography.

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