Here are some stories dealing with the proposed Urban Boundary Expansion in the Cumberland
area. We will be adding more to this page as information develops. ![]() ![]() Saturday, 23 May 2009 - An updating note from Cumberland resident Tamara Belle-Isle Clear cutting of trees east of Cardinal Creek... investigated by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - people from the area are angry Cumberland residents fight urban boundary expansion 'It's a bad practice developers should think twice about doing' Councillors consider a bylaw to put an end to clearcutting just outside city's urban boundary Homebuilder makes case to expand east urban community Cumberland residents upset over proposed expansion of urban boundary Residents slam urban boundary expansion |
To find more stories about the Here are some related stories to the Urban Boundary Expansion: (You can click on the links) Tuesday protest to call for end of city sprawl (Citizen - May 11, 2009) Ottawa's official plan update underway (Citizen - May 11, 2009) Urban-suburban split heats up over land use Coalition for a Sustainable Ottawa makes debut with rally (Citizen - May, 12, 2009) Urban expansion highlights infrastructure deficiencies (Public delegations begin for Official Plan review - May 14, 2009, Orleans Star) Groups protest urban boundary expansion ( Urban growth unsustainable, residents charge - May 15, 2009, Orleans Star) Drawing the line on urban expansion ("It's not enough to limit where we build, we have to look at what we build, too" - By Randall Denley Citizen - May 17, 2009) |
Cumberland resident Tamara Belle-Isle updates the community | |||
(Editor's Note: The views expressed by Ms. Belle-Isle are her own. We are providing this information as
courtesy to the Cumberland residents.)
Hello Everyone, Today's Ottawa Citizen (Saturday, May 23, 2009) has an article regarding the trees cut in Cumberland. You can find it by clicking here. To date about 50 residents have written letters to City Councillors declaring their opposition to the urban boundary expansion into Cumberland. Ten residents spoke to city council on May 12 to explain why this expansion should not be approved. A petition with over 400 names was submitted on May 12. City Councillors will debate the issue on Tuesday May 26 and will vote in the next couple of weeks. This is our last chance to persuade those Councillors that may be undecided or may not fully realize the implications of their decision. Lack of adequate transportation, enormous cost to the city for development in outlying areas and the loss of rural land and woodlands are some of the many valid reasons to oppose this expansion of the urban boundary into Cumberland. Please, write a brief e-mail to the Councillors or a letter to the editor of the Citizen to keep this issue in the forefront. Tamara Here is a list of E-mails for members of the Joint Rural Affairs and Planning and Environment Committee Peter.Hume@ottawa.ca rob.jellett@ottawa.ca Peggy.Feltmate@ottawa.ca Doug.Thompson@ottawa.ca Glenn.Brooks@ottawa.ca Eli.El-Chantiry@ottawa.ca Jan.Harder@ottawa.ca Bob.Monette@ottawa.ca Jacques.Legendre@ottawa.ca Gord.Hunter@ottawa.ca Clive.Doucet@ottawa.ca Michel.Bellemare@ottawa.ca Steve.Desroches@ottawa.ca Shad.Qadri@ottawa.ca diane.holmes@ottawa.ca Back to top |
Clear cutting of trees east of Cardinal Creek investigated by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - people from the area are angry | |||
The Ottawa Citizen is reporting that Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources officers are investigating the clearcutting of a forest just outside Ottawa's eastern development zone after roughly 50 hectares of established forest was razed. The area is part of the urban boundary extension that has been slammed by local residents,
organized by the Cumberland Village Community Association. More... |
Cumberland residents fight urban boundary expansion | |||
Background: The City of Ottawa is considering changes to the urban boundary which in
On Tuesday, April 14, close to 300 people crowded into the Lions Hall in Cumberland Village to attend a public
meeting on the urban boundary extension, organized by the Cumberland Village Community Association. Most of those
attending were against the expansion. We have two stories
'It's a bad practice developers should think twice about doing' - Councillors consider a bylaw to put an end to clearcutting just outside city's urban boundary | |||
Landowners must be stopped from razing environmentally sensitive woodlots on the outskirts of Ottawa in the hope
that bare land will stand a better chance of being approved for development, two influential city councillors say. Councillor Rob Jellett represents Cumberland ward and chairs city council's rural-affairs committee, and Councillor Peter Hume represents Alta Vista and chairs the planning and environment committee. Both say in many cases recent and past, it's clear trees have been cut because landowners think without them the chances of land being approved for development by city council are better, or they are trying to avoid conservation rules and designations later in the municipal planning process. "They do it because they think it betters the chance of getting to do what they want," Hume said. "It's a bad practice that developers should think twice about doing. "It's creating a serious image problem for the development industry and the city. The city looks totally ineffective and powerless, and the development industry looks crude." More... Back to top |
Homebuilder makes case to expand east urban community | |||
Story courtesy Fred Sherwin - Orléans Online Representatives from Tamarack Homes and the Taggart Group of Companies faced members of the community during a public meeting Monday night to explain why they want the city to expand the east urban boundary and allow them to go ahead with plans for a massive subdivision that will eventually grow to 4,500 homes over the next 15 years. ![]() Ted Phillips (Photo-Meikle) from Tamarack Homes made a thorough presentation of the company's plans which call for 4,500 homes to be built over the next 10 to 15 years in the area bordered by Innes Road to the south, Cardinal Creek to the west, the Ottawa River to the north and Ted Kelly Lane and Frank Kenny Rd. to the east. During his presentation, Phillips tried to dispel the fear that the 4,500 homes would be built overnight. The reality is that Tamarack would likely build between 150 and 250 homes a year, depending on demand, with a probable peak of 400 homes a year. More... Back to top |
Cumberland residents upset over proposed expansion of urban boundary | |||
Story and photo courtesy Fred Sherwin - Orléans Online![]() ![]() More than 200 residents packed the Lions Maple Hall in Cumberland Village last night to find out more about the proposed expansion of the east urban boundary beyond Trim Road. The standing room only crowd heard city planner Leslie Patterson (standing left in photo) explain that the city is considering increasing the amount of vacant land available for development by 850 hectares, which would give it a large enough surplus to meet the it's needs for the next 22 years. But to do so will require expanding the city's urban boundary. Staff is currently assessing 11 different possible locations where expansion can take place. The total size of the areas is 2,000 gross hectares One of the locations being considered is an area bordered by Cardinal Creek in the west, Old Montreal Road in the north, Ted Kelly Lane and Frank Kenney Road in the east and Innes Road in the south. (To continue the story, click here.) Back to top |
Residents slam urban boundary expansion | |||
Story and photo courtesy EastOttawa.ca With the city's urban boundary up for review, dozens of rural residents came out to protest a ![]() Though there are two areas in the east end up for inclusion in the revised urban boundary as part of the city's mandated, five-year Official Plan review, it's the section east of Cardinal Creek in Cumberland Ward – 337 gross hectares of general rural area land – that has raised the ire of residents. While concerns voiced at the meeting ranged from overburdened infrastructure to crowded roads to destruction of rural culture, the core issue was the potential future creation of an "Orléans-type" subdivision there. "This represents about 28 per cent of the total (being considered for urban boundary extension) for the entire city of Ottawa," said Tamara Belle-Isle, the CVCA's city liaison and community development coordinator. "It looks like nothing to city councillors, but to us, we might recognize it as a beautiful stretch of land." Her concerns lay with a preliminary proposal for a portion of the property put forward by Tamarack Homes at a March 31 city committee meeting, which she said calls for more than 4,000 homes and an additional 12,500 residents. (Click here to continue this story) Back to top |