High winds topple trees, cut power
Remembrance Day phony works in Rockland
Major gas leak closes Caron, residents evacuated
Winter overnight parking restrictions start on November
School zone awareness program adds traffic devices near schools
Citizens for Ethical Government closing website
City cancels all meetings for November
Changes to speed limits on County Road
(Hwy) 17
Carbon Monoxide alarms now required by law
in certain Ontario homes
Have you been to the C-R Public Library's new website?
Clarence-Rockland has a new mayor - Guy Desjardins
Attack on Parliament Hill, soldier killed
at National War Memorial
Russell Township, Jean-Paul St-Pierre dies unexpectedly
Francophone book fair comes to town (Le Salon du livre
de l’Est ontarien)
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High winds topple trees, cut power |
(November 24, 2014) Residents along Canaan Road and other parts of Clarence-Rockland lost power
around 8:50 p.m. on Monday evening. The outage lasted between two and three hours.

Hydro One crews were busy in our area.
(Click on the photo for related story.)
Related News:
A burn ban is currently in effect because of the high winds.
If you live in a rural area:
- Water Pump - If the power goes out, you may have to reset your
electric well water pump. The pumps are typically under the basement stairs and the reset switch is on the right-hand
side of the square box. More...
- Sump Pump - If the power goes out for a long period of time, and
you have a high water table, you run the risk of a flooded basement. So make sure you check the sump pump well
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Fake Remembrance Day 'sergeant':
Has been working in Rockland for past 12 years |
(November 14, 2014) Franck Gervais, the man who represented himself as a decorated soldier during
the Remembrance Day Ceremonies and who is now under investigation by Ottawa police, has worked at Potvin Construction
for 12 years, most recently building wooden staircases, according to a CBC News story.

This is a photo of Gervais being interviews by the CBC
(Click on the photo to read the full story.)
The CBC story says that Martin Savard, the general manager of Potvin Construction, said Gervais
started working there 12 years ago and told employees he used to be in the military.
Savard said he has suspended Franck Gervais with pay and contacted the company's lawyer.
To read the CBC story click here.
To watch a CBC News video click here.
To read the Ottawa Citizen coverage which includes a comprehensive graph outlining the anomalies of Gervais' "uniform",
click here.
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Home Depot hacked: Are you a customer? |

(Thursday, November 6, 2014) The Home Depot Inc. said Thursday that hackers stole 53 million
email addresses in the U.S. and Canada in addition to payment card data. It said the hackers accessed its network
with a vendor's username and password.
Customers should be on guard against phishing scams that might trick them into sharing personal
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Major gas leak closes Caron, residents evacuated |

(Clarence-Rockland, November 5, 2014) Workers cut through a gas line on Caron Street near Dr.
Corbeil, around 7:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, causing a major gas leak that forced residents to evacuate their homes,
under the supervision of the Clarence-Rockland Fire Department (CRFD.
Fire crews also canvassed the adjacent streets east of Caron, advising home owners to close their
windows. Caron street was blocked off from Laurier Street, south to David Street.
Some residents who needed temporary shelter, were brought to the council chambers behind City
Hall on Laurier Street.
Enbridge Gas was immediately called, arriving on the scene about 8:30 a.m. Because prevailing
winds dissipated the gas, the situation because less critical.
By 10:00 a.m. it was learned that fixing the damaged gas line proved more complicated. The line
was cut in half so Enbridge was about to "squeeze the two ends, to stop the leak. Fire crews remained on the
10:25 a.m.: Enbridge gives the all clear. CRFD-all crews cleared
and able to return to their homebase. A third company connected to Enbridge will check all 69 homes whose gas was
cut off.
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School zone awareness program adds traffic devices near schools |
If you drive on any of the streets adjacent to our local schools you will see that a number of traffic
devices have been installed to alert motorists to the fact that they are approaching and entering into school zones.
The streets include St. Joseph (École Ste.Trinité, Rockland Public School, Rockland District High
School), St. Jean (École Carrefour Jeunesse) and Heritage Drive (St. Patrick's School).
(We will be adding more information and photos shortly. - Ed.) |
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Citizens for Ethical Government (CEG):
Their goals achieved, "cease its activity." |

(Clarence-Rockland, November 3, 2014) The Citizens for Ethical Government (CEG), whose purpose
was "to campaign for an ethical Clarence-Rockland municipal council" evidently posted their final blog.
Signed by one of the founders, Bob Gadoua, the blog states that the CEG has "achieved the
goal it set for itself."
It continues: "A secondary objective of CEG was to ensure a truthful, fact based response
to the propaganda pamphlet the Focus in order to prevent it from getting the uncontested ride of its previous iterations,
The Musketeer and the Ti-Mousse publications." You can read the full blog by clicking here.
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Changes to speed limits
on County Road (Hwy) 17 |

The speed limit along County Road 17, from Canaan Road
east to Landry Road, has been changed to 70 k/hr.
(Click on the pic to enlarge - Photo Patrick Meikle)
(Clarence-Rockland, October 2014) Motorists should be aware that the speed limit on County Road
17 from Canaan Road east to De La Baie Road has been reduced from 90 k/hr to 70 k/hr.
Also the speed limit from De La Baie Road east to Landry Road has been changed to 70 k/hr.
Motorists using Canaan Road will no doubt find it confusing because they can travel up to 80
k/hr on Canaan Road, but then have to change their speed depending on whether they travel west towards Ottawa (90
k/hr), or east towards Rockland (70 k/hr).
Read a related story (in French) from the Vision Newspaper... click
Back to top |
Carbon Monoxide alarms now required
in certain Ontario homes |
October 29, 2014) It’s now the law in Ontario to install carbon monoxide (CO) alarms in your home if you have a
fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage. We will be adding more to this information, but in the meantime you
can read more here. |
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The C-R Public Library now has its own website |
Have you visited the Clarence-Rockland Public
Library's webiste. It's very informative and worth a look. Click on their logo for more. |
Back to top |
Clarence-Rockland Election:
We have a new mayor - Guy Desjardins |

(Click on pic to enlarge - Photo courtesy of Samuel Blais-Gauthier, Le Droit)
(Clarence-Rockland, October 28, 2014) After a tough campaign that came out of what many residents
called a dysfunctional City Council, and a broken electronic voting system that undoubtedly affected the voter
turn out, the residents of Clarence-Rockland sent a clear message that they wanted a new council that would return
integrity and dignity to this City.
Click here for our coverage, which includes related stories from the Vision, TVC22, Le Droit, Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa
Sun, Radio-Canada (French CBC) and the Citoyen de clarence-rockland citizen Facebook page.
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Parliament Hill attack:
One gunman dead after soldier shot at National War Memorial

This was the scene at the National War Memorial shortly after a soldier was wounded.
(Click on the pic for more.)

The webcam showing the Parliament buildings was shut down due to the security breach on the hill.
(Click on pic.)
(Ottawa, October 22, 2014) Shots have been fired on Parliament Hill and at the National War
Memorial in downtown Ottawa. At least one person has been wounded, a soldier at the National War Memorial.
Witnesses say the gunman then ran off towards Parliament Hill, and a second shooting took place behind the Centre
Click here for updates from the local CBC website. |
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Russell Township, Jean-Paul St-Pierre dies unexpectedly |
(Russell, Saturday, October 18, 2014) The incumbent mayor of Russell Township,
Jean-Paul St-Pierre, died unexpectedly on Saturday morning.
Related story... From The Villager:
Municipal election nomination
deadline fast approaching; Mayor J.P. St. Pierre challenged by cousin Donald St. Pierre. More... |
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Le Salon du livre de l’Est ontarien - October 17-19
Francophone book fair being held in Rockland |
(Rockland, Thursday, October 16, 2014 ) A major event in Francophone literature, the Le Salon du livre de l’Est ontarien (Eastern Ontario Book Fair) is taking place
in Rockland, starting this evening. The fair will continue for another three days and will include close to 50
artists, writers and poets.

(Click on the graphic to get the complete information.)
(May be slow to load on some Internet connections.)
Read a recent item from the Vision Newspaper: Rencontrer
des auteurs de chez nous

Our own Canaan Connexion columnist, Alberte Villeneuve will be participating as one of
the many artists. Here she is entertaining the children
at a recent visit to Sainte-Trinité School.
(Click on the pic to enlarge.)
On the topic of the Salon, she says:
"Dear francophile friends, I am honoured to participate in Rockland’s first Salon du livre de l’Est ontarien
which will be held from Friday the 17th to Sunday the 19th of October at l’Escale High School situated near the
YMCA. Since I was raised in this area, it will be a pleasure to be part of this wonderful adventure. I will participate
in a round-table debate on children’s literature on Friday at 2:40 in the afternoon and you will find me and my
author friends, Claire Trépanier and Colette St-Denis, at stand 13. The Salon has a lot to offer, so please
check the schedule and visit. Hope to see you at the Salon du livre de Rockland! Alberte"
À tous les mordus de la lecture, j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que le Salon du livre de l’Est ontarien
se tiendra à Rockland du 17 au 19 octobre, au gymnase de l’école secondaire l’Escale située
au 1535 ave. Du Parc.
Je suis particulièrement fière que le Salon soit tenu à Rockland car j’ai grandi dans cette
région et on y retrouve la majorité de ma parenté. C’est comme revenir au bercail!! Durant
le pré-salon, j’ai eu le plaisir de faire trois présentations à l’école Sainte-Trinité.
À l’aide du livre « Le génie de Jessie », nous avons abordé le sujet
épineux de l’intimidation. L’accueil a été chaleureux et les enfants ont bien aimé
l’histoire. Je me propose d’afficher certains de leurs dessins et affiches au Salon.
Alors, je vous invite à venir faire un tour au Salon. Je serai au stand 13 avec Claire Trépanier
et Colette St-Denis. Ma petite-fille, Lea qui a participé à l’écriture des deux livres « Le
génie de Jessie » - version française et anglaise, sera des nôtres le dimanche.
Pour ma part, je participerai à une table ronde sur la littérature jeunesse, vendredi le 17 à
Je vous invite à consulter la programmation au sujet des nombreuses activités du Salon.
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer, Alberte

Colette St-Denis and Alberte Villeneuve, two friends as well as
colleagues share a moment together while promoting their books at the Salon.
(Click on the pic to enlarge.)
To read Alberte's latest column, What a difference in
lifestyles!, click
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Find these older stories on our
(June to September 2014) Archives Page #9:
- Ottawa Police Service looking to recruit more women
- Carl Grimard, Ward 3 launches campaign
- New additions to our website: Community Resources and Facebook Pages
- Carlsbad Springs: Pedestrian struck and killed by VIA Rail train
- Accidents along Highway 17 keep local emergency services busy
- Two Alexandria OPP officers charged with breach of trust
- Dangerous invasive plants growing all around the area
- Guy Desjardins launches his mayoralty campaign
- Flooding along Canaan Road
Click here to go to these stories...

Are you new to the area?
When is the last time you
had your septic tank cleaned?
(Click on pic for more)
of Everyday Life
Alberte Villeneuve
Read the verbal etchings from our resident columnist.

Lots of places in Rockland sell cameras,
but if you want professional advice and
competitive prices, visit Masoud at
Royal Photo. Click on the picture to
visit their website. Have a look at their
many services, including event
photography, passport photos,
custom framing and lamination.

Listen to Clarence-Rockland's
own radio station.
(Click on the logo.)
Local Honey

Canaan Blueberry Farm
sells their own local honey in season... all natural, healthy and delicious!

We continue to compile lists of Facebook pages that are of interest to our local residents.
Click here for more...
Parliament Hill

(Click on pic for view of
Parliament Hill)
The Canaan Connexion
is looking for writers
Would you like to become a
"Country Correspondent"?
Contact us:
Cameron and Highway 174

Traffic Cameras at 174/Trim and
Cameron Street at 174
(Go to the main list, and Click on the camera you want to see.)
Click here to
see our updates
on Highway 174 information