WSI or BFI? - Don't be confused. The companies merged in 2010. More...
The City of Clarence-Rockland, Physical Services Department
has four parts to its waste disposal program. These include:
Garbage, Recycling, Compost
and Landfill.
We have a recycling program, using a weekly alternating
Blue and Black box
system. To get complete information on all recycling and garbage, route maps, landfill site, etc. please click
here. If you need further information call:
446-6022, ext. 247.

WSI/BFI Waste Services look
after the
Clarence-Rockland refuse and recycling
needs. Here their link:
1: WSI/BFI Waste Services
2: Clarence-Rockland Environment (including garbage and recycling collections)
only allowed to put out up to three garbage bags, without tags and you must put containers out
only after 7 p.m.
For more information on Collection of Residential Waste Material, please click here.
PLEASE... Cover
recycles on windy days so your neighbours don't have to pick up your blowing garbage. |
- Try to put your refuse out in the early morning. If you leave it out over night you may find
that dogs, crows, skunks, or other varmits may eat through the plastic bags.
- This garbage was left over after crows pecked their way through the plastic.
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Crow's Nest or Dog's
For those doubting Thomases who don't think crows can mess up our garbage... here
is proof. This cawing character (probably a Raven) was caught on Blue Jay Drive a day before garbage pick-up. The
owner had forgotten that our refuse day was one day late because of the long weekend and had put out the trash
too early, giving our black-feathered friends plenty of opportunity to mess it up. Delicious!
(We are getting between two and six crow attacks per week)
(Photo - Patrick Meikle)
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This week's crow/raven attacks in the Canaan
quartier |
The Alta Vista (Coronation Park) area of Ottawa is not the only place
that is being invaded by crows. Thankfully we are not getting the many thousands that Ottawa has (click here), but the few that do descend on our local
neighbourhoods are a nuisance neverthless, giving us early morning wake-up calls, and attacking our garbage.
After a long weekend: Refuse and recycling pick-up will be one
day later after a
long weekend. Some households forget and put their materials out one day too early.
(Obviously they do not visit the Canaan Connexion
to get our front page pick-up reminders.) Also, many of our neighbours who do not use proper closed containers
for their garbage are being hit by marauding squadrons of crows. These are just some of the attacks recorded by
our camera. |
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Garbage Day - Crow attacks up from last week!
In an on-going struggle between the crow and raven's need to find food, thereby creating
havoc with our weekly garbage bags, and the local neighbours trying to keep the community neat and clean, we have
taken on the onerous task of monitoring this local "war zone".
Every week as we walk around our neighbourhood on garbage day, we count the crow attacks on garbage
bags. (This is serious stuff!)
These avarian predators of the family Corvidae swoop in after your weekly treasures have been
placed at the end of your driveways and delight in pecking through the plastic, pulling out their booty, and flying
off with whatever they can scavenge. They particularly seem to go for soggy paper tissues and used feminine supplies.
Disgusting as this may seem, it was even more revolting when one neighbour left this trophy at the end of her driveway
for nearly five weeks!
And is seems that some of our neighbours just don't learn. Week after week it is the same families
who allow their garbage to be picked over, simply because they do not use secure lidded containers.
On a related note to our block walk, we count the number of barking dogs around our one-kilometer
amble. There are usually two to six barking dogs... the highest count has been 16! (We try to get up as early as
we can on a Saturday and Sunday morning just to get those early risers yelping (grin).
Cretin dog owners
And on a related note on dogs... there are still a number of cretins who are not picking
up after their dogs. Some people are walking their mutts under the cover of darkness... I guess they figure if
people don't see them, the don't have to pick up.
Even though we live near the country, this is still a stoop and scoop community. Yes and that
included along Canaan Road. More...
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Notice to residents: Recycling bins/boxes can only be a maximum
size of 22 gallons
Recycle pamphlets delivered
Recycling bins/boxes can only be a
maximum size of 22 gallons
(Clarence-Rockland, January 26, 2012) The City of Clarence-Rockland wishes to encourage residents to use recycling
bins of a maximum size of 22 gallons. Although larger containers
are convenient for users, they can cause problems in terms of workers’ health and safety since the recycling collection
trucks are not equipped for this type of receptacle.
"We are proud that the Clarence-Rockland citizens take its environment seriously and are
adept at recycling. However, oversized full bins may be too heavy for the BFI employees and this can cause a refusal
to take the recycling, "said Denis Longpré, En vironment Manager for the City of Clarence-Rockland.
Mr. Longpré would also like to clarify that in the event that one of these containers
is damaged during the recycling collection, it would not be replaced by the City or BFI. The municipality will
reimburse only the bins that were purchased at City Hall.
Before buying a recycling bin, the City invites citizens to contact the municipality for information
about the collection service.
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Recycle pamphlets delivered
Click on the graphic to get the latest
"Collection Calendar" which tells us everything we wanted to know about blue and black box do’s and don’ts.
It was delivered in our mail. If you want a hard copy, you may want to call the City of Clarence-Rockland, Public
Works, (613) 446-6022, Extension 6. You can also catch the weekly cycle on the Canaan Connexion home page.
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Schedule JUNE 2018
NOTE: You can get the latest recycle
calendar on the City of Clarence-Rockland website.
For the PDF file, click here.

This is one of many
WSI/BFI Waste Services
Recyle trucks.
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Where to recycle items not on
the Collection Calendar list?
If you look through the Refuse/Recycle "Collection Calendar", you will get an excellent overview
of what you need to know about Blue Box (glass/metal/plastic)
and Black Box (paper/cardboard) materials, what is acceptable, how to set it out, and most importantly what items should not be put into the recycle bins.
Here are some recycle alternatives, (and where you can bring these items):
City of Clarence-Rockland: The City
of Clarence-Rockland will accept electronic equipment and outdated computer systems FREE at the landfill for residents,
now including car/small truck tires.
The City has an annual clean-up of all of your junk, usually
in the fall. In between time, there are a number of people who will pick up your metals, TVs, computer components,etc., throughout the year. See below....
This new program will allow residents to deposit in appropriate containers cellular phones, CD players,
MP3 players, DVD players, television, computers and other obsolete electrical and electronic waste. They will be
transported to recycling companies. They do not accept ink cartridges that are obsolete
or unusable. For more information click here.
The City also has a "Household Hazardous Waste Depot"
at their ladfill site and it usually runs from May until October. Click here for more. |

(Click to enlarge)
Compufix will recycle anything
related to computers and peripherals, basically anything that they sell.
- Old computers and parts, laptops, monitors, printers, ink cartridges, toner cartridges
- Gaming consoles (Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation; etc)(Types)
- Cell Phones
- Batteries (All small batteries, 6v, D, C, AA, AAA, 9v, laptop, watch, cell phone, etc.)(Types)
Home Hardware (Rockland)
Their Rockland store is Lamoureux Home Hardware, 2720 Laurier Street, (613) 446 - 4663:
- old paint and used paint cans
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) Their Rockland depot is located at 2933 Chamberland Street, across from the River
Rock Inn. They recycle just about everything electronic. What they recycle. anything related to computers and peripherals,
basically anything that they sell.
- Old computers and parts, laptops, monitors, printers, ink cartridges, toner cartridges
- Gaming consoles (Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation; etc)(Types)
- Cell Phones
- Batteries (All small batteries, 6v, D, C, AA, AAA, 9v, laptop, watch, cell phone, etc.)(Types)
Metal Scrap Pickup:
Metals (aluminium, copper), vehicles, appliances, batteries, oil tanks, water tanks, old
B.B.Qs, even old B.B.Q. tanks, TV sets, electronics (old computer/cell phones, etc.).
Check out our "metal/scrap/pickup guys. Click here... |
(If YOU have other suggestions or know of other recycling resources, please let us know. We are
concerned about our environment and have have a web page for you.
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The Rockland Compost Centre is located on
Highway 17, about one kilometer east of Mr.Gas, on the north side of Rockland.
The refuse guys will NOT pick up your
compost (branches, grass, etc), but you can
drop them off at this compost site.
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Burning Regulations
Did you know that you need a burning permit in the City of Clarence-Rockland if
you are burning leaves and garden waste. In fact you even need a permit if you want to have a backyard summer bonfire.
The permit is available from City Hall and is only $10. You may want to look into it before you light up the next
time. Burning compostable material (leaves, grass, twigs, etc.) is discouraged. We recommend bringing this stuff
to the local Compost Centre,
located on Highway 174, about one kilometer east of Mr.Gas, on the north side of Rockland.
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Cumberland Village and Ottawa area
wast collection calendar |
Ottawa residents can confirm their waste collection day by
calling the City of Ottawa at 3-1-1
or by visiting their Web site. More...
For more news from the Cumberland Village area, Click here.
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( For more Environment News click here. )
The Annual Canaan Road Clean-up
of garbage, many thoughtless and ignorant users of Canaan Road throw their garbage from out of their vehicles.
Over the months this material collects in the ditches. Each year, the good residents of the area (Canaan Road,
Forest Hill, Blue Jay Ridge and even from farther afield), gather in the spring to have a Canaan Road Clean-up
In 2009 the First Annual Monique Lussier
Memorial Clean-Up Day was dedicated to the memory of Blue Jay resident, Monique Lussier, who passed away from cancer in January. More... |