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E-mail to “Partners for Jobs” team July 13th 2000




Date:  Thursday, July 13, 2000 9:44 AM



Date: Thursday, July 13th, 2000  Did you have a chance to look at my web site yet? 


One topic which I have not covered on my web site, so far, is the dispute concerning "Partners for Jobs" versus Ontario Workfare.  Something has to be done to stop this and to dissuade John Baird from carrying out his threat to withold funds from the R.M.O.C. for not pursuing Ontario Workfare aggressively enough. If John Baird actually does this, then all it will actually be doing is to work against generating tax revenues for Ontario as well for the federal government - quite apart from social concerns; in addition I don't like the idea of myself and other unemployed people being used as political footballs to no purpose, on account  of this. The Ontario government is also arrogantly assuming - incorrectly - that people like myself won't have the knowledge or power to do anything about it.  If there is clear proof that "Partners for Jobs" is producing better results than Ontario Workfare, then we should be persuading John Baird to  make an exception and to consider adopting it for the rest of Ontario  - based on better returns (in the form of tax revenue) on investment, apart from other considerations. It would be in the Ontario government's interest to operate in this way - based on seeking to maximise the returns to the tax base on a given sum of money invested , apart from other considerations.  I was annoyed this morning by the appearance in my mail box of a fold-out Ontario government brochure, "Making Welfare Work", which put forward some plausible but incomplete arguments in support of the Ontario workfare program. We don't need confusion being spread as a result of such plausible but incomplete arguments.  It seems to me that what we need is a comprehensive and complete evaluation of Ontario workfare versus "Partners for Jobs" for the public to view, according to an agreed set of criteria. I could  do this for you, through my web site - but of course will need further information than I currently have. Some money and support for getting my web site publicised would also help. Why don't we discuss it with Dick Stewart, among others?  I have more ideas, arising out of the Caledon Institute report "Survival of the Fittest Employment Policy" among other things, but will leave these for a future occasion.


 Regards, Robert T. Chisholm.

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