Coach Chris Demers

Coach Qadeer Ahmed

Chris Demers will once again be coaching our Bantam team this year.   Chris has been coaching with the Raiders organization for 9 years at the Peewee and Bantam level.  He has received his NCCP Level 2 certification, and has completed the Level 3 Technical course.   Chris played football for 6 years in the NCAFA, and 2 years in the Midget league for the Ottawa Trojans. Many a Fan, Official and Player have heard the roar of the "Tigger".

Qadeer Ahmad is entering his 10th year as a Coach in the Raiders organization. Qadeer has extensive experience working with youth both on and off the football field. He is a member of the American Football Coaches Association. As a player, Qadeer was with the former Rochester Lions of the NCAFA league and also played professional level soccer for the Seattle Sounders.  Qadeer also is trained in peak performance techniques, and teaches these to Olympic and professional athletes at workshops and training camps.

Coach Ron Karam

Coach Mike Nowak

Ron Karam takes on the Head Coaching assignment for our Mosquito team.  Ron has 5 years coaching experience with the Raiders and 9 years as a player in the NCAFA and High School leagues.

Mike Nowak takes up the Head Coach responsibilities of the youngest aged players in the club.  Mike played football in Montreal for North Shore from Atom up to Junior.  This is Mike's second year coaching with the Raiders.

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