If you have a community resource you would like to list, please send us an e-mail:
Childcare (babysitting): |
There are a few Childcare homes around BJFH, and a number
of local kids have expressed an interest in babysitting in their neighbourhoods. You can send
us an e-mail (
) if you want to get on the list. In the meantime, take a look at our childcare
The City of Clarence-Rockland has a daycare program. The municipality owns three daycares, The Carrousel,
Carrefour Jeunesse and St-Patrick. Click
here to go to their site.
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Computer Repairs: |
Have a virus? Pop ups driving you bonkers? I can help...and I am LOCAL!
Cheap, fast and local. I will beat any repair shops price!
- Data Recovery
- Virus Removal
- Spyware Removal
- Complete PC rebuilds....I can do it all!
Over 15 years of experience! Give me a call 613-327-2031 or email d_hort@hotmail.com
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Facebook Pages: |
We are compiling
a list of local Facebook and Twitter pages. Can you contribute?
Click here for more...
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Furniture repaired/refurbished: |
Lyne Brisebois From Cumberland Village writes:
If any of you are interested on having some of your furniture refurbished or kitchen cabinets stripped/restained/revarnished.
I have started my business (New Look Furniture) right in the Village of Cumberland. I am available anytime you
Call: 613-291-4263, or send an email: plbrisebois[at]rogers.com
Lyne does some fine work... just check out her Facebook Page and find her on LinkedIn.
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Health and Fitness: |
We have no businesses listed under this category at present, however we do carry an extensive page dealing with
general family health issues. Click
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Home and Household Tips: |
Visit our "Home Tips page for information that may be of assistance to home owners... pool maintenance, smoke
detectors anf fire escape plans, planning on renovating?, roofing tips, etc. Click
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House Cleaning (Cleaning Lady) Services: ( 011715) |
Cleaning Lady:
Stephanie advertises herself as a "cleaning lady". She takes pride in her work and has 14 years of
experience. Her services consist of dusting, vacuuming, floors, washroons, window ledges, light fixtures, top of
picture frames, rotation of baseboards, blinds, etc.
For more information you can call 613-833-3202. While she lives in the Forest Hill area, off of Canaan Road,
she covers a wide area that includes Clarence-Rockland, Cumberland Village, Orleans and even Ottawa. She also has
an associate who covers the Gatineau side of the river.
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Hydro One (What to do when the power goes out?): |
those of us who lived through the Ice Storm, we are pretty dependant on electricity...in BJFH, it controls our heat, water wells and electricity.
- Water Pump - If the power goes out, you probably will have to reset your electric well water pump. The
pumps are typically under the basement stairs and the reset switch is on the right-hand side of the square box.
- Sump Pump - If the power goes out for a long period of time, and you have a high water table, you run
the risk of a flooded basement. So make sure you check the sump pump well often.
- Power Outage Information - Hydro
One provides detailed outage information online and in the palm of your hand with our Storm Centre outage maps
and Hydro One Mobile application. More...
- Contact Information
- Click here to contact Ontario Hydro
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Local Fruit/Vegetables and Honey: |
Canaan Blueberry Farm:
Seasonal, on Canaan Road, opens towards the end of July. Also offers local honey. More...
Rubicon Farms:
Seasonal, organic blueberries, near Avenmore, opens July. More...
Pine Hill Orchards:
A "pick your own" fruit farm (apples/grapes) located near Bourget. More...
Cumberland Farmers' Market:
Cumberland Village, Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (June to October). More...
Desjardins Garden/Greenhouses:
Vegetables, plants and flowers, Clarence Creek. Also sells at Cumberland Farmers' Market (open from May to
October). More...
 Canaan Blueberry
Seasonal for blueberries (see above), however their many bee hives (bees pollinate the blueberry plants) produce
several batches of honey from late spring to fall and they sell their local honey well into the fall and
winter seasons while supplies last. More...
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Metal Scrap Pickup:
Metals (aluminium, copper), vehicles, appliances, batteries, oil tanks, water tanks,
old B.B.Qs, even old B.B.Q. tanks, TV sets, electronics (old computer/cell phones, etc.). |
Derek Ross lives near 10th Line and Innes in Orleans. He works the area near his home and will pick
up most of the items listed above. You can email him at: Derek Ross <drwho97@hotmail.com> |
Plantagenet area (including Clarence-Rockland):
Marc Dicaire will come in from Plantagenet area to pick up your scrap metal. He will pick up just about any
type of metal including:
- Aluminium, copper, vehicles, appliances, batteries, oil tanks, water tanks, old B.B.Qs, even old B.B.Q. tanks,
TV sets.
- He picks up the metal for free
Give him a call:
Home: 613-673-1626; Cells: 613-880-4770 - 613-868-1639
or email mich_6[at]live.com
St. Pascal and Clarence-Rockland area:
Mike and Dan are a father and son team who worked very had during the last C-R clean-up. We found them to
be very reliable, honest and ethical. They came back promptly after we asked them to pick up other items, and during
the clean-up, when they were going through individual piles of stuff at the end of the driveway, after they had
picked what they could, they cleaned up the pile and did not leave a mess! They even picked up an old furnace oil
drum. Call them: 613-612-2167.
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Movie Rentals (DVD/Blue Ray): |
Visit our "New Residents" page to see the listings for local movie rentals. Click here.
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Music Services (You may need music for your event): |
Sax Appeal
as Canada’s Premier Saxophone Ensemble, Sax Appeal is a unique
professional saxophone quartet (comprised of a Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Baritone saxophone) located just down the
road in Orleans. Excellent musicians and a great variety of musical styles suitable for any occasion...from jazz
to classical to literally everything in-between; from wedding ceremonies, cocktail/dinner receptions and diplomatic
functions, to birthdays, Christmas parties and festivals.
Visit their website for more information and videos of their
music... and check out their Facebook page.
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New Residents: |
If you are new to the Clarence-Rockland area, you may want to look at a page we call "Information
For New Residents". Click here.
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Ontario Hydro: |
See "Hydro One" above. Click here.
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Pet Care Services: |
A La Patte Poilue Chenil - At The Hairy Paw Kennel:
Denise Chenier and Michel Derome operate this kennel at 2080 Nolan Road, just outside of Rockland. They have extensive experience in pet care and take
a very personal interest in your pets. They also provide grooming services. Visit their Facebook Page and website
for more information, tonnes of photos and positive comments from their clients. Contact numbers: 613-702-4103,
613-488-2595 and emails:
denise[at]alapattepoiluechenil.com, or michel[at]alapattepoiluechenil.com
You may also find other kennels here: Dog
Boarding Facilities
Barking Beauties Grooming Studio:
Owned and operated by Laura Barker since 1999 and located at 574 Edwards Street in Rockland, they specialize in
small breed dogs. Call: 613-446-4555
Grooming At The Hairy Paw - Toilettage A La Patte Poilue - Broken Paw Foundation:
This is the same resource as shown above, however this their Facebook Page featuring grooming and it includes information about their "Broken
Paw Foundation", a "non-profit, private organization, not registered, whose aim is to help families,
individuals, seniors, with the high cost of unexpected" pet medical expenses. (This foundation was featured
on page 11, June 26, 2014 edition of the
Vision Newspaper, "Une fondation pour les animaux de compagnie".
This story may not be archived yet.)
Lynnie's Dog Walking and Pet/House Sitting
Cumberland Village resident Lynn van den Ham has over 20 years in the pet care service and works p/t
at a local vet clinic. Her services include: looking after your pets (cats/dogs) in your home (home visits as often
as you need), regular dog walking, will look after plants, mail, check house, turn on lights, etc.
Call: 613-833-2047, 613-316-9949; Email: babl1099[at]sympatico.ca
Rockland Dog Park Facebook Page
Rockland Dog Park is located at Poupart Road and St-Jean Street in Rockland. The park in on Poupart
Street just west of the hydro station.
Rockland Dogs Facebook Page
Welcome to Rockland Dogs! Feel free to post any dog related information in and around Rockland, Ontario.
Animal Rescue
Navan Animal Rescue Corporation’s (NARC):
Their mission is to educate, inspire, and assist individuals and organizations of diverse cultures in treating
animals with respect in order to achieve a peaceful, equitable and sustainable future with our companions/pets.
Call: 613-834-7005, visit their website for more information,
send them an email: information[at]narc-charity.ca or check out their Facebook Page.
Safe Pet Ottawa:
Assisting women to get away from their abusive partners, by putting their pets in temporary foster care.
Did You Know... that dogs picked up by the C-R bylaw officers are held for a minimum of three full week
days during which every attempt is made to find the owners... and thanks to the generosity of one local resident,
unclaimed dogs are brought to a local rescue shelter where they are cared for until a good home can be found.
Bylaw Director Yves Rivard recommends dog owners license their animals (municipal dog tags) for easy identification
in the event that they are lost. They keep a registry for lost dogs and have an electronic chip reader if the animal
happens to have a chip. They also take a picture of the dog and put it on their online registry. If your dog is
lost, call City Hall. Check out their "Dog
Pound" page.
Yves also offers a warning to pet owners, especially for small animals like dogs and cats. There are coyotes and
fishers in the area and they have been known to find small animals "an easy meal!".
Some local lost dogs are featured on this website:
Society - Lost Dogs Clarence-Rockland |
Picking up after your dog:
Clarence-Rockland has a "stoop and scoop" bylaw which includes any area near a residence... Blue
Jay Ridge, Forest Hill, inhabited areas along Canaan Road, etc. We have two big dogs and we have found a product
that works well.
"Poopy Sacs" are strong bags, vanilla perfumed and dark brown in colour, to hide what you have picked
up and they are biodegradable.Click on the picture at right to read about them. You can pick up a 150-bag pack
at Giant Tiger for about $3.00 |
Visit our Pet Page
Some years ago we started a "Pet Page". We have not particularly kept it up, however there
is still relevant information that you may find interesting. Example headlines:
- Pet owners beware evil beneath the snow
- Goodbye Anabel
- So, you wanna to have a dog?
- Cold weather tips for pet owners
- Choosing and raising a new pup
- Keep your pets cool in hot weather
- What happens when cat lover gets dog?
- Is Your Cat Safe From Distemper?
- Man uses GPS to map dog doo
- Click here for more...
If you have concerns... about breeders, questions about purebred animals, etc., the Canadian Kennel Club and/or the Ottawa
Kennel Club (OKC) may be able to help. They have a strong Code of Ethics. The OKC also offers informational
meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. |
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Recycling Resources: |
We have listed all of our recycling resources on our garbage and recycle
page. These include:
Garbage, Recycling, Composting and Landfill, Burning Regulations, Where to recycle items not on the Collection
Calendar list?
(If you look through the Refuse/Recycle "Collection
Calendar", you will get an excellent overview of what you need to know about Blue Box (glass/metal/plastic)
and Black Box (paper/cardboard) materials, what is acceptable, how to set it out, and most importantly what items
should not be put into the recycle bins.)
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Septic tank systems and maintenance: |
Septic - antiseptic
If you are new to the country like we were and have not been on a well and septic system before, this
might be a good time to think about having your septic tank pumped and your well water tested. Here off the Canaan
Road, a number of our neighbours have never had this done and they have run into grief.
Septic tanks must be drained regularly otherwise they may back up into your home or overflow into your yard.
How often your tank should be pumped depends on the number of family members and how heavy the use. The average
may vary from two to five years.
If you don't remember the last time your septic tank was cleaned out, better have it done to play it safe. We
recommend Bob Brazeau's Bourget Sanitation at 613-487-3954.

1. To have a look at How Sewer and Septic Systems Work, click
2. Septic Systems
(From the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority)
If you use any water in your residence, it must be disposed through an approved septic system. The purpose of the
system is to remove most of the harmful items that might get into the water. Septic systems require periodic maintenance.
Properly maintaining your septic system is the key to its efficiency. Click for more.
3. Septic Systems
(More from the University of Maine)
Maintenance is the key to a lasting septic disposal system. Click for more.
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Small Office - Home Office (SOHO): |
Grow Your Business With SOHO
SOHO offers you the tools and resources you need to grow your small and medium size business. Discover the
many tools, resources, events and savings to help grow you business and be more profitable. Click here...
If you have a community resource or home-based business that you would like to list, please send us an e-mail:

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Water Wells/Water Testing: |
Visit our New Residents page to read our take on water wells. It includes:
- Testing your water
- What to do when the power goes out and you have to restart the well pump
- Ground water, water tables, the eco-system
Click here to visit the page.
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Can't find what you're looking for? Check our site map!
(It has links to almost everything that is on this website)
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