name is Charlie and I came to live with my new people on January 17,
2011. I'm a very lucky dog. I get to play in a huge back yard, I
have lots of toys and I even get to sleep in bed with my peeps. The
Mom and the Dad always tell me how special I am and how happy they are
that I came into their lives. The Mom and the Dad always make sure
I'm taken care of and play with me all the time.

I don't really like the cold, but I got a custom made winter coat to
keep me warm in the winter. I have gone from rags to riches for sure
..... and I'm lovin it ............
Wow, I even get all the belly tickles and cuddles I want ....... oh
.... they feel soooooooo good, I can't tell you.

really love my new home and maybe the Mom and the Dad will bring me
home a playmate tomorrow.
I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to update you on how I have been
doing, but the Mom and Dad keep me pretty busy.

I have enclosed some pictures of myself and I hope to come visit with
you tomorrow to help pick out a friend. Mom said I can have a friend
..... I'm so excited ........
Thanks for taking care of me while I was with you, but quite frankly
...... I like it here better!!!!
See you soon!!!
(aka Guido) :)
July ’11 …
friends at the SPCA:
This is Charlie with an update! Last time we spoke, I said Mom said I
could have a friend. Well, things changed in a big hurry! On June 2,
we went for a drive in the car and I was surprised. Yes, this is the
day I was going to choose a new forever friend. After visiting with
some really special friends, there was a little lady I cast my eye
upon and it was magic. Her name is Sophie.
I could tell she was afraid but I just knew if she would come to live
with me and my peeps, she would be the happiest puppy ever.
few days later, we went for another drive in the car. I was so
excited, cuz Mom said we were going to pick up my new forever friend.
Sophie was coming to live with us!! She was coming to the best
forever home a puppy could ask for. I just had to convince her of
When we arrived at home, I took Sophie around her new forever home and
showed her all of my toys and that she was welcome to play with them.
I knew she still was very afraid and shy. But I gave her the
space she needed to rest and recuperate. Soon, Sophie started to come
out of her shell a bit. It took some coaxing, but now ......... we
are both loving life .....
Wow!! what a blast when Sophie started to feel better. We have so
much fun now that she is stronger and is not so shy anymore. She and
I wrestle, play with toys, tug and chase all the time.
is such a welcome presence and I really think she is starting to
believe what I told her the first day we met. She sure is starting to
look like the happiest puppy ever. See for yourself in the pictures.
She is simply gorgeous!! I can't wait to see her after spa day
......... and the fun part is I get to go to the spa too.
Who knew???? I would go from a stray on the streets, alone and hungry
to a
Prince enjoying spa day with my forever friend, Princess Sophie, and
Mom!! What a stroke of luck for both of us!!
Well, that's the update. I will keep in touch and send some new pics
spa day.
(aka Guido)

Update July ’11 …
everyone, it's Charlie here with another update.
We had an awesome spa day. I got a nice warm bubble bath and a blow
dry. My nails were done and I even got a new manly bandana. Laura at
Village Paws in Russell was very nice to me and she even told the mom
I was a very good boy.
I feel fantastic after my haircut, just a little off the
bottom ... literally!!
My new home was the best, so I thought, now it's even better with my
new best friend, Sophie. Wow! What a good friend to have. Life is
soooooo much sweeter with someone to share it with.
We both love it here and love the mom and dad for bringing us home.
What a stroke of luck.
Well, I must go now, time to wrestle with Sophie and I might even
squeeze in a nap with the dad.
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