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- For larger non-commercial items (vehicles, homes, etc.) we charge a one-time-fee of $19.99,
which can include text and one photo. Additional photos cost $5.00 each.
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- Please to monitor your own ads and contact us if you no longer require the information to be
posted. Thank you! -PWM, Editor
- We also feature some of the small office-home office (SOHO) businesses that are in the area.
Click here for more.
Blue Jay/Forest Hill and local region: Reliable young woman, available afternoons and nights any day of the week
and weekends; 22 years old; two college diplomas; first aid and a great deal of babysitting experience. "I
already have a full-time job but would like to supplement my income."
Contact: Emily Taylor; Telephone Numbers 613-833-1407/613-265-1406;
References available. (Date: Wednesday, August 1, 2012)
Saxaphone Lessons:
I'm currently giving sax lessons for any type of saxophone at the rate of $40/one hour. I have studied music and
education at the University of Ottawa and have been teaching sax lessons for 8 years. My cell phone number is 613-402-3478 and my email is brian.e.burns[at]live.com.
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For Sale

This home is located at:
180 Louise Street in Rockland.
Click on the picture to enlarge.
For Sale
1285 Vinette Road - $279,000 - 3 beds, 2 baths
Bright & spacious bungalow on 3/4 acre treed lot with no front or direct rear neighbors!!
Open kitchen with an island that leads to an extra large livingroom. The living room features a fireplace with
Napoleon insert and hardwood floors. The master bedroom is large and bright. The fully finished basement features
a 3rd bedroom, 2nd bathroom and large mudroom with direct access to the oversized double garage. Click here for more information and pictures.
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If you have any items, please contact us at: 613-833-1547, or e-mail the editor:
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(It has links to almost everything that is on this website)
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