2014 AGM sees new members added to the Board of Directors
Chamber breakfast hosts local MPP Grant Crack - January 17,
Recharged Chamber of Commerce scores in new arena (January 18, 2012
New C-R Chamber of Commerce swings into action (January 9, 2012) |
2014 AGM sees new members added to the Board of Directors |

The 2014 Board of Directors gather for their first picture together. From Left-to-right:
Jocelyn Goudreault, Sophie S. Patenaude, Charles Seguin, Pierre Dauth,
Martine Nolin-Simard (President), Allister Beauchamp, Joane Brunet,
Guylaine Jodoin, Pierre Morin. (Photo - Patrick Meikle)
(Rockland, Wednesday, March 19, 2014) The Clarence-Rockland Chamber of Commerce held their 2014
Annual General Meeting in the upper concourse of the Canadian International Hockey Academy, which happens to be
the location of their office.
Their "puck dropped" at 6:00 p.m. with an informal meet and greet, followed by a more
formal but comfortable AGM. President Martine Nolin-Simard opened the meeting then turned the chair over to Denis
Vaillancourt (le président de l’Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario) who adeptly handled the
After the AGM was adjourned, a wine and cheese ensued, turning the evening into a networking
session where old and new Chamber members and guests were able to learn more about each other.
Entertainment was provided by a musicl trio:
Jacob Matheus, guitar; Normand Claude, Bass; and Patrick Simard, drums. Patrick happens to be the son of President
Martine. He recently graduated with a music degree from Boston, and was visiting his Rockland home, bringing his
Norwegian friend Jacob with him. Norman is a former Rockland resident, now living in Cumberland Village. (Click on the picture to enlarge.)
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Chamber breakfast hosts local
MPP Grant Crack |
(Rockland. Thursday, January 17, 2013) Grant Crack, Member of Provincial Parliament for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell
was the Chamber's guest speaker at their second breakfast, held at G.A.B.'s Restaurant & Bar, where approximately
40 members were present.

Morning coffee kicked off the event with an informal networking session that
allowed members and guests to meet and greet. Click on the photos to enlarge.
(Photos - Patrick Meikle)
Chamber President Paul Paradis introduced Mr.
Crack, drawing from the MPP's website for biographical information.
Grant, (he asked us to call him by his first name) was asked to speak on the current status of
Highway 174, as well as on the provincial Liberal leadership campaign.
Highway 174/17
He began his talk passing out a map of the 174 "Study Area". You can view this map and an overview of
the project at this City of Ottawa website.
The highway is the "backbone of this area" and Ottawa (Council) did not come on board
until the 2010 election. Cracl met with the mayor of Ottawa shortly after his election. He was advised that Ottawa
would need more funding before they could get on with the project, so he (Crack) was able to come up with an extra
$1 million for Ottawa to partricipate in the study.
He said: "We must be able to access the goods and services in Ottawa and we also want to
be able to sell our goods and services to Ottawa. We want people who come to the area, to be able to have a safe
voyag e, a quick trip, so they
are not spending as much time in their cars."
So he supports this project... (More of his comments to come.)
Liberal leadership race
Grant spoke briefly about the campaign, which will culminate in a new Liberal leader being elected at their leadership
convention Jan. 25-27 in Toronto.. He advised that he (along with his predecessor Jean-Marc Lalonde) is solidly
behind candidate Sandra Pupatello.
There are 16 delegates from his riding, 13 of whom are behind Pupatello.
The two front runners ar Pupatello and Kathleen Wynne, Although he likes Wynne, he feels that
Pupatello will make the better premier.
The next breakfast, also at G.A.B.s, will be held on Wednesday, February 20, when the guest speaker will be Clarence-Rockland
Mayor, Marcel Guibord.
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Recharged Chamber of Commerce scores
in new arena |
(Rockland, January 18, 2012) The New Clarence- Rockland Chamber
of Commerce was inagurated with a line up of special guests and an enthusiastic crowd of close to100 people on
the upper deck of the Canadian International Hockey Academy arena last evening.
Revitalized by a new board, led by Paul Paradis, the Chamber already has 75 members signed up.
Their goal is to boost that total up to150 by March 5. That is the number needed to sustain a viable organization,
said Luc Filion, a new member himself who hosted the event and introduced the guest speakers. (Click
on the picture to enlarge.)

A cross-section of local business owners, invited guests and politicians listen intently as the
speakers make their remarks. They included (above, from left to right: Pierre Lemieux, MP; Mayor Marcel Guibord;
Grant Crack, MPP and Denis Thibault, Cornwall Councillor and member of the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce. C-R Chamber
VP Mathieu Dallaire stands in the middle of the ribbon cutting ceremony. (Click on the
picture to enlarge.)
You can listen to the remarks made by the special guests when
Jacques Tessier runs the tape on his program "Informez-Vous" on TVC22.
During his address, MP Pierre Lemieux offered encouragement to business owners "for
the important work that you do" and stated that "you are the reason why new people are moving to"
Clarence-Rockland and why long-term residents are investing. He added that his government introduced tax credits
for small buisinesses in the 2011 federal budget and has set aside $18 million for businesses, and this month his
government reduced the corporate tax rate to 15 per cent from 22 per cent allowing businesses to keep more of their
money. He said that when you have a voice like a Chamber of Commerce, that is extremely important at the Federal
level and "I would endourage you to talk to your fellow business owners to join the Chamber of Commerce...
when you grow stronger you have a louder voice and you have more influence".

(Click on the picture to enlarge.)
Two of the super supporters of the New Chamber of Commerce,
new members themselves are Luc Filion and Joane Brunet.
Luc has just returned to his Rockland roots after spending
the past 15 years in Toronto. He is starting his new business as
a financial planner, and sees the Chamber as an excellent
opportunity to grow his enterprise. Joane owns Visual Graphic Design
and is the talent behind the new Chamber logo seen in the picture.
We hope to have more pictures and information soon. In the meantime if you would like to join
the New Clarence-Rockland Chamber of Commerce, or if you would like more information, call: 613-761-1954 / 1-888-697-6646,
or visit their website: ccclarencerockland.com.
The New Chamber offices are located in the upper floor of the Canadian International Hockey Academy
Read our related story below.
Also read a Letter to the Editor:
Reader applauds new Chamber of Commerce, expresses
concerns of possible City intervention
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New C-R Chamber of Commerce swings into action |
(Rockland, January 9, 2012) Did you know that the local Chamber of Commerce is being revived? You may
have seen a sign on the northeast corner of Edwards and Laurier Streets recently, promoting the Clarence-Rockland
New Chamber of Commerce (CRNCC). and, chances are if you are a member of the C-R business community you are alre ady
aware that the CRNCC is being revived by a core group of locals headed by "interim" President Paul Paradis.
You may also kn ow that they are holding an official "Wine and Cheese" opening on Wednesday,
January 18 at their new location, in the Canadian International Hockey Academy facility, located at 8710 County
Road 17, in Rockland. The occasion will give members and prospective members the opportunity to visit their office
as well as to network with the City of Clarence-Rockland business community.
Space is limited and the deadline to RSVP was January 9th, however if you want more information
you can email the CRNCC at info@ccclarencerockland.com, or contact them by phone at 613-761-1954
"We have around 70 members so far,' says president Paradis," and we hope to bring that
number up to 150."
If you check out their new website http://ccclarencerockland.com you can get all of the latest information including:
Directors, Business Directory, Membership Fees, and events. You can even sign up for their newsletter.
If you are a local business, large or small, this may be your opportunity to support and promote
Clarence-Rockland while at the same time furthering your own business.
The mission of the Clarence-Rockland New Chamber of Commerce is:
- to promote the economic, social, political and cultural development of the City of Clarence-Rockland;
- to represent the interests of small, medium and large businesses in the rural and urban sectors
of the City of Clarence-Rockland.
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