Rockland/Ottawa Gas Prices
A: Cheapest prices
within last 24 hours.
B: Average Price
posted at 5:00 p.m.
Tomorrow's Gas Prices Today with Dan McTeague's forecast... More...
Traffic Camera at intersection of Highway 174 and Cameron Street, Cumberland
Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) for July:
The Gatineau Police Service and Ottawa Police Service’s Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) will focus
on cycling safety and unsafe vehicles safety during the month of July
as part of its ongoing commitment to keeping Ottawa’s roads safe.
Cycling safety:
Between 2008 and 2012, there were 1544 collisions involving cyclists with 1238 injuries and 13 fatalities, in Ottawa.
Unsafe vehicles:
In 2010, 181 reportable collisions on Ottawa roadways involved unsafe vehicles – resulting in 58 injuries; six
were life-threatening and two were fatalities. Causes of these collisions included defective brakes, steering,
tires, lights, engine controls, trailer hitches, suspension, as well as obscured vision.
For more on the STEP program, click here...
Check out the Ottawa Police Service website |
OPP cleared in forcible arrest in Rockland
This is the second time the SIU have cleared Rockland OPP officers of wrongdoing in recent months.
An officer was cleared in January after the SIU ruled that a cell door being closed on a woman’s finger was accidental.
(Read that story.) |
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Two alerts for your information:
1. Tragic reminder: Do not leave children unattended in vehicles
Two tragic events should remind us never to leave children alone in vehicles when the temperature
climbs, even for a short time:
- First a two-year-old boy died of heat exposure after being left alone in a hot car in Milton,
Ont. for an “extended period of time,” according to police. More...
- Then a three-year-old girl left in a vehicle in northeast Edmonton Tuesday died during a record-breaking
heat wave. More...
Read a related story from the Ottawa Citizen:
Tragic deaths underscore danger of leaving children unattended in hot vehicles
It is equally important to remember never to leave your pets in a car, even for a few short minutes.
And it is also important to keep your pets cool in the heat.
2. A warning to use trampolines safely
Some local doctors are warning children and parents to use trampolines
safely because misuse can lead to serious injuries.
Paul Moroz, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, said
physicians are noticing a correlation between the playful bouncing activity and bad ankle fractures that can impair
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Two sisters killed in Nation crash
(La Nation, Saturday, July 6, 2013) Nadia Lafrance, 19 years old, and her sister,
Sophie Lafrance, 17, of St. Isidore, died when their car hit a pickup truck head-on at about 6:20 p.m. on Saturday
The sisters were both students at the École secondaire catholique de Casselman. On Sunday, a peer posted
to Facebook: “Rip Sophie et Nadia Lafrance ... You guys were so amazing ... You’ll be very missed ... Life is so
unfair”. Read more and view their pictures... |
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We take a look back in time:
Deadly Ottawa train crash 100 years later

(June 25, 1913) One hundred years ago a train wreck happened right near the shore of the Ottawa
River in what is now Westboro. It was then called McKellar Townsite. The train was packed with immigrants, many
of them from Scotland and Ireland
Read an extensive story put together by CBC Ottawa. Click here.
20 years ago:
The Lemieux Slide of 1993

June 30, 1993 is a day that will live in the memories of the people of Lemieux, Ontario as the
day their town slid into the Nation River, but 1991 will remain in their memory as the time the government came
to their rescue. Here are a some of links to the story:
from Canadian Geographic Magazine
Lemieux, Ontario - An
Extinct Village in South Plantagenet Township
Lemieux the ghost
town (Wikipedia)
a story in words and pictures
Lemieux's Legendary Leda Landslide (Anatomy of a landslide)
From Le Droit: La communauté se souvient, 20 ans après
(Find many more references and photos if you enter "lemieux ontario" in Google images.)
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CAA names Ontario’s ten worst roads
Bouvier Road comes up eighth in the province
(Tuesday, June 18, 2013) The votes have been counted and the Canadian Automobile Association has
unveiled its list of the top ten worst roads in the province. Our own Bouvier Road came in at 8th position.
Back in 2011, the residents petitioned to have the road paved with an online website: "Pavement for Bouvier/Lavigne streets in Clarence-Rockland".
Apparently it has done no good.
(Click on above link to view more pictures.) |
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OPP cleared in forcible arrest in Rockland
May 24, 2013) The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Ian Scott, has concluded that there are no
reasonable grounds to charge any Ontario Provincial Police officer with the Rockland D etachment with a criminal offence in relation to the injuries
sustained by 58-year-old Andre Gauthier in March of 2013.
Read the results of the investigation here.

(Rockland Detachment - click to enlarge)
This is the second time the SIU have cleared Rockland OPP officers of wrongdoing in recent months.
An officer was cleared in January after the SIU ruled that a cell door being closed on a woman’s finger was accidental.
(Read that story.)
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Clarence-Rockland Chamber of Commerce:
The latest news from the Chamber...

First Row: Michel Bergeron, Michel Savage, Dr. Isabelle Roy, Joane Brunet, Mario Lalonde
Second Row: Allister Beauchamp, Martine Nolin-Simard, Pierre Dauth, Louis Béland
The Clarence-Rockland Chamber of Commerce recently held their 2nd Annual General Meeting. They
now have 135 members and they welcomed four new members to the Board of Directors. Past-President, Paul Paradis,
will remain with the Chamber as the Operations Director. Read more...
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Ottawa city councillor:
Wants Rockland drivers to pay their share
(Friday, May 31, 2013) It’s time for drivers from outside the City of Ottawa to pay their fair share,
according to Cumberland Ward Councillor, Stephen Blais.
Blais is pointing at the long line of cars that come into the capital each day on Highway 1 74 from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell,
including Rockland. He told 1310News it’s time to even the playing field.
Rene Berthiaume calls Blais' toll road plan 'political'
Read our round-up of related stories including CTV Ottawa, the Ottawa Sun, and Orleans Online. Click here for the latest... |
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C-R Fire Department
Monday calls kept local firefighters busy
(Clarence-Rockland, Monday, May 27, 2013) Our local fire department had a busy time to
start the week. First they got a call of a car on fire near the intersection of Canaan Road and Colonial Road.

Charred wood and tangled metal was all that remained (Photo - Patrick Meikle)
The second call was more serious. At approximately 2:30 p.m. a report came in of a house fire
at 2400 Guindon Road, just south of Du Golf Road and a little northeast of Hammond. Click here to read more.
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Highway 17 and Chamberland
Morning accident ties up through traffic

An injured person is being placed on a gurney for transporting by ambulance. Several emergency
vehicles, fire and police attended. (Photo - Patrick Meikle)
(Rockland, Friday, May 24, 2013) What appeared to be a simple rear-ender, with
a car running in to the back end of a pick-up truck, turned more serious as a passenger in the car was apparently
injured enough to be transported to hospital.
One OPP was in the area and responded immediately, followed by a second OPP, and
then two ambulances and several fire trucks including the rescue vehicle.
The accident happened just before 11:00 a.m. in the westbound lane of Highway
17 at Chamberland Street. There was significant damage to the car. The incident is under OPP investigation. (Click on the picture to enlarge.)
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Major traffic headaches for east-end commuters and drivers downtown
(Wednesday, May 22, 2013) The construction season gets underway in full force Wednesday morning
with the closure of one westbound lane from Blair to the split starting at 10 a.m. as the city adds lanes for buses
to use while light rail transit is being built on the existing transitway.
The downtown core will be a mess for drivers and that is why the city is asking you to consider leaving the car
at home and riding the bus or your bike, especially for drivers in the east end who'll be effected by the closure
at the split. Read more... |
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OPP cleared in forcible arrest in Rockland
May 24, 2013) The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Ian Scott, has concluded that there are no
reasonable grounds to charge any Ontario Provincial Police officer with the Rockland D etachment with a criminal offence in relation to the injuries
sustained by 58-year-old Andre Gauthier in March of 2013.
Read the results of the investigation here.

(Rockland Detachment - click to enlarge)
This is the second time the SIU have cleared Rockland OPP officers of wrongdoing in recent months.
An officer was cleared in January after the SIU ruled that a cell door being closed on a woman’s finger was accidental.
(Read that story.)
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Shawville earthquakes felt in Ontario and Quebec
(Friday, May 17, 2013) Two earthquakes near the Ontario-Quebec border could be felt across both provinces this
Natural Resources Canada seismologist John Adams said the first quake was 5.0 magnitude and about 25 kilometres
northeast of Shawville, Que. The second quake came 10 min utes later from the same location and
registered at 4.0 magnitude, said Adams.
You can check the Earthquakes Canada website for more information.
The earthquake was felt across the province including, in Ottawa, Braeside, Arnprior, Prescott, Renfrew, North
Gower and Richmond. There are reports it was even felt as far away as Toronto and Waterloo.
So far there are no reports of damage. The last major earthquake was felt on Saturday, September 22, 2012. Read more... |
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Spring geese fly in for a rest and a snack

This will be a familiar sight for those who drive Old Montreal Road, between Kinsella and Beckett's
Creek. This farm yard offers a rest stop for migrating geese, who seem to land here year after year. (Photo - R.O.Tide)
(Click on the pic to enlarge.)
And yes you can drive this road now, because the construction
on the ravine bridge has been completed. (Photo - R.O.Tide)
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Sunday: Jacqueline Tregwin recital was wonderful
Review of the performance to come soon...
(Sunday, May 5, 2013) Jacqueline Tregwin is a Rockland
resident whom you might have met at a local bank where she works part time. What you may not know is that Jacqueline
is a mezzo-soprano and a student in the Master of Music program at the University of Ottawa. She recently performed
in a 2013 Masters Recital, as a requisite for her master's degree. Accompanied by Carolyn Yip on the piano. Jacqueline
offered an amazing performance. We will update the recital shortly. In the meantime, Click here for more information and to read Jacqueline's
full biography.) |
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CRES Cleanup 2013 - pics from Saturday
(Clarence-Rockland, Saturday, April 27, 2013) The Clarence-Rockland Environmental Society
(CRES) along with the municipality organized the annual Clarence-Rockland Community exterior Spring Clean-up on
Saturday. Preliminary reports suggest that the day was a big success. The Canaan
Connexion met a few of the residents in Hammond:
A young Lucien Cusson, 81, pitches in along with other Hammond residents Christiane
and Serge Labonté
Stephane Rochon and daughter Sky, left, teamed up with Richard Carrière.
Jean-Guy Giroux captained the Hammond area.
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Spring geese fly in for a rest and a snack

This will be a familiar sight for those who drive Old Montreal Road, between Kinsella and Beckett's
Creek. This farm yard offers a rest stop for migrating geese, who seem to land here year after year. (Photo - R.O.Tide)
(Click on the pic to enlarge.)
And yes you can drive this road now, because the construction
on the ravine bridge has been completed. (Photo - R.O.Tide)
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 Attention readers!!
Some mean-spirited hackers are sending out emails, using the Boston Marathon bombing
and the West, Texas explosion in the subject line, to entice people to open up a link in the body of the email.
The subject line carries something like: "Boston Marathon Videos",
or "West Tx Expolsion"
The only thing in the body is something like:
Beware... it's probably a virus or malware.
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CRTC approves first English radio station for City
The English story: (Ottawa Citizen, March 18, 2013) Residents
of Clarence-Rockland will get their first local English-language radio station this fall. They can tune in
to 92.5 FM.
The station will be operated by Evanov Communications Inc., which runs 15 other stations including Ottawa’s 98.5
The Jewel. It has yet to be named. More...
The French version: (Le Droit) "The radio (station)
in Clarence-Rockland will be English", in spite of the fact that most of the 23000 residents are Francophone.
The French Canadian Association of Ontario (ACFO) of Prescott and Russell proved perplexed upon hearing the news.
"We are aware that Clarence-Rockland is a bilingual community and we will be very sensitive to that reality,"
said a spokesperson for Evanov Communications.
Read the French story here. |
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Stephen Blais
Updates on our neighbour from Cumberland Ward 19
Click here to read some updates. |
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Canada loses two icons...
Stompin' Tom and "Rawhide"
Stompin' Tom would be better known to the current generation.
He wore a cowboy hat and banged his heavy-heeled cowboy boot on a piece of plywood while singing his twangy songs
in small-town bars, but Stompin’ Tom Connors was more than just another lanky country-and-western act. The beloved
East Coast singer and songwriter, who died on Wednesday at age 77, was an outspoken Canadian nationalist long before
that became a cool thing to be. Stompin’ Tom was a pioneer, and he will be missed. Click here to read more about Stompin' Tom where the Globe & Mail
has included videos and photos.
Max Ferguson has died. He was 89. He would be lesser
know to today's generation, but he was a very popular personality in the late
1940s and 1950s, when radio dominated the air waves then continued on into the 1990s. He became a celebrated satirist
and award-winning broadcaster and writer and was best known for his long-running programs Rawhide and The Max Ferguson
Show. He retired in 1998 after 52 years at the CBC. Read his biography here.
here to listen to some vintage Max Ferguson from CBC's Rewind. For 52 years Max entertained CBC Radio listeners. Max was a true radio genius- off beat, eccentric and
totally brilliant. He invented an entire repertory company of bizarre characters- all voiced by Ferguson- to amuse
himself and his audience. He was known both within CBC and on air as a master satirist, philosopher and prankster.
Fighting unfair tow bills possible
Tips to deal with tow truck companies (Queensway)

OPP Const. Rheal Levac says Ottawa's detachment doesn't have
any contracts with local towing companies, and that the force's first
priority is to make sure roads are cleared as soon as possible.
In Ottawa last month, resident Ahmad Mobarak said he was taken advantage of after a minor crash
on the Queensway. The front of his car sustained only minor damage, he said, but was towed from the scene. When
he went to pick up the car from the impound lot, he was handed a bill for $460. Read more...
Driver (from Rockland?) airlifted to hospital

(Wendover, Wednesday, February 6, 2013) A woman thought to be from Rockland was airlifted to an Ottawa hospital
in critical condition after her car collided with an 18-wheeler near Wendover. More...
After effects to St. Albert Cheese Factory
UPDATES: MPP Grant Crack pledges support; Senators' André Benoit lends a hand - More...

Albert, Sunday, February 3, 2013) It was early in the morning when a fire broke out at
the renowned St-Albert Cheese Factory in St-Albert, Ont. A few hours later, the blaze not only took down the historic
landmark nestled within a small village of 650 people, it put 125 people – roughly one fifth of the town’s population
– out of work for the foreseeable future. More...
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Wilhaven Drive and Milburn Crescent
Baby didn't want to wait for hospital delivery
(Cumberland, Tuesday, January 29, 2013) Ottawa's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) were
called to the vicinity of Wilhaven Drive and Milburn Crescent, around 11:30 p.m. to respond to an imminent birth.
It appears that the mother-to-be was closer to term than planned. The last we heard, the ambulance was rushing
the patient to hospital with contractions only 45 seconds apart.
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C-R Budget Meeting included the public library
Most times straightforward, sometimes complicated
(Rockland, Monday, January 28, 2013) The Clarence-Rockland council met for a "special
Committee of the Whole meeting... to discuss the "Conclusion
of the 2013 preliminary budget". (The evening session was delayed 20 minutes from its 6:30 p.m. as the council
members from Hammond and Bourget were delayed because of a winter snowfall.)
Before the main budget discussions started however, representatives from the Clarence-Rockland
Public Library presented their budget to council.
Chief Executive Officer Daniel Noël, accompanied by library board chair Sylvie Archambault...
Meet the brain behind the numbers
Number crunching is not something most of us are good at, so when you watch City Treasurer Chantal McLean-Leroux
in action, you can only admire her deftness with budget figures. More...

Read more council news here, including the introduction of the new new Director of Infrastructure and Engineering Services, Gilles
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Clarence-Rockland Chamber of Commerce
Grant Crack speaks to business breakfast crowd

(Rockland. Thursday, January 17, 2013) Grant Crack, Member of Provincial Parliament for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell
was the Chamber's guest speaker at their second breakfast, held at G.A.B.'s Restaurant & Bar, where approximately
50 members were present.
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Another business closes, sort of...
McDonalds outlet at Wal-Mart
by Patrick Meikle
(Rockland, January 17, 2012) Dropped in to McDonald's at Wal-Mart today for a little coffee and cardboard and noticed
this sign on the wall:

Nicole Joubarne (l) of Wendover and Melissa Bonneville (r) of Rockland will be moving over to the
main restaurant after January 27.
(Photos - Patrick Meikle)
(Click on the pictures to enlarge)
The Wal-Mart location will be closing as of Sunday, January 27. Word has it that there was not enough
business there to keep up with the cost of rent. And a rumour suggests that Tim Horton's may move in?

However as the sign says, McDonald's looks forward to serving its customers at their main location,
2686 Laurier Street, where they remain open 24-hours a day. They have a "play place, drive-thru, and free
Wi-Fi. (McDonald's website.)
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Nicholas Vachon featured in McLean's Magazine
"He loved volunteer firefighting so much he decided against a career move to Calgary."
Nicholas Vachon was born Sept. 12, 1981, at Montfort Hospital in Ottawa to Isabelle and Claude Vachon, two quiet
schoolteachers who lived in Curran, a small village about 80 km east of Ottawa. Nicholas was their first son, the
third of five Vachon children.
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Health News:
Widespread flu activity in Eastern Ontario
Influenza activity is widespread throughout the province including
the five counties served by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU). Confirmed influenza outbreaks have been identified
in several institutions, including schools, retirement homes and long-term care facilities.
There have been 160 confirmed influenza cases to date in the Ottawa region — five times higher than the same period
last year. The virus has been blamed for the deaths of five people — all seniors — so far this season.
“The flu season started early this year with cases reported since November,” says Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical
Officer of Health at the EOHU. “The circulating strain is influenza A, H3N2, and illness could be more severe,”
he adds.
The flu shot is available through physicians, some local pharmacies or by appointment at one of the Eastern Ontario
Health Unit’s offices. Besides protecting themselves, people who get the shot also reduce the risk of infecting
their loved ones as well as vulnerable people around them.
For more information about the flu and how to prevent it from spreading, visit the EOHU’s website at www.eohu.ca
or call 613-933-1375 or 1 800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line.
(NOTE: More flu shot clinics added in Ottawa as well... More...)
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Municipalities in Eastern Ontario want reform
Droit - January 11, 2013) Since its reform in 1998, many rural municipalities in
Ontario believe that the tax refund program for agricultural land has become a major burden.

Rural municipalities in Eastern Ontario demanding immediate reform of the provincial tax refund
agricultural land. The Eastern Ontario
Wardens Caucus (EOWC), which brings together all the mayors of the 13 regional governments
in Eastern Province, met in Kingston to establish priorities for 2013. Equitable distribution of costs between
municipalities and the province for agricultural property tax credit appears at the top of the list.
Click here to read more in French
Click here to read
a Google translation. (Click on the word "translating".)
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Rockland Business:
Ben's Cycle peddles into the sunset
(Rockland - Wednesday, January 9, 2013) We were caught by surprise when an Ottawa resident
called the Canaan Connexion to ask if
we had a contact number for Ben's Cycle, and we learned that
the business had closed.
It would appear that Rockland was not big enough to support a specialized business like Ben's.

This is a picture of Ben's Cycle today, showing an empty premises with paper blocking the windows.
The picture on the left was taken in the fall to highlight the fall colours.
(Photos - Patrick Meikle)
(Click on the photos to enlarge.)
The caller had just had all of his cross country ski equipment stolen from his car. He had purchased the stuff
from Ben's Cycle, had gotten a great price on it, and wanted to return to Ben's to replace the stolen goods. Too
another business note, two other businesses have closed in 2012. They include the local
Sears (catalogue) outlet, and gourmet food store on Laurier Street.
And, if the rumours are true, Staples in Rockland could be closed by June of this year. Watch for more developments
on this story. |
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Bélisle Chevrolet Cadillac closing after
87 years
Business started in Clarence Creek
(Ottawa, Thursday, January 10, 2013) This is the end of an era in Ottawa and Eastern
Ontario. Bélisle Chevrolet Cadillac automobiles, one of the oldest family-owned General Motors (GM) dealerships
in the country, is shutting down the engines today, after 87 years.
(Click on pic to enlarge)
The dealership’s owner, Paul Belisle, announced the decision to close the store last November. The Belisle family’s
modern history in the local automobile industry can be traced back to 1880, when Paul’s grandfather left Montreal
to settle in Clarence Creek and opened a blacksmith shop. He turned that into a Chevrolet dealership in 1926. Read more...
Read a French version of this story from Le Droit newspaper: "La fin d'une époque à Ottawa". |
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Cumberland Ward
Councillor Stephen Blais:
Collapses at gym, rushed to hospital
(Monday, January 7, 2013) Ottawa Councillor Stephen Blais, who represents Cumberland
Ward, immediately east of Clarence-Rockland, is being treated at hospital after he collapsed while at the gym Monday
(UPDATE-Tuesday, January 8, 2012) Cumberland Ward councillor Stephen Blais remains in a medically-induced
coma nearly 36 hours after suffering a heart attack while working out at the Place d'Orléans Goodlife Fitness
Centre on Monday. Read
(UPDATE-Thursday, January 10, 2012) Stephen Blais has been improving. He has regained consciousness.
Nick Vachon - Volunteer firefighter:
Store refuses refund on parents' Christmas present
UPDATE: Satisfied ending as store owner offers an apology and conpensation
The day that Rockland volunteer firefighter Nicholas Vachon was killed, his parents had bought their son
a pair of steel-toed boots for Christmas.
After the holidays when his father Claude tried to return the boots to the Regional Shoe Repair store in Orleans,
the employee refused to take back the boots, evidently telling the senior Vachon: "Surely you can wear those
boots. They should fit you."
The incident seemed cold and heartless, at the time and upset the family. The story made some national newspapers
and the store received many visits and phone calls to complain, even one from Germany.
However the store owner, Carole Delage, came through with a tearful apology and a certified cheque for the Vachon
Funeral for Rockland toddler struck by vehicle More...
Fire destroys House home on Old Highway 17
(Saturday, January 5, 2013) An early morning fire has levelled a home at 3347 Old Highway
17, east of Rockland and Clarence Point. It was owned by the Howes family. Read more... |
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Here are some New Year's related stories...
The Secret to Keeping a New Year’s Resolution
STEP to focus on following too close and stop sign violations in January
Cops release list of best silly 911 calls of 2012 (With slide show)
2012 top Ottawa stories from the CBC
Top 10 Ottawa
stories of 2012 as chosen by CTV News
Ottawa Technology: 2012 in review — searching for the next tech champion
your own life for 2013
OC Tranpo trying Presto cards in the new year
Police say plan ahead and drive safe for New Years
From the Wait and see file...
Councillor Stephen Blais pushing for Highway 174 expansion
Rex Murphy: The award for the worst politician of the year
goes to …
The year past, much like the years before it, has been marked by frequent lamentations
that democracy is at peril in Canada, that the federal government in particular is increasingly remote, unresponsive,
and in certain areas even reaching towards the imperious. (Written as only Rex Murphy could!)
... let me nominate the soon to be history Liberal administration of the now departing Dalton McGuinty. Read more... |
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OPP officer cleared after woman hurt in cellblock
(Monday, December 31, 2012) The province’s Special Investigations
Unit has cleared a Russell County police officer of any wrongdoing after he closed a cell door that crushed a female
inmate's finger. (Read previous story)
The woman, 30, from Clarence-Rockland suffered a fracture to her finger due to the incident at the Rockland detachment
of the Ontario Provincial Police, east of Ottawa. Read more... |
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Russell OPP investigating death of 18-month-old girl
(Thursday, December 27, 2012) Ontario Provincial Police are investigating the death of
an 18-month-old girl in Clarence-Rockland. Crews responded to the call of a serious injury at a home around 12
p.m. Thursday, where the girl had been struck by a vehicle in the home’s garage.
Police would not confirm if the toddler lived at the residence, but OPP Sgt. Kristine Rae said
the vehicle was entering the garage when it hit the girl. She was transported to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern
Ontario, where she later died of her injuries. Russell County OPP are assisting the coroner with the investigation.
Saturday, January 5, 2013: A funeral was held today
for little Magalie St-Martin, who was identified as the toddler killed last week. More...
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Teen celebrates first anniversary of heart transplant

(Ottawa Citizen - Friday, December 21, 2012) Stéphane Lacroix only has vague memories of last Christmas, which
he spent at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, but the boy from Clarence-Rockland remembers one particular sound.
When everyone in the hospital went to sleep, he could hear the faint whirr of the battery-powered pump that had
been implanted inside his chest to keep his ever-weakening heart beating. Read more...
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OPP launching annual Festive R.I.D.E program |

(Friday, November 23, 2012) The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are launching their annual Festive
R.I.D.E campaign starting this weekend.
According to the OPP, 61 people have died in alcohol-related motor vehicle collisions within
OPP jurisdiction so far this year, up by more than 17 per cent compared to this time last year. At this time last
year, 52 people had lost their lives in impaired driving collisions.
Last year, officers charged 682 motorists with impaired driving and issued a warn range suspension
to 583 drivers during the festive R.I.D.E program.
The 2012 campaign runs from November 24 until January 2.
The OPP is also inviting members of the public to join them on their Facebook page to share their
views about impaired driving. More...
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Fatal early morning crash in Plantagenet |
November 22, 2012) A Plantagenet man is dead after he was ejected from his car when it slammed into a hydro pole
near the village early Thursday morning.
Ontario Provincial Police are trying to figure out what led to the accident.
Dominique Malette, 26, was driving a 2004 Dodge SX2 on County Road 9 between Station and Water Streets around 2:20
Thursday morning, when the vehicle left the road.
Malette was ejected from the car when it hit a hydro pole. He was pronounced dead at the scene. |
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Beckett's Creek Road now open |

Beckett's Creek Road resident Rebecca Dufton took the Canaan Connexion
on a tour of the construction site before the road reopened. The
road is now open to commuters. Construction was completed within the time line given.
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Woman injured in Rockland OPP cellblock |
(Rockland, Thursday, November 15, 2012) A Clarence-Rockland woman received a moderate injury in an Ontario
Provincial Police cellblock Thursday, and the province's Special Investigations Unit is looking into it.
Just before 4 p.m. Thursday, OPP officers from the Russell County detachment responded to a disturbance on Laurier
Street in Clarence-Rockland, according to a media release. More... |
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Clarence Island Natural Park inaugurated |

L-R: Ivan Burton, Planner, Pierre Filion, owner of Centennial Construction;
Danièle Vinette, Environmental Society; Denis Longpré, Environment Manager;
Nathalie Mathieu, Tucker House; Diane Choinière, Councillor; Mayor Marcel Guibord;
Claude Vachon, Environmental Society; Thérèse Lefaivre, Director of Community Services;
Pierre Boucher, Manager of Recreation and Municipal Facilities; Steven Morris and
André Perras, Members of the Environment Advisory Committee. (Photo - City of C-R).
(Rockland - November 6, 2012) Officials from the City of Clarence-Rockland along with members
of the Clarence-Rockland Environmental Society
(CRES) have inaugurated the shoreline restoration work at the Clarence Peninsula Natural
Park on Onésime Guibord Road, just east of Clarence Point on old Highway 17. More...
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New mural unveiled on the eve of Halloween
(Rockland, Tuesday, October 30, 2012) Staff from Rockland District High School (RDHS)
and the Clarence-Rockland Public Library, along with members of the library board and parents, honoured several
RDHS students and teachers during a special unveiling of a new mural designed and painted by students. The event
was held in the children's section of the library, this evening.

Kia Kortelainen, on the right, designed and painted the mural. Sierra Lybbert,
on the left was one of several students who helped to paint the mural along
with Ben Cirne, Allie Fink, and Chris Holford-Walker. (Photos - Patrick Meikle)
The mural depicts eleven characters from popular children's stories. Can you guess who they are?
Have a closer look in the enlarged view, and let us know.
We will be offering more on this event soon.
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Halloween at the Clarence-Rockland Public Library
Witches, vampires, blood and brain food |

If you haven't visited the main branch of the Clarence-Rockland Public Library lately, now would
be a good time to go. Their Halloween theme is spectacular. It's not scary, but the decorations will "wow"
you, and the books and material that they have put together is outstanding and well worth the trip.
Back to top |
READER ALERT... What would you do if you saw someone who had an apparent heart attack (sudden
cardiac arrest)? Would you know how to help? Watch this video. It could help you to save someone's life. Click here... |
$50,000 reward:
For info in woman’s hit and run death in Fournier |
(March 22, 2012)The Ontario Provincial Police are offering
a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for
the death of Jessica Godin, last seen alive on the evening of last Sept. 22 at a park near Du Parc Street in Fournier.
Read More with a link to a video... |
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 Attention readers!!
BEWARE of possible virus-infested messages
that are currently going around! Read
(Here in Clarence-Rockland)
Robbed, stranded and need cash help!
Click here to read
up on several virus threats and spam alerts that have creeped into our area over the past week. |
Canada Post look-alike-message:
On June 20, 2012, the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre of the Government
of Canada notified federal government departments of a phishing campaign in which malicious actors are falsely
representing Canada Post in order to deliver malware to recipients. This may go further than just government recipients,
so be aware! Read more... |
READER ALERT! The telephone scammers who hit the 446- phone numbers a few months ago, are back! They have now started
to call the 833- phone number which includes residents in the Blue Jay Ridge, Forest Hill areas off of Canaan Road,
as well as residents in the Cumberland Village area. Click here for more...
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| Babysitting Courses »

KidSafe Canada is offering babysitting courses this month.. More...

More recalls than we can list here. More...
Capital Parent Newspaper is Ottawa's key information source for parents of
all ages. Rich in editorial content, advice columns and event listings, the newspaper covers a broad range of topics
including: Education; Family Relationships; Computers and Kids; Health and Nutrition; Community Events; Hobbies;
New Parent Information; The Teenage Years; Summer Camp Guide; Summer Fun . . . and more!
We have added a link to this publication on our family page. You can see it here. |
| Church News »
Check out our Church page for news, information and events from our local churches. More...
| Family Childcare/Babysitting »

We provide a page for you
to hook up with childcare providers, babysitters, and visa-versa. More...
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Family news, features and resources.
Almost one third of toys from Europe and Asia contain toxic metals. More...
| Health News »
Family health resources and headlines. More...
Manic Depression, Or Bipolar Disorder: Facts and Myths About Manic Depression More...
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Click here...
Results of: Canadian Men’s Amateur Golf Championship held in C-R
Click here for more news...
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December 5, 2013

Read the Vision online...
(Check out the Vision
website here.)
(Check out their Facebook...)
| Coming on Weekends »

If you missed our Weekender
you can see it here.
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YOU ask the questions...
We find the answers. More...
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Keep a watch on the cost of living.

Food prices could jump five-seven per cent
PM unveils new tax break for families
Lost and Found

Our cat has wandered away on Eliot Street
in Rockland. She is a 5-year-old, 15-lb
Tortie with a white patch on her chest
and on her tummy. She is Spayed.
Her name is Tonks, she's extremely
friendly. If you find her, please call
Jennifer at: 613-601-9157.
Lost and Found
Denver’s been missing since Thursday evening, June 28. He is timid but will generally
respond to “fella” in a soft voice. Denver was sighted in the afternoon Friday at Blue Jay & Canaan and around
10PM that evening near Willhaven & Canaan. If you happen to catch sight of him, we’d really appreciate a call
or Facebook update. My cell is 613-868-8834 and home is 613-833-1661. Thank you all so much, Cynthia Windsor, 255
Oakwood Drive. cynthiaw@videotron.ca |
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Canaan Columnists »
Bits and bites of Everyday Life
Read the verbal etchings
from resident columnist
Alberte Villeneuve.
This week:
We have survived the “end-of-the-world”! Now what?
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Patrick's Blog
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Weekly Obituaries
Every weekend we publish
the past week's local obituaries.
From Brunet Funeral Home:
From Brunet Funeral Home:
Charles Goudreau - July 5
Gérald Lacroix - July 3
Eric Fillion - June 29
Thérèse Villeneuve - June 29
Jacques M. Séguin - June 27
James Campbell - June 24
Marcel St-Denis - 20 juin
Visit our own obituary page...
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Click here
for more obituaries.
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Crockett Says:
This is a stoop and scoop community.
Please pick up after your dogs!
Back to top |

Get the links to every major
newspaper, news media,
magazine, radio and televison
outlet in Canada and the world.
Click here.
Click on the pic to
get more weird news...

Spontaneous Human Combustion Explained With Pork Belly
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Can't find what you're looking for? Check our updated site map!
(It has links to almost everything that is on this website)

You can read our previous (archived) news stories:
click here...

Congratulations to the
C-R Fire Department for being named the Ontario Fire Department of the Year for Muscular Dystrophy Canada. More...

Donate to Lac-Megantic
Support fund
Canadian Red Cross teams are actively responding to ensure that the needs of Lac-Mégantic
residents are being met. Some of these people have lost everything. Your help is urgently needed.
Click here...

(Click on picture for more...)
Today's weather
(Gatineau Airport is closer than Ottawa)
CBC's weather specialist
Ian Black on Twitter
Check the satellite tracking here.
Report here
'Dallas' Star Larry Hagman "J.R.", dies at 81

You can read about other well-known personalities who have recently left this mortal world, Click here...
Weekly recycle

Jan. 27 - 31
Get your 2013/2014
calendar schedule here.
Cumberland residents
click here.
Schedule Jan/Feb 2014
F |
Where to recycle and what
is not picked up. More...
Size limit on recycle containers. More...

Rockland's Derek Roy, traded from Dallas Stars to Vancouver Canucks. Read more...
Patrick Meikle
Canaan Connexion
Rockland resident
André Branchaud
comments on the
3rd edition
of the latest
T-Mousse Journal
Read more

Check out the latest recalls. Visit
our "Product & Food Recalls"
page... click here.
We have a lazy neighbour!

One of our neighbour's is dumping
their junk mail on the ground, beside
the postal boxes. It's been going on for
months! They must be English speaking
because they only throw out the
French paper, Le Reflet. Come on you
pathetic person... recycle at home!!
This month's tip:
Do you have a back-up plan if your power goes out? More...

(Click on pic to enlarge)
Google's new privacy policy...
You should be concerned. More...

You can read our previous (archived) news stories:
click here...

New to the area?
When is the last time you
had your septic tank cleaned?
(Click on pic for more)
Away for the weekend?
Miss our Weekender?
Check it out

Every weekend, on Saturdays and Sundays, we bring you the week in review, along with a few features.
Check out the last weekend.
C-R Public Library

We try to keep up with the many activities and services provided by the Clarence-Rockland Public
Cumberland Village News

Dale's Cemetery
Look up any headstone!

Read the latest news from
the Cumberland Lions...
Click here

A Forest Hill resident asks:
"Is Hydro One reaping huge profits
with Smart Meter Use?" More...
What's happening on
Parliament Hill?

Check out this webcam - more...
Have you seen us?

Tonks went missing in Rockland.

Denver went missing from Forest Hill, off Canaan Road
Click on the pic to
get more weird news...

Eel removed from man's rectum