2014 Municipal Elections
Citizens for Ethical Government closing website
Results of the mayoralty votes by ward now available
C-R City cancels all meetings for November
After the elections, what now? We asked the City Clerk
Clarence-Rockland election results now official
Clarence-Rockland has a new mayor - Guy Desjardins
Here are a number of election stories from other
news outlets
From City Hall - Residents invited to hear election
If you want to vote, you MUST pick up a new PIN at one
of the help centers
October 15th all candidates meeting did not include
October 6, 2014 - Yvon Smoneau news release regarding
Gareau candidates' meeting
August 27, 2014 - Carl Grimard - Ward 3 - Launches
June 23, 2014 - Guy Desjardins launches his run
up for top job
Guy Félio, Ward 5, will not run in the next C-R election
Jean-Marc Lalonde is jumping back in to politics
Citizens for Ethical Government (CEG):
Their goals achieved, "cease its activity." |

(Clarence-Rockland, November 3, 2014) The Citizens for Ethical Government (CEG), whose purpose
was "to campaign for an ethical Clarence-Rockland municipal council" evidently posted their final blog.
Signed by one of the founders, Bob Gadoua, the blog states that the CEG has "achieved the
goal it set for itself."
It continues: "A secondary objective of CEG was to ensure a truthful, fact based response
to the propaganda pamphlet the Focus in order to prevent it from getting the uncontested ride of its previous iterations,
The Musketeer and the Ti-Mousse publications." You can read the full blog by clicking here.
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C-R has posted the results of the
mayoralty votes by ward |
(C-R, Saturday, November 1, 2014) The results of the mayoralty race by ward are now available
and would indicate that Guy Desjardins won handily in all eight City wards.
- vs -
You can see the results by clicking here.
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C-R City cancels all meetings for
the month of November |
(Clarence-Rockland, October 31, 2014) The City in a curt message, without any explanation has cancelled all
meetings for the month of November, including City Council meetings.
The Canaan Connexion
has learned through a news item from Le Droit newspaper that
defeated Mayor Marcel Guibord has cancelled all meetings scheduled for November apparently due to a "lame
duck" council that has little authority to do anything.

(Click on the graphic to enlarge and read.)
It seems that Mayor-elect, Guy Desjardins has no problem with this action. Le
Droit quoted him as saying he is not worried and that the City's directors have everything
well in hand. (You can read Le-Droit story above.)
When the Canaan Connexion
tried to reach Mayor-elect Desjardins we learned that he is apparently taking a well deserved one-week break.
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After the elections... what now? |
(Wednesday, October 29, 2014) The Canaan
Connexion had an opportunity to speak to Monique Ouellet, Clarence-Rockland Clerk,
for a few post-election follow-up questions:
Q: Are the election results really official, even if results
are close (like the 13 vote difference in Ward 7)?
A: Yes the results are official. With electronic voting,
the computer counts the numbers exactly... (there are no errors).
Q: Can you break down the votes to see where the candidate's
strength was (ie. Ward 5 has two main areas... Clarence-Creek, where André Lalonde lives; and Canaan-Forest
Hill-Blue Jay, where Gerry Bertrand lives)?
A: No, we cannot get those numbers because the Wards
were not broken down by sectors.
Q: What about the votes for the mayoralty position?
A: Yes, we can get those. I have asked for the percentage
of votes by Wards for the two mayoralty candidates.
Q: When do the election signs have to come down?
A: The candidates have 15 days after the election to
remove the signs.
Q: So what is the procedure now?
A: The current council still be in effect until November
30, however under the provisions of Section 275 of the the Municipal Act, it is considered a “lame duck” council.
For example some of the provisions include:
- they cannot hire or fire anyone
- they cannot approve of any spending that has not been included in the adopted budget
- authority has been passed on to the Chief Administrative Officer (Helen Collier) who can spend
up to $50 thousand dollars
- Check out Section 275 here.
(The Canaan Connexion
has found a summary of the the information from the Municipal Act. It can be seen here.)
City staff are currently preparing information for the next council meeting.
On December 1, the new council will be sworn in. Further information to follow.
These were the final two questions that Monique Ouellet answered:
Q: Will the new council meet back in the council chambers
on Laurier Street?
A: That is a political question that the new council
would decide.
Q: Will the Vox Populi return to the Vision Newspaper?
A: That is a political question that the new council
would decide.
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Clarence-Rockland election results
now official |
October 29, 2014) As of approximately 4:00 p.m. this date, Monique Ouellet, Clarence-Rockland Clerk, declared the
election results to be official. Except for one incumbent, Ward 8 Councillor Diane Choinière, all other
wards will be represented by new faces. The official results below.
(Click on the map to enlarge.)
Marcel GUIBORD 2209
Ward 1
Jean-Marc LALONDE 965
Claude VACHON 311
Ward 5
André J. LALONDE 515
Gerry BERTRAND 220
François Montpetit 42
Ward 2
Mario ZANTH 574
JacquesTESSIER 500
Ward 6
Krysta SIMARD 359
Denis CHABOT 94
Sylvie RIOPEL 140
Ward 3
Carl GRIMARD 935
Bernard PAYER 262
Ward 7
Michel LEVERT 382
René CAMPEAU 369
Ward 4
Charles BERLING 189
Ward 8
Yvon MAYER 310
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien
Jean LEMAY - Acclaimed |
Trustee - Upper Canada District School Board
Caroll CARKNER - Acclaimed |
Trustee - Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario
John KEOUGH - Acclaimed |
Here are some of the news stories that the Canaan
Connexion found, relating to the Clarence-Rockland election:
- Read the Vision's
postings of their Eastern Ontario coverage area
- TVC22 is currently running the results on their channel: click here
- Comments on the Citoyen de clarence-rockland citizen Facebook page
- The Ottawa Citizen's story: click here
- The Ottawa Sun's story: click here
- Radio-Canada (French CBC) story including two radio interviews: click here
- Le Droit has also posted a story. See the reference below...
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Clarence-Rockland Election:
We have a new mayor - Guy Desjardins |

(Click on pic to enlarge - Photo courtesy of Samuel Blais-Gauthier, Le Droit)
(Clarence-Rockland, October 28, 2014) After a tough campaign that came out of what many residents
called a dysfunctional City Council, and a broken electronic voting system that undoubtedly affected the voter
turn out, the residents of Clarence-Rockland sent a clear message that they wanted a new council that would return
integrity and dignity to this City.
Click here for our
coverage, which includes related stories from the Vision, TVC22, Le Droit, Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa Sun, Radio-Canada
(French CBC) and the Citoyen de clarence-rockland citizen Facebook page.
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Le Droit: Guibord defeated in Clarence-Rockland |
(Monday, October 27, 2014) Le Droit Newspaper also included some Clarence-Rockland results as part
of their Eastern Ontario coverage. Click here for the French information.
(Here is a rough translation - Ed.)
The face of Clarence-Rockland City Council has changed completely. Residents have sent a clear message to the outgoing
mayor, Marcel Giubord, losing by more than double the votes to his opponent, Guy Dejardins.
"The hillbillys have won!" Exclaimed Guy Desjardins by taking an adjective used by his detractors.
After a period of discord and tear at the council table, Guy Desjardins said he wanted to restore harmony to both
the City Hall and local residents.
"People have shown that they are tired of the fighting and discord," said the Mayor-elect Desjardins.
For his part, defeated Mayor Marcel Guibord humbly accepted defeat.
"My reaction? Spontaneously, I would say that the numbers and the people have spoken," he said, while
appearing to show a hint of bitterness.
"The clan is back," he said, before leaving the hall.
The "Clan" Guibord was referring to, was the "old guard" that served from 2006 to 2010.
Moreover, often one of those "associated" with the "clan" is Jean-Marc Lalonde, former mayor
of Rockland and former MP for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell who was easily elected as councillor for Ward 1.
Almost all of the seats in Clarence-Rockland will be occupied by new faces. With the exception of the outgoing
Councillor Diane Choiniere who clung to her councillor title.
Ms. Choiniere was charged with Mayor Marcel Guibord and incumbent councillor Guy Félio with breach of trust.
They are suspected of orchestrating a ride to push the door the former general manager of the City of Clarence-Rockland,
Daniel Gatien. This saga had also created a split within the council and within the population.
During the late evening victory announcement for Guy Desjardins, people present at his election party were jubilant
at the results. Some jumped up and down while others shed tears of "relief." |
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Residents were invited to hear election
results |
(Clarence-Rockland, October 25, 2014) The City of Clarence-Rockland is inviting everyone to hear
the ‘Non-official’ results of the 2014 Municipal Elections, on Monday at the Community Hall (second floor of the
Clarence Creek Arena), 418 Lemay Street, Clarence Creek, starting at 8:30 p.m. (doors will open at 8:00 p.m.). |
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If you want to vote, you MUST pick up a new
- Voter mail-out I.D. information deactivated due to printer's error
- If you want to vote, you are required to physically pick up your PIN at a local "Help Center"
- You can also vote at one of the help centers, or with a new PIN, you can vote either online or by telephone.
(Clarence-Rockland, October 25, 2014) Due to an apparent printer's error all of the mail-out
information sent to local residents has been cancelled. After the initial instructions were mailed out, it was
learned that voter identification was visible through the envelopes. Those IDs and pin numbers have now been deactivated
and voters are now required to visit local voting stations to pick up a newly issued PIN.

Here is what you will find on the front page of the C-R website.
(Click on the graphic to enlarge.)
Here are the latest instructions for Clarence-Rockland voters
Clarence-Rockland, today:
All Voter ID and Voting PINs that have been mailed out have been deactivated and need to
be replaced!
- All voters need to attend one of the following voting locations to obtain a new Voter ID and
Voting PIN.
- Internet and telephone voting is available after you obtain a new Voter ID and Voting PIN.
- Voters can vote at a voting location or any other location by internet or telephone.

The "election bus" rolls through Forest Hill at Canaan Road
*** UPDATED Sunday ***
HOURLY PICK-UP between 9 am and 9 pm – Sunday
HOURLY PICK-UP between 9 am and 8 pm - Monday
Bus # 1 - Cheney – Hammond – Bourget- St Pascal – Clarence-Creek (Map Route 1 & 2)
Bus # 2 - Forest Hill – Clarence Point – Rockland (Map Route 3 and Map Route 4)
Hammond - Saint Francis Xavier Catholic High School - 1235 Russell Rd.
Friday October 24 (11 am to 7:30 pm)
Saturday October 25 (9 am to 5 pm)
Council Chambers - 415 Lemay - Clarence-Creek
Friday October 24 (9 am to 10 pm)
Saturday October 25 (9 am to 10 pm)
Sunday October 26 (9 am to 10 pm)
Monday October 27 (5 am to 8 pm)
City Hall - 1560 Laurier - Rockland
Friday October 24 (9 am to 10 pm)
Saturday October 25 (9 am to 10 pm)
Sunday October 26 (9 am to 10 pm)
Monday October 27 (5 am to 8 pm)
(Click on pic to enlarge.)
Bourget Community Centre – 19 Lavigne St.
Sunday October 26 (9 am to 10 pm)
Monday October 27 (9 am to 4 pm)
If you need help, contact the Help Centre at (613) 446-6022 extension 2300

Much of City staff, including Chief Administrative Officer Helen Collier and Director, Infrastructure and Engineering,
Gilles Miranda have been pressed in to service guiding residents to the correct locations to obtain their PIN and
voting information.
(Click on square to see pic.)
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All Candidates meeting did not include "all"

(Clarence Creek, October 15, 2014) Just over 80 people attended the all candidates meeting held
in the Clarence Creek Arena, far short of the 300 that the organizer Carmelle Gareau had printed tickets for. (Click on the pic to enlarge.)
Because of an apparent boycott, only 10 of the 23 election candidates turned up. The missing
candidates are marked by a red square:

(Click on the graphic to enlarge.)
(Editor's Comment: We are working on this story and will update it shortly.
In the meantime you can read the following items:)
From the Vision - Boycott mars candidates forum
From Le Droit (French) - La majorité des candidats ont boudé le débat
Another candidates' meeting for the 2014
Municipal election
Tuesday, October 21:
An electoral candidates evening, organized by the Clarence-Rockland New Chamber
of Commerce and the Construction Association, will be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at the River Rock Inn at
7:00 p.m. Come in droves and send us your questions by
e-mail at: electionCR2014@gmail.com. See more details in this week’s Vision newspaper.
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News release issued by Yvon Simoneau, candidate
for Ward 4:
Ten candidates refuse to particpate in candidates’ meeting |
(Clarence-Rockland, October 6, 2014) Ten candidates in the municipal elections of Clarence-Rockland
refuse to participate in the meeting of the candidates organized by Ms. Carmelle Gareau. The main reason behind
this collective refusal is the lack of impartiality in the organization of this meeting.
"There are so many contradictions surrounding this meeting, it is leading us to question its transparency
and objectivity. For example, this meeting is announced as a public event, but Ms. Gareau emphasizes that the passes
are handed out according to a prioritized list, explains Mr. Yvon Simoneau, candidate for the position of councilor
for ward 4. It is easy to suspect that there is favoritism towards certain candidates."
In order to reassure the citizens of Clarence-Rockland as to the impartiality of electoral events, the 10 candidates,
listed below, have chosen to participate in an official event where the * meet the candidates for the municipal
elections * will take place. This event is organized by the Clarence-Rockland New Chamber of Commerce and the Construction
Association. Open to all citizens, this event promises to give everyone an equal voice and the chance to be well
informed before voting.
"Ms. Gareau’s actions would appear more honest if she would have given the same number of tickets to all the
candidates and for this reason, I will not participate in the meeting organized by Ms. Gareau added Ms. Krysta
Simard, candidate for the position of Councilor for ward 6”.
All citizens are invited to a *presentation of the candidates to the municipal elections*, which will be held at
the Hotel River Rock Inn on Tuesday October 21 at 7:00 p.m. This event is organized by the Clarence-Rockland New
Chamber of Commerce and the Construction Association.
For more information, please contact: Yvon Simoneau Candidate to the position of Councilor – Ward 4 Cellular. :
613-620-0236 Courriel: info@yvonsimoneau.ca |
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2014 Municipal Election
Carl Grimard, Ward 3, launches campaign |

(Rockland, Wednesday, August 27, 2014 )Carl Grimard, running against incumbent Bernard
Payer in Ward 3, opened his election campaign to a small but enthusiastic and boisterous group of supporters, at
Boston Pizza.
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Mayoralty Campaign:
Guy Desjardins launches his run up for top job |
(Rockland, Monday, June 23, 2014) Guy Desjardins' campaign launch for the seat of mayor of Clarence-Rockland
took place at Jardins Belle Rive (retirement home) with a room full of family, friends and supporters.

The evening also gave people the opportunity to meet most of the candidates, as Mr. Desjardins
had invited all declared candidates to attend the launch. There were 13 people who took the opportunity. They are
shown in the photo and include (l-to-r): Serge Dicaire (Ward 8); Mario Zanth (Ward 2); Diane Choinière (Ward
8); Yvon Simoneau (Ward 4); André Lalonde (Ward 5); Bernard Payer (Ward 3); René Campeau (Ward 7);
(Guy is in the center); Luc Thivierge (Ward 6); Gerry Bertrand (Ward 5): Carl Grimard (Ward 3); François
Monpetit (Ward 5); Krysta Simard (Ward 6); Alain Bernard (Ward 2)(Withdrew)
(Click on the photo to enlarge... NOTE: photo may be slow loading for some Internet feeds).
''My priority, upon becoming mayor, will be to regain the trust of citizens, of municipal employees
and of developers of the City of Clarence-Rockland because I believe that together, we can work towards a common
goal'', stated Mr. Desjardins. A citizen of St-Pascal and a business man for over forty years, Guy Desjardins is
well known for his community involvement and for his integrity. Indeed, Mr. Desjardins has been municipal councillor
in Clarence-Rockland for the past eight years and has an excellent understanding of currant important issues.
Ontario municipal elections will be held on Monday October 27th 2014. To ensure that you are
on the Voters List, you can contact Elections Ontario at 1.888.668.8683. Visit elections.on.ca for more information about voting in Ontario.
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Guy Félio, Ward 5, will not run
in the next city election
(Monday, 24 February 2014) According to a brief note in the Vision Newspaper online
edition, Councillor Guy Félio will not represent Ward 5 in the fall 2014 municipal
election. He evidently expressed his intentions in a letter to the Clarence-Rockland mayor as well as to several
news outlets, citing "personal and professional" reasons.
Le Droit newspaper also carried a story
on Councillor Félio's announcement:
Mayor Guibord's right arm at the council table is halting his political career. Councillor Guy
Félio has announced he would not seek a second term. He informed the Mayor of his decision by email this
weekend. More (in French)...
Ward 1 councillor Michel Thivierge has also indicated that he will not seek re-election in the
next race. Interestingly, former mayor and provincial MPP, Jean-Marc
Lalonde, has declared his candidacy for Ward 1.
In related news, the Clarence-Rockland website, Citizens for Ethical Government (CEG), has listed six people so far who have
registered to run in the election.
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Jean-Marc Lalonde is jumping back in to politics
(Rockland, Friday, February14, 2014)
Several news outlets (see below) have reported that Jean-Marc Lalonde (a former Rockland mayor and more recently
local Liberal MLA) has announced that he will run as a candidate for Ward 1 in the City of Clarence-Rockland for
the October civic election.
Mr. Lalonde chose Valentine's Day to announce his return to politics because as he said: "Je
retourne à mes amours". He told the Canaan Connexion that after his family, politics is his first love. (Click on the photo to enlarge.)
He said that running in a ward will be so easy. In 2007 when he ran in the Ontario general election
in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell he canvassed over 11,000 doors. He says he can do Ward 1 in about two days.
He was 27 the first time he ran. Someone commented that if he gets elected he will be 79, to
which he remarks, look at the mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion. She is now 93.
He calls himself a rassembleur, a person who
unifies, brings people together. Over the years he has been recognized by some 76 countries for his work world-wide
in sports and politics. He listens to what people have to say. If something is not possible, you have to tell them.
You have to be honest.
When Mr. Lalonde was in parliament, he had three constituency office. Everyday he would get a
list of people who would call him. "There were rarely less than 20," he says, "but I would call
them all after 6:00 p.m.," even the (difficult) ones who his office would advise not to call. He said that
after he spoke to them they would often thank him.
He was previously mayor of Rockland from 1976 to 1991. You can read Jean-Marc's profile and electoral
record here, and read his Parliamentary History here.
The Lalonde family has a long history in the area and Jean-Marc's brother Richard Lalonde was
the previous mayor of Clarence-Rockland.
Here are some current stories:
The Ward 1seat is presently held by Michel Thivierge. (View his interview on local TVC22.)
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