everyone, this is Sophie. I'm writing you to tell you all about what
has happened since I met my new people on June 2, 2011. This is the
day that changed my life forever and I'm so excited to tell you all
about it.
Although my new people chose me on June 2, I wasn't able to go to my
new home until June 5. I had to have my surgery. Well, let me tell
you, when my new people and Charlie came
to pick me up I was so scared and still a little under the weather
from my surgery. But, they took me home and made me feel comfortable
right away. My new people love to cuddle, which is good; I didn't
have to spend time teaching them. Anyway, it was awhile before I got
my appetite back, but a can of tuna sure fixed that.
I started to eat I felt much better every day. The stronger I get,
the better I feel and the more fun I have. I am living the life of
the Princess I always thought I was. My Mom grooms me every few days,
I get to sleep in the big bed, under the covers if I want to!! And I
have the best playmate and friend ever! And soooooo many toys
........ Oh my Dog!!!! I watched Charlie play tennis ball with the
Mom and I got so excited I started to feel like I wanted to play too.
Charlie let me right in. It was fantastic, he
let me play tennis ball too, and he didn't even get angry .........
wow!!!! What a guy!!!
have even been allowed to be with Charlie during the work days.
Yup, I graduated from being in the crate. Yahoo!! So, Charlie
and I get to play and wrestle all the time. We play tennis ball (my
favorite thing) outside in a huge back yard. I get so excited when
the Mom and Dad come home from work ..... cuz I know it's time to play
The Mom has already ordered my custom-made winter coat and my jammies.
Good thing, I'm not a fan of the cold. Mom says I'm such a loveable
Princess that
my coat and jammies need to be pink. I can't wait for my first
I love getting all the belly tickles and play time I can handle. I
feel more loved every day.
and I are two very lucky puppies. We got chosen. That means we are
wanted and that makes us feel so special. We wish everyone would
choose one of our friends from the SPCA and get the chance to
experience what it feels like to be wanted, pampered and truly feel
the love!!!!
Oh!!! And the Mom even scheduled a spa day for us. Yup!!!!
Goin' to the spa!!!!! Princess all the way around!! Getting the full
experience!!!! Can't wait!
Mom says I have come a long, long way and have gotten so much stronger
in the few weeks since I came home. I feel like a whole new dog!!
Life is now grand!!!
you for everything you did for me. I appreciate that you took me in
when I had nowhere else to go. You gave me a second chance at having
kind of life I highly recommend!!
I will be in touch after spa day with some new pictures, but for now,
are some recent pics.
Thank you again.
Love Sophie
July ’11 …
everyone, Sophie here, wow, has my life changed in the last 5 1/2
weeks. I had a spa day yesterday and let me tell you, I feel like a
whole new Princess. I got a bubble bath and an amazing haircut. It
shows off my now fantastic figure.
My hairstylist is at Village Paws in Russell. Laura was very
nice to me and she gave me a fantastic haircut and made me look like
the Princess I actually am.
Then she put little bows in my ears. I'm really too cute for words.
has made me feel so welcome here and he plays with me all the time. I
could never imagine having a best friend to share my life with.
My new mom and dad are taking super good care of me and I feel so
comfortable and wanted here. I just love it.
What a life I have now ......... life of fairy tales. Most
Thank you for taking care of me when I was at your place, you did a
great job! You did your job amazingly well. But, seriously, this
really is the life I was destined to have.
Lovin' life large .....
Hugs to everyone.
Princess Sophie
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