Headlines for Cumberland Village
Cumberland second only to downtown when
it comes to new construction in the capital
(March 26, 2014) Council approves dates for advanced
voting for 2014 Municipal Election
March 18, 2014 - Order of Ottawa nominations now open
Ottawa Public Library, Cumberland Branch improvements
2013 AGM - Cumberland Township Agricultural Society
Mobile App for Ottawa Garbage Collection Schedule
Cumberland Ward Councillor Stephen Blais collapses at gym, rushed to hospital
Cumberland Village Remembrance Day 2012
Small amphibious plane crashes near Cumberland Ferry
Cumberland Lions install access ramp to Maple Hall
Saturday, August 25 Cumberland Art in the Park
Dale Cemetery - Look up any headstone online
Cumberland Ward included on shortlist for new landfill
Local artist features work on her own website
Cumberland Farmers' Market opens for 2011
Ottawa live streaming Council and Standing
Committee Meetings
Dale Cemetery offers up forgotten history
Green bin pickup has begun and now changes to garbage pick-up
Cumberland Village rural review on Monday, April 4
Phoney water testers calling Cumberland residents
March 2011 Issue of Police Services Board Quarterly Newsletter
City proposes renaming Blackburn Bypass extension after former Cumberland mayor
Cumberland Councillor Stephen Blais appointed vice-chair to Agriculture committee
Cumberland Village loses beloved Dr. Kennedy
Cumberland's connection to Cairine Wilson
Click here to read the archived Cumberland Village news
Cumberland second only
to downtown when it comes to new construction in the capital (The Ward, not the Village) |
(Ottawa Sun, Monday, April 14, 2014) – The Ottawa Sun carried a story saying that "The east
end ward of Cumberland, in urban vernacular, is on the come up."
The latest housing start numbers from the CMHC for March 2014 have Cumberland scoring second place, behind the
downtown core, with 19 per cent of overall new construction -- the highest share in activity in the region since
2010. Read more... |
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Council approves dates for
advanced voting for 2014 Municipal Election |
(Ottawa, March 26, 2014) – With the 2014 Municipal Elections in Ottawa taking place on Monday, October
27, City Council has approved dates for advanced voting to allow eligible voters more opportunities to make their
Special advanced voting will occur on October 1, 2, and 3, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m,, and regular advanced voting will
occur on Thursday, October 9, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday, October 18, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Exact advanced
vote locations will be determined later this year.
In the 2010 Municipal Elections, a total of 42,181 voters cast a ballot over the two advance voting days.
Follow @ottawavote on Twitter for updates and news on the 2014 municipal elections. |
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Order of Ottawa nominations now open |
(March 18, 2014) The City of Ottawa is now taking nominations for the Order of Ottawa and Brian Kilrae
Award for Excellence in Coaching for 2014. The Order of Ottawa recognizes people who have made significant contributions
to the city in arts and culture, business, philanthropy and more.
The coaching excellence award is meant to recognize an amateur coach in any sport who exemplifies
leadership and commitment.
Nomination forms are available at any community centre, public library or city client service
entre. The deadline for nominations is September 1.
For more information, click here.
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Ottawa Public Library, Cumberland Branch
improvements |

(Monday, March 4, 2013 ) The hours of operation of the Ottawa Public Library’s Cumberland
branch will be modified from Monday, March 18 until Friday, March 22 to receive improvements. From Monday to Thursday,
the branch will be open from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. and will be closed on Friday.
The book drop will be available all week. The nearest alternate service locations are the Blackburn
Hamlet (199 Glen Park) and Orléans (1705 Orléans) branches.
For more information contact InfoService at 613-580-2940 or
InfoService@BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca or visit BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca.
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2013 AGM - Cumberland Township
Agricultural Society |
(EMC News, Posted Thursday,
January 31, 2013) The Cumberland Township Agricultural Society, which runs the annual Navan Fair, offered some updates at the recent annual
meeting for its upcoming 68th fair year, to be held from August 8 to 11.
- This year's theme: "Stirrup Some Fun"
- Springfest planned for June 15
Award Winners:
Several awards were given to the members who have gone above and beyond.
- The Sam and Janet Rathwell Family Award went to the Charlebois and Levesque family.
- Audrey Hamilton received the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Service Diploma.
- the Navan Fair Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Ardyth Elliott.
- The Cumberland Township Agricultural Society Youth of Distinction Award went to Sydney, Taylor
and Byron McNeely.
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Mobile App for Ottawa Garbage Collection Schedule |
(Thursday, January 31, 2013 ) The city is launching a new mobile app to help you keep up to date
on when garbage and recyclables will be picked up. It will be available for iPhone and Android users.
It's an extension of the Ottawa dot ca feature that includes a collection calendar and the option to receive reminders
on when to put your waste curb side. To date, 78,000 people have accessed the online schedule, while another 31,000
have used the reminder option.
It still must be tested before it's made available to the public. Paper copies of the collection calendar will
also still be distributed.
You can get this App by going
to your smartphone app store, or by visiting the City of Ottawa App page. Click here... |
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Cumberland Ward Councillor Stephen Blais:
Collapses at gym, rushed to hospital |
(Monday, January 7, 2013) Ottawa Councillor Stephen Blais, who
represents Cumberland Ward, immediately east of Clarence-Rockland, is being treated at hospital after he collapsed
while at the gym Monday morning.
- 1310 News reported that Blais had no vital signs when he collapsed around 10
a.m., but was revived by paramedics who rushed him to Montfort Hospital. The 32-year-old councillor has now been
transferred to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
- The Orleans Star ran the story on their website today: "City staff has confirmed that Cumberland Ward Councillor
Stephen Blais was rushed to the Montfort Hospital after collapsing while at the Orléans Goodlife gym, this
morning." More...
- Read an expanded story from the Ottawa Citizen: "Councillor Stephen Blais rushed to hospital
after collapse". More...
- You can visit his website here.
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Cumberland Village - Remembrance
Day 2012 |

(Cumberland Village) A special Remembrance Day ceremony was held in front of the St. Andrew's
United Church, to honour the members of the parish who sacrificed their lives during the two great wars, and the
Korean conflict. Did you attend? We would like to get some pictures.
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Small amphibious plane crashes near Cumberland
Ferry dock |

This ws the scene at the Cumberland Ferry dock
after the plane was hauled out of the water.
(Photograph by: Noel Murphy, Reader Photo)
(Tuesday, October 3, 2012) The small amphibious plane that went down hard near the Cumberland
Ferry dock this week hardly drew attention until it was transported by flatbed along Highway 174.
The 69-year-old pilot had to make an emergency landing in the water shortly just after 3 p.m.
He was rescued by a fisherman saw the plane crash into the water and then sped over to haul the man into his boat
and brought him to shore.
Ottawa paramedics treated the man for rib injuries and rushed him to the hospital.
On Wednesday, the four-seater aircraft was towed from Highway 174 at Cameron Street to Star Top
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Cumberland Village - Lions
Maple Hall
Cumberland Lions install barrier free access ramp |

(Click on pic to englarge.)
(Cumberland Village, Ontario, Tuesday, September 25, 2012) The Cumberland Lions Club have just installed a barrier free access ramp and automatic
door opener at the rear of their Maple Hall on Old Montreal Road in Cumberland Village. The renovations will make
it easier for people with disabilities and mobility challenges to access the building whether by wheelchairs or
any other assisted devices. Read
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Saturday, August 25 Cumberland Art in
the Park
Come see the work of several local artists at this second
annual event. Artwork includes drawings, paintings, photography and collage. Visit the Cumberland Village Community
Association website for more information: www.cumberlandvillage.ca
Cumberland Art in the Park is taking place at the Wilfred Murray
Park (beside RJ Kennedy Centre), 1115 Dunning Road, Cumberland Village. Take Old Montreal Road between Trim Road
(in the west) to Kinsella Drive (in the east) to get there.
This year's artists include:
- Danielle Beaulieu
- Tasha Diaczk (paintings on rock)
- Rebecca Dufton (www.rebeccadufton.com)
- Janis Fulton (www.janisfultonart.com)
- Joan Kallio (photography)
- Lisa Lorenz (www.lisalorenzpaintings.com)
- Lynne McDiarmid (collage)
- Kerstin Peters (www.kerstinpeters.ca)
While you are there, take a stroll through the Cumberland Farmers' Market. Now in its sixth year,
the Cumberland Farmers' Market features local producers, offering fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits, specialty
foods, homemade treats and a variety of handcrafted items, every Saturday until October 13.
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Dale's Cemetery - Look up any headstone
If you visit this site (canadianheadstones.com) you can search on a name alphabetically
and see a photograph of the individual's headstone. |
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Cumberland Ward included on shortlist
for new landfill
As reported from CFRA News: An east end councillor is crying foul over a piece of land that's now on the shortlist for a new landfill,
but the company making the pitch insists it's more than just a dump.
Taggart Miller Environmental Services was only considering Russell Township as the site of its new landfill and
recycling centre for industrial, commercial, and institutional waste, but now a piece of land east of Boundary
Road is also up for consideration.
"The second site is less than four kilometres from [Highway] 417, whereas the former site ranged from about
six to 10 kilometres from 417," Project Manager Hubert Borque tells CFRA..
Councillor Stephen Blais is raising the red flag, arguing there is little information available right now.
Borque tells CFRA a decision on the site location will be made by 2013, after public consultation.
From the Ottawa Citizen:
Garbage company considering east Ottawa waste disposal site - Facility would handle 300,000 tonnes of waste from
Eastern Ontario.
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Rebecca Dufton
Local artist features work on her new website
(January 20, 2012) Cumberland resident Rebecca Dufton is a visual artist who draws and
paints animals and landscapes using expressive lines and colour. She has lived in the Ottawa area for 35 years
and settled in the village area some time ago.
She says "In 2001, I left the world of nine to five to focus on studio practice, supplementing my income with
freelance writing contracts."
has just opened her own website, rebeccadufton.com, to exhibit her work which features dogs, birds, farm animals.and landscapes. She also creates “paintings”
in wool; and "pigs are an endless source of fascination for me," says Dufton.
When Rebecca is not creating and painting, she spends a great deal of time working in her community as the president
of the Cumberland Village Community
Association (CVCA).
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Cumberland Village Farmers' Market
opened this weekend
Village, Saturday, June 18, 2011) The Canaan Connexion dropped by the Cumberland Village Farmers' market to check out the fresh veggies, home-grown herbs, spices,
honey and local crafts as well as the usual stop to the Cumberland Lions BBQ kiosk.
We caught one of the "farmers" who looked awfully familiar, but we didn't immediately
recognize him without his usual suit and tie and seat planted firmly around a local council table. Can you guess
who it is? (Click on the photo to enlarge, then click here if you can't identify our famous farmer.) (Click on pic to enlarge.)
The farmers' market is held at the R.J. Kennedy Centre (Cumberland Arena) 1115 Dunning Road and
is open rain or shine. It will run until Thanksgiving weekend. Visit their website for more.
You can read a related story
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Dale's Cemetery offers up forgotten history
The annual Dale's Cemetery Memorial Service was held this past Sunday. This tradition has been kept for
at least 50 years, according to local historian Jea nnie Smith, and area resident Reverend
Ernie Cox, now retired from the First Avenue Baptist Church, has been conducting the Dale's Memorial for some 25
Our research into the background of this story revealed some surprising facts. To read more about the Dale Cemetery
and some fascinating local history, click here.
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Green bin pickup has begun & changes to garbage
pick-up |
Starting Monday, April 4 green bin pick-up will be every week. Organics such as food scraps, soiled
paper products and other organics can go into the bins.
If the snow in your backyard has melted enough for a bit of a spring cleaning, the city will also be collecting
leaf and yard waste weekly with the bins.
Green bins should be put out with garbage on your regular pick-up day by 7 a.m. Read more on Green bin collection
and see a link to your 2009-2011 Collection Calendar for exact dates.
On a related matter, Ottawa City Council has voted in favour of changes to garbage collection. There will
now be bi-weekly garbage pick up and weekly green bin pickup. Recycling will remain on the same schedule. The changes
will take place in November 2012. |
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Monday, April 4, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Cumberland Village Plan Review workshop |
(Tamara Belle-Isle - Cumberland Village) The City of Ottawa is conducting
a public workshop in Cumberland Village, regarding Rural Village Plans and Policies. It will take place at the
Lions' Maplefest Hall on Monday, April 4, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m
These policy changes will determine the future development potential of Cumberland which may affect property
values. This is your opportunity to participate in the decision making process.
Get informed and be prepared to speak up at this public consultation.
Rural Review
The projects involve a review of the rural policies of the City’s Official Plan that relate to:
- Future village development – for example, land use, servicing and infrastructure, environmental
protection, greenspace and community design
- Clustering of country estate lots – what kind of development is appropriate and how much?
- Land Evaluation and Area Review (LEAR) – a process to review and confirm prime agricultural
land designations
- Mineral resource study - a review of the best management practices of the aggregate industry
- Drive-through facilities in village core areas – to develop new policies in the Official Plan
regarding drive-through facilities in Village Core areas.
Village Development
Ottawa's Official Plan has designated 26 villages in the Ottawa area (including Cumberland)
see map outling villages. Right now, each village’s land use is guided by either
a secondary plan or a community design plan.
Cumberland Village Plan Review
The Village Plan Review project will evaluate and update the existing Official Plan policies, which guide development
for all villages including the Village of Cumberland. A Village Plan analysis and Village Profile has been completed
for Cumberland to evaluate the existing policy and development situation in the village. Visit this website for more information.
You are encouraged to send feedback via email to: plan@ottawa.ca.
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Phoney water testers calling Cumberland residents |
number of Cumberland and Rockland residents, all with 833-prefix phone numbers, have been called by a company (H2O
Water Professionals) to have their water tested.
The company appears to be very questionable. Read more... |
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March 2011 Issue of Police Services Board
Quarterly Newsletter |
The March 2011 Issue of Police Services Board Quarterly Newsletter, "Board Matters", is
now available online. Click here... |
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Ottawa proposes renaming Blackburn Bypass
extension after former Cumberland mayor Brian Coburn |
The confusingly titled Blackburn Bypass extension may soon be renamed in honour of former Cumberland mayor
and provincial cabinet minister Brian Coburn.
Cumberland Councillor Stephen Blais said his office is proposing to name the Blackburn bypass extension Brian Coburn
Boulevard. The road, designed to relieve traffic on Innes Rd., runs just south of Orleans.
“I’m very honoured,” Coburn said Monday.
Coburn was Cumberland mayor from 1989-1999. He later served as a Tory MPP for Ottawa-Orleans and as minister of
tourism and agriculture. He was named a citizenship judge in 2006.
The road name requires council’s endorsement. Read
more... |
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Cumberland Councillor Stephen
Appointed Agriculture and Rural Affairs vice-chair |
(Ottawa, January 27, 2010) Cumberland Ward City Councillor Stephen Blais has been unanimously appointed
Vice-Chair of the City of Ottawa's Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.
"I am pleased to have the support of my fellow rural City Councillors," say Blais. "Together, I
am confident that we will bring positive change for our rural constituents."
While representing Cumberland Ward as a Catholic School Trustee, Councillor Blais was able to gain valuable insights
of the rural component of the City of Ottawa. Councillor Blais' family roots in rural Cumberland date back to the
late 1800s and his wife, Marta, is a fellow rural Ontarian.
"Ottawa is a very unique city because we are blessed with a vibrant and distinct rural heritage," adds
Blais. "Our policies and programs are not a one-size fits all, which is why I will always be cognizant of
our rural constituents' needs." |
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More News... |
Citizen interview: Councillor Stephen Blais
'Be sincere, be brief, be seated' - City Councillor Stephen Blais
on superheroes and what he stole from FDR
(By Bruce Deachman, Ottawa Citizen, January 15, 2011)
The heart of Cumberland Village
Haddad's retire

The Haddad family have been
a part of Cumberland Village
for 30 years. More...
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Irving Farmer "Hap" Kennedy
Cumberland Village loses beloved doctor and friend |
A friend to all and a doctor to most, Dr. Irving Farmer "Hap" Kennedy passed away at home
on Thursday, January 6, 2010. He was in his 89th year.
"He was everybody's doctor," said one neighbour. "We knew him
all our lives. He delivered babies, buried friends and made house calls long after it was out of vogue."
He built his own clinic in the village, where he practiced medicine for 37
years. He was greatly respected by thousands of patients throughout the township for his dedication and compassion
as a country doctor.
The family has a long residency in the area. The local R.J.Kennedy Arena was named after his father
and his mother taught some of the residents to swim, back in the 1950s, in the Ottawa River, before the Carillon
Dam was built and there was actually a beach in Cumberland Village.
You can read his remarkable obituary here.
Some of his history can be found on the Internet: KENNEDY, F/O Irving Farmer (J15273) - Distinguished Flying Cross
- No.249 Squadron; Award effective 22 June 1943 as per London Gazette dated 6 July 1943. Click here. A Google search will reveal several other
references and pictures.
If anyone would like to add to this story, please send us a message:  |
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Man treated for smoke inhalation in Cumberland
fire |
Firefighters battled a fire that started in the garage and spread to the exterior of a Cumberland
Village bungalow Saturday morning.

The outcome could have been much worse. As you can see
from the inset on the right, damage was relatively light.
The main photo was taken from Google maps. (Photos - Meikle)
Firefighters arrived at 2445 Lookout Drive near Cumberland village at about 9:50 a.m. Thanks
to an aggressive attack by firefighters the fire was prevented from spreading into the house and attic. The three
adults who live in the house were outside when crews arrived. An elderly man was treated for smoke inhalation and
was transported to hospital as a precaution.
The fire was brought under control at about 10:20 a.m. Marc Messier, a spokesman for Ottawa Fire
Services, said some 35 firefighters and 14 vehicles attended the scene.
Damage to the house is estimated at $75,000 with an additional $10,000 in damage to contents.
The cause of the fire is under investigation, but early reports suggest it was accidental.
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Third fire near Sarsfield - Do things really happen in threes? |
A barn full of hay burned to the ground Monday afternoon a few kilometers away from the scene
of a barn blaze last week that killed 70 animals. Firefighters were called to the farm at 3155 Sarsfield Road around
1:45 p.m. The blaze is the third in the past few weeks in the area.
Ottawa fire spokesman, Marc Messier, said that smoke could be seen smoke from Innes Road. When
firefighters arrived, the barn was engulfed in flames and later collapsed, Messier said. The cause of the fire
has not been determined.
here to see the Ottawa Sun's video coverage.
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Dairy barn fire at 3750 Canaan Road |

LATEST: Breaker failure blamed for Sarsfield barn fire (Click Here for update).
Here are a couple of new links to the story below: Family 'in shock',
Sarsfield dairy
farmers rally to aid one of their own.
(Canaan Connexion - Nov. 5, 2010) Fifty fire fighters and 26 rigs responded to a commercial barn fire
at 3750 Canaan Road early this morning.
"Seventy head of cattle were killed," says Ottawa Fire Services spokesperson Marc Messier,
"however the firefighters were able to save 50 milking cows as well as the entire milking operation. It should
be operational later today."
The farm on Canaan Road is run by Henri Joly, his daughter Martine, and her husband. One neighbour
said the farm has been in the family for 100 years. One long-time resident remembered that Hervé Joly ran
the farm in 1935. He was also the local superintendent of roads for the area. He passed it on to Aurele, who passed
it on to Henri.
CBC News offered this information:
Surviving cows blackened with ash were still roaming the property, as
emergency crews and the farm owners attempted to round them up to be checked by a veterinarian.
Family and neigbours showed up to help. Friends told the CBC that the family dairy farm has been in operation for
more than 50 years.
Loss is estimated at $1.5 million dollars. There were no human injuries. The cause is under
This is the third fire in the area within a week, however none of them are connected, just "coincidental"
says Messier.
Other area fires
Related news stories
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Read the latest from
the City of Ottawa
Angus Mackay Wilson
Cumberland family had some history

Peacefully at the Perley and Rideau Veterans' Health Centre on Tuesday, August 27th, 2013 at
the age of 92.
Ottawa Citizen Interviews Blais
'Be sincere, be brief, be seated'.
City Councillor Stephen Blais on superheroes and what he stole from FDR.
By Bruce Deachman
Ottawa Citizen,
January 15, 2011
For more information on
Councillor Stephen Blais
click here.
For updates on Stephen Blais
Click here.

Visit the Cumberland Lions
Web page on the
Canaan Connexion

Click here

Cumberland Village
Farmers' Market

Museum Website
CHVM info, pics,
links and map
Museum Events
Museum Network

Cumberland Township
Historical Society (CTHS)
(Follow the "Publications' link
to read the latest newsletter")"
Cumberland Village News

A little Cumberland history...

Dale Cemetery
(Click on pic to enlarge)
Look up any headstone!

Cumberland Village Annual Garden Tour
For more information
Click here.

Cumberland Village Tennis
For more information
Click here.
Weavers & Spinners

started meeting in 1980 in
Cumberland Village. Over the
years, members have come and
gone but "we always seem to have
a membership of about seven,"
says Donna Girardin, all of whom
are quite enthusiastic about weaving and/or spinning.
They meet Wednesday mornings, taking turns at their homes.
Members presently come from
Cumberland and Orleans.
New members are welcome.
Cumberland Weavers & Spinners
Information: Donna Girardin, 833-2855
Shame on some
C.V. dog owners
Shame on the Cumberland Village dog owners who are “dumping” their waste into someone else’s container. More...
Cumberland Heritage Village Museum

While you are in the area, plan to visit another local treasure, the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum. They have lots of
activities planned throughout the summer and fall. More...

Cairine Ray Wilson 1885-1962
Canada's first woman senator,
was born on February 4, 1885 at
Montreal Quebec, the daughter of
Senator Robert Mackay and Jane Baptist; In 1909, she married
Norman Wilson, the Liberal Member
of Parliament for Russell.
Wikipedia incorrectly states that
"they moved to Cumberland,
Ontario to begin a family."
Ottawa writer Valerie Knowles
wrote her biography. You can order
the book and read an excerpt by clicking on the above book cover.
Read more about Cairine Wilson
on our Museum Page.