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Well, it's been three years that I have been living with Dad and Lulu the Doberman.  Everything is great and recently Dad got married so I now have a new Mom and a couple of new fur brothers and sisters.  Our family has grown tremendously and I have adapted to them pretty well. 

I have felines now in the family and I guess I kinda like them.  Well, I have no choice because they keep rubbing up against me which is annoying but Dad says that I have to take it all in stride.  I have a pretty cool little canine sister named Julia.  With my 155 lbs and her 5 lbs we make one heck of a force to be reckoned with.  My brother GSD and I get along pretty much but he irritates me at times because he tries to be the boss ... but again I take it with a grain of salt. 

So I just wanted to let you know that everything is great.  Dad rocks, Mom feeds me goodies when Dad is not looking and all my brothers and sisters (including those darn cats) are living a pretty awesome life.  Thanks for letting me hang out at your shelter until I found this great home.  I am comfortable, loving the indoor life, being fed amazing food, I get daily walks and I get brushed quite a bit.  I hope that everyone you find homes for are as lucky as me.  If I could tell all those dogs and cats that are at your shelter something, I would tell them to hang in there.  There is someone for everyone.

All the best,

Bo the Anatolian



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