Church News
From white smoke to selfies - Pope Francis' first year as pontiff
Rockland's beloved parish priest has moved on
Ottawa Archbishop visits local French parish
New Beginning Church offers a "Free Store" on the first Saturday of the month
June 27 - Upper Room holds an Alpha Barbecue
Ste-Trinité holds First Communion celebrations
Lenten and Easter services from Ste.Trinité televised on French Radio-Canada |
From white smoke to selfies - Pope Francis' first
year as pontiff |
(Saturday, March 15, 2014) Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been rapturously received as a pioneering pontiff
by beleaguered Catholics, w rites TP O’Mahony in the Irish Examiner, but some commentators are warning that it may yet be a question
of style over substance.
Since his election exactly one year ago, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has made an extraordinary impact, not just on the
Catholic Church but also the wider world. Shaken to its foundations by the scandal of a spate of clerical sex abuse
cases from Ireland to the United States and Australia, and with its reputation shredded, the Church seemed on a
downward spiral.
To read this interesting and comprehensive artricle on Pope Francis' first year in office, click here.
PBS' Frontline recently aired a special:
Amid Vatican Disarray, Pope Francis Set A New Tone:
Tonight’s film traces the shocking back story of how Benedict’s papacy collapsed and the extraordinary challenges
ahead for Francis as he looks to reform the Vatican bureaucracy, stem corruption in the Holy See, and chart a new
course for the church. More...
From PBS online - Frontline - Secrets of the Vatican:
Can Pope Francis Fix the Catholic Church?
The list of problems facing the Catholic Church is long. Among the scandals Pope Francis inherited nearly one year
ago are the clergy sex abuse crisis, allegations of money laundering at the Vatican bank and the fallout from VatiLeaks,
to name just a few. Given the challenges, where should reform even begin? Moreover, how much change can truly be
expected? FRONTLINE put these questions to five experts. Click here to see what they said. |
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Jean-François Morin:
Rockland's beloved parish priest has moved on |

Jean-François Morin
(Thursday, January 9, 2014) In a December announcement that caught may parishoners by surprise,
Jean-François advised his flock that he would be leaving Ste-Trinité Parish in early January. He will be taking a sabbatical to
study in Paris, visit Jerusalem and then return to a new posting, possibly in Ottawa west. His replacement is Father
Jonathan Blake, who came in from Hawkesbury.
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Terrence Prendergast:
Ottawa Archbishop on visits to local French parish |
(Tuesday, October 1, 2013) Ottawa's Catholic Archbishop, Terrence Prendergast will visit Rockland's
Très-Sainte-Trinité parish on two occasions this month.
On Thursday, October 3, he visited both Ste. Trinité Catholic School as well as L'Escale High School. He rounded out the day with a visit to Jardins Belle Rive
retirement home to celebrate their monthly mass, before meeting the parish council over a private supper at the
church rectory.
Archbishop Prendergast will return to the area on the weekend of October 12/13, where he will celebrate the weekend
masses at Ste. Trinité
You can view his monthly schedule here. |
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New Beginning Church
Offers a "Free Store" on the first Saturday of the month |
Pastor Eric Tremblay tells us that on the first Saturday each month the New Beginning Church of Rockland transforms their church
into a free store to help those in need. People who are struggling financially may come and discretely pick up
infant to adult clothing, coats and shoes. Other household items may be available as well. Everything is for free.
Our volunteers are ready to serve you from 10 am to 2 pm.
If you would like more information about our Free Store or would like to donate/help please feel free to contact us at
or call us at 613-446-7586. More... |
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
The Upper Room holds an Alpha Barbecue |
Christianity Relevant? Join members of the Upper Room for an Alpha Barbecue to find out on Wednesday, June 27, at 6:30 p.m. The Upper Room is located at 921Laporte Street in the
Royal Plaza, upper level above the Sears store. The barbecue will be held on the patio. For information: (613)
The Upper Room is an extension of the ministry of Grace Presbyterian Church in Orléans, Ontario. |
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Ste-Trinité holds First Communion celebrations |
(Rockland, May 6, 2012)
About 20 young boys and girls participated in their First Communion at Ste-Trinité French Catholic Church
on Sunday, during the regular 4:00 p.m. family mass. The service was presided over by Father Jean-François
Morin, parish priest, who is seen here starting the entrance procession. There will be two more groups receiving
their First Communion in the next two weeks.

Many families and relatives attended.
(This photo does not justify the beauty
of this historical church.) (Photos - Meikle)
(Click here for more photos.)
The First Communion, or First Holy Communion, is a Catholic Church ceremony. It is the colloquial name
for a person's first reception of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Catholics believe this event to be very
important, as the Eucharist is one of the central focuses of the Catholic Church.
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Rockland's l'Église Très-Sainte-Trinités
Televised mass coming from here until Easter |
Le Jour du Seigneur is a Sunday broadcast on the French CBC channel, Radio-Canada, featuring the Catholic mass. During this Lenten season, every
Sunday, until Easter, including Easter Sunday, the masses will be celebrated from l'Église Très-Sainte-Trinité
(Most Holy Trinity Church) in Rockland. The parish priest is Father Jean-François Morin.

(Jean-François greets his parishoners)
You can follow the service on French television at 10:00 a.m., Sundays, or you can watch a broadcast
of the program on the Internet. Click here.
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Area Dioceses |
Anglican Archdiocese of Ottawa
Baptist Churches in Eastern Ontario
The link to this site no longer exists. If anyone can help please contact us.

Archdiocese of Ottawa
United Church - Pastoral
Charges of The Ottawa Presbytery
This link shows all of the United Churches in the Ottawa area and includes the churches in Cumberland Village and
Rockland. They are listed under the "Gloucester" cluster.
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Churches Clarence-Rockland |
New Beginning
Rockland Church of God
Roman Catholic
Tent of David
United Church of Canada
Upper Room Church (Presbyterian)
(General listings for churches in Clarence-Rockland)
New Beginning Church - (613) 446-7586
Ste-Trinité (French Catholic)(Rockland) - (613) 446-5933
Sacré-Coeur (French Catholic)(Bourget) - (613) 487-2224
St-Mathieu (French Catholic)(Hammond) - (613) 487-2338
Ste-Félicité (French Catholic)(Clarence Creek) - (613) 488-2000
Saint-Pascal-Baylon - (French Catholic)(613) 488-2808
St-Edith Stein Parish (Rockland) - (613) 833-3389 (Rick 488-3996)
St-Andrew's United Church (Rockland) - (613) 446-5576
Rockland Church of God (Anticostal) (Rockland) - (613) 446-9953
Upper Room Church (Presbyterian) Rockland - (613) 824-9260
Tent of David (Christian Worship and Prayer House) (See below)
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The Bahai Communities of Prescott-Russell
The Bahá’í Faith is the most recent and the most diverse of world religions. The spiritual cornerstone animating the Bahá’í
Faith is that religious truth is relative and not absolute, and that as humanity evolves, and God sends special
Messengers in every age to re-acquaint the human soul about eternal truths present in all religions and to advance
human civilization through social teachings specific to that age. In this age, the mission of Bahá’u’lláh,
its founder, is to bring about the unity of the human race and the establishment of universal peace.
The Bahá'í Community of
The Bahá’í Community of Clarence-Rockland
- Contact: Roger Coulombe, 613-488-2079
- Firesides: Every Friday, beginning at 8 pm.
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New Beginning Church
The New Beginning Church of
Rockland, is a multi generational and multicultural Church for you in the region of Rockland,
Clarence-Rockland and Prescott-Russell. It exists to make known to people the divine hope available through Jesus
Christ. We make it our passion to teach, proclaim and live out the message of hope found in the Bible.
We at New Beginning Church believe that every believer has been given a God Given Gift. Helping
people discover their gifts and putting them to use is a priority. Whether you want to work with students or operate
a sound board, we have an opportunity for you.
New Beginning Church is located at: 2848 Laurier St. Unit #3 in Rockland (Across Tim Hortons), Tel: 613-446-7586. The Pastor
is Eric Tremblay. Their services include: Sunday mornings - 10:30 a.m.; and Tuesday night prayer at 7:00 p.m.
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Church of God
The Rockland Church of God,
is a Bible believing, family-centered church dedicated to the glory of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
As part of the Church of God, we are proud to proclaim the Gospel in over 120 countries around the world.
The Rockland Church of God is one of five Churches of God in the Ottawa District area upholding
the love and truth of God's Word and saving grace through teaching, prayer, worship and Christian living. Its members
are committed to the glory of God in love, through the faith of Jesus Christ our Lord, through the fellowship and
communion of the saints, and through Christian discipleship. (Their Facebook page.)
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Andrew's Church - Rockland
The United Church of Canada
in the Cumberland/Rockland area consists of congregations in Cumberland (St. Andrew's), Navan - Vars, and Rockland
(St. Andrew's).
The Minister is the Reverend James Leland. The address is:
2557 Queen Street
Cumberland, ON K4C 1A1
Please contact them at: (613) 833-2604.
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St Edith Stein Roman
Catholic Church
St Edith Stein Roman Catholic Church is an English-language Parish. Some of the parishioners from the Canaan Road
area attend this church and they would like to make their presence known to residents in the area. They have Mass
on Sundays at 11:00 am in the
Gymnasium (set up as a Church) at St. Patrick's School behind the Independent
on Heritage Drive in Rockland.
- The pastor is: Father Daryl Kennedy, pastor at St. Margaret Mary Parish in Cumberland Village
- The Deacon is: Bob Van de Laar
- The address is: 1001 Heritage Drive, Box 727, Rockland, ON K4K 1L4
- The telephone is: (613) 833-3389
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Paroisse Très
Sainte Trinité de Rockland
Paroisse Très Sainte Trinité de Rockland is a French-language Parish.
Horaire des célébrations eucharistiques:
Les messes dominicales sont le samedi à 17:00 et le dimanche à 10:00. Il y a aussi une messe familiale
à 16:00 tous les dimanches.
Nous joindre:
2178, rue Laurier, C.P.59
Rockland (Ontario) K4K 1K2
Téléphone : 613.446.5933
Télécopieur : 613.446.5633
Courriel :
Contact : L'abbé Jean-François Morin
Courriel :
"Un phare au milieu de sa communauté depuis... 1889". |
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Tent of David
The Tent
of David is a Christian worship and prayer house,
situated in the picturesque rural setting of Clarence-Rockland, Ontario, 35 km east of Ottawa, on Old Hwy 17, just
east of Rockland proper. Their vision is: "To establish a House of Glory at the Eastern gate of the Nation's
capital, to provide a resting place for God through our worship, to bless Israel through continual prayer and financial
support." (Click on above link for full information.)
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Upper Room Church
The Upper
Room Church, is a ministry of Grace Church in Orleans, Ontario extending
to the community of Rockland. Our vision is to be an authentic Christian community in Orleans and Rockland tranformed
by Jesus Christ to be transforming in the world. (Click on above link for full information.)
The Upper Room is located in the Royal Plaza on Laporte Street, (behind the RBC)
on the second floor.
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Churches Cumberland Village |
St. Andrew's United Church
St. Margaret Mary (Romand Catholic)
St. Mark's (Anglican)
(General listings for churches in Clarence-Rockland)
St-Andrew's United Church - (613) 833-2604
St. Margaret Mary - (613) 833-3264
St. Mark's Anglican Church - (613) 833-8326
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Andrew's United Church - Cumberland Village
- Minister: Rev. Robert Merritt, B.A. M.DIV.
- Minister Emeritus: Reverend George Tomita, BTh
- Volunteer Associate Minister: Rev. Hilary Merritt, B.A. M.DIV.
- Director of Music: Charles Banhardt, BMusEd, BEd, ARCT
The address is: 2557 Queen Street, Cumberland, ON K4C 1A1. Please contact them at: (613) 833-2604. More... |
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St. Margaret Mary (Roman Catholic)
Parish - Cumberland Village
The St. Margaret
Mary Parish, is a bilingual parish and is located at 2571 Highway 174 (just east of the
traffic lights at Cumberland Village).
The pastor is the Reverend Father Daryl Kennedy. He can be reached at: 613-833-3264/Fax:613-833-3264.
(NOTE: The former pastor, Reverend Father James Whalen died
suddenly of a heart attack on Sunday, February 24, 2008. Click here.)
Hor. Mess./Mass. Sch.: Sam./Sat.: 4:00 p.m. (16:00) - Dim./Sun.: 9:00 a.m.
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St. Mark's Anglican Church - Cumberland
The St.
Mark's Anglican Church was founded in 1867 at Martin's
Corners and later moved in 1915 to the present site in Cumberland Village. An extension was added in 1998 to increase
our worship area and expand the Sunday school and church function spaces. St. Mark's is an attractive church with
a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
St Mark's serves a wide area of mostly rural communities following the Ottawa River west to Trim
Road in Orleans and east to Wendover. The southern boundary of the parish is formed by Innes Road, Colonial Road
and the South Nation River.
It is located at 2476 Old Montreal Road, Box 235,
Cumberland, Ontario, K4C 1E6. (613) 833-8326. The pastor is the Reverend David Raths.
For more click
here. E-mail is:
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Other Religious Communities |
 Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, fast growing international revival movement
within Islam. Founded in 1889, it spans over 200 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. Its current
headquarters are in the United Kingdom. Read more....
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in our area is represented by Imtiaz Ahmed, 2247 Dunning Road,
Cumberland, Ontario K4C 1L8. 613-833-0968.
Click here
for the homepage of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`, Ottawa branch. Here you will find information relevant to the local
activities in this branch only.
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Ottawa Churches/Dioceses
Churches Clarence-Rockland
Churches Cumberland
around Ottawa
Other Religious Communities

"A community of people just like you, discussing what’s on their minds and
sometimes helping each other figure stuff out".

Prière infaillible
à la Vierge Marie
Fleur toute belle du Mont-Carmel, vigne fructueuse, Splendeur du ciel, Mère bénie
du fils de Dieu, Assistez-moi dans mes besoins. O étoile de mer, aidez-moi et montrez-moi ici même
que vous êtes ma mère. O Sainte-Marie, Mère de Dieu,Reine du ciel et de la terre, Je vous supplie
du fond du coeur de m'appuyer dans cette demande.
(Formuler ici la demande)
Personne ne peut résister à votre puissance. O Marie conçue sans péché, priez
pour nous (Trois fois)
Sainte-Marie, je remets cette cause entre vos mains (Trois fois)
(Faites cette prière trois jours de suite et vous devez ensuite la publier. La faveur demandée vous
sera accordée.)
Patrick Meikle