Wild Parsnip:A nasty plant that could spoil your summer
Irony in the News: MADD PEI chapter
president (Ex-cop) resigns after impaired driving charge
Clarence-Rockland bylaw officers on bicycle patrol
St.Andrew's Church celebrating 90 year history
Dog rescue: Maggie's Place Auction is now online for
Read Bob Gadoua's letter - C-R A Special Kind of City
(Referring to Maggie's)
Dale's Cemetery Annual Memorial Service Sunday, June 14
Looking for a babysitter in Forest Hill/Blue Jay area?
Call Madison!
Alberte Villeneuve-Sinclair: Canaan columnist giving
a special presentation
Canaan Blueberry Farm suffers devastating loss
Municipal building collapses in Embrun
You can still read Alberte Villeneuve's tribute to mothers
May 15: C-R burn ban has been lifted
What happens when C-R is under a burn ban?
Fire in Larose Forest causes little damage
Canadian Tire gas sale... Editor's comments?
Carbon monoxide alarms now required by law
Sarsfield Home Hardware closes without warning
Back to top |
A bad year for Wild Parsnip:
Caution: This plant can cause serious burns
(Canaan Connexion, Summer
2015) Wild Parsnip has invad ed our fields and ditches and one Canaan Road resident in his travels, has seen it taking over from the
Eastern Townships of Quebec, to the U.S. border near Cornwall. It seems to grow in any field that has not been
The problem with the plant, which looks like wildflowers, dill or Queen Anne's Lace, is that
when its sap contacts skin in the presence of sunlight, it can cause severe rashes, blisters, and discoloration
of the skin (Click on the picture to enlarge).
CBC Ottawa recently featured a story of a Renfrew woman, Sherry Steeves, who was badly burned
by wild parsnip. (Click on picture below for video.)

Wild parsnip originated in Europe where its roots were eaten, according to Iowa State University. It flowers mostly from May through
The plant contains a substance called psoralen that when touched and subsequently put under sunlight,
could cause a reaction known as "phytophotodermatitis", and if you are affected, as a second Canaan Road
resident found out, you may have to avoid direct sunlight for three years (he continues to get an annual prescription
for the rash!.)
- Wild parsnip roots are edible, but the sap of the plant can cause severe burns. Collecting the
plant from the wild should only be done with extreme care. More...
- Wild Parsnip: from the City of Ottawa. More...
- Wild Parsnip: A resource item from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit. More...
- Kingston Whig-Standard: Noxious wild parsnip continues to spread (dog needed more than $600
in medical treatment after coming in contact with the weed.) More...
"Bad plants for pets"
"...not as big a problem for pets, but this plant can still hurt them."
(If you want to research more information, do a Google search using the words "wild parsnip", you
will find a tonne of references, including several images of the nasty burns people have suffered.)
(ALSO, we carried a similar item in 2014, when Giant Hogweed was the issue.)
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Irony in the News - ex-cop:
MADD PEI chapter president resigns - caught impaired driving
(The Journal Pioneer, Summerside, P.E.I., August 4, 2015) David Griffin has resigned
from his volunteer position as president of
the MADD East Prince County chapter after being charged with alcohol-related driving charges.
Griffin, a former deputy chief with Summerside Police Services and 45-year veteran of the force, was the volunteer
president of the local chapter when, in June, he was charged with impaired driving.
(Click on pic to read more...) |
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Clarence-Rockland MLEO:
Biking bylaw boys keeping our parks and trails safe

(MLEOs Gauthier and Loiselle on patrol - Photo Patrick Meikle)
(Rockland, June, 2015) Did you know that COP comes from an early British term for "constables
on patrol"? The Canaan Connexion
came across our own cops recently, however in bylaw terms they are known as Municipal Law enforcement Officers
MLEO Gauthier (left) and MLEO Loiselle (right) were fully equipped and on bicycle patrol on the
west side of Rockland when we caught up with them.
The bike patrol is in its second year of operation and the team told us that this operation was
very effective in surveilling the local parks and trails because they can get in to places where vehicles can not.
Maintaining order and watching for graffiti are two of their main goals, however these two-wheeled
vehicles give the team an opportunity to get up close and personal with local youth and residents and gives the
bylaw department and excellent way of practicing community involvement, not to mention showing good examples of
how to ride bicycles safely.
Members of the bicycle patrol take extensive training in how to ride properly, safe use of equipment,
including helmets, and how to use hand signals.
If you see a need for a bicycle patrol in your area, you can call the C-R Bylaw Department at:
613-446-6022. (Click on the picture to enlarge.)
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Cumberland Village:
St.Andrew's Church celebrating Canadian 90 year history
(Cumberland Village - June 10, 2015) St. Andrew's
United Church is celebrating the United Church of Canada's 90th Anniversary with a bell ringing ceremony on Wednesday
June 10th 2015 at 10:30 am. The pastor, Reverenc Robert Merritt says:
"The Steeple Bell will be Ringing 90 times for the United Church Of
Canada's 90th birthday. We will be handing out 'birthday brownies' to the
traffic on Old Montreal Road and Dunning beginning at 10:30 to celebrate our presence in the community."
The United Church congregations across Canada are being invited to ring their church bells 90
times to mark the 90th anniversary of The United Church of Canada.
The United Church of Canada came into being on Wednesday, June 10, 1925 at 10:30 a.m. which is
why 10:30 am. was chosen as the time, in every time zone, for United Churches to celebrate their presence in the
community. You can read more here...
Looking ahead to Friday, June 19th, a Strawberry
Social will be hosted by the St. Andrew's United
Church Men's Club, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
This is a free-will offering event.
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June 9 to June 13:
Dog Rescue: Maggie's Place auction... now online bidding

(Click on the pic to visit Maggie's Facebook page.)
(Rockland - June 9, 2015) Maggie’s Place was established in October 2012 as a small dog rescue
for the Clarence-Rockland community. The idea was to take in dogs from the municipal pound once their time there
was up, to ensure that they were not euthanized.
The operation has clearly been successful and well worth the effort. So far, almost a dozen dogs
have been placed with new families, half a dozen reunited with their families, and six adopted here. The cost of
caring for these dogs, which includes vet bills, food and infrastructure, is paid for largely through money earned
from boarding. A fundraiser in 2013 helped, and this 2015 auction will help again.
Please visit Maggie's Place Auction Facebook page for more information.
Read Bob Gadoua's letter to the editor
outlining how Clarence-Rockland is a
"A Special Kind of City" and how
“Maggie’s Place” a sanctuary for lost or
abandoned dogs, is just one example to show
that "Clarence-Rockland citizens have once
again stepped up to the plate." More...
Back to top |
Cumberland Village:
Dale's Cemetery Annual Memorial Service Sunday, June 14
(Cumberland Village - June 2015) The Dale's Cemetery Memorial Service has been going for over 50 years
and the current instalment will be held this coming Sunday, June 14, at 2:30 p.m., with the Reverend Robet Merritt
(Cumberland United Church) officiating.

Check out our Dale's Cemetery web page for more information. Click here... |
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Looking for a babysitter in Forest Hill/Blue
Jay? Call Madison!

Hi all! A young woman from the neighbourhood is looking for babysitting work in the Canaan/Blue Jay/Forest Hill
area and Madison is offering a little more than
just babysitting. Click on the flyer to read more, then call: 613-833-2887.
Check out our "Childcare" page... maybe YOU can add to our resources. Click here.
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Alberte Villeneuve-Sinclair:
Canaan columnist giving a special presentation
Alberte Villeneuve-Sinclair,
a retired teacher, writer and columnist will be the special guest at Retraite-en-Action's "Déjeuner
des flyés", Friday June 5th at the Canadian International Hockey Academy, 8720 County Road 17 in Rockland.
Breakfast starts at 9:30 (cost 6$) and Alberte will present "Accroche-toi à ton espoir" around
10:00. (The presentation will be in French.)
Alberte grew up in Beckett's Creek, between Cumberland and Rockland. She will be sharing her life experience through
some truly difficult years. Married at 19 to a manipulative young man who was later diagnosed as bipolar, she will
share the hardships of a ten-year marriage that ended with her husband's suicide. She will explain how she was
able to find the courage, the strength and serenity to go through those hardships and still be able to blossom
and later write about her experience in order to share with other women and give them hope and the chance to find
their way.
This conference was presented for the first time at the Cité collégiale for International Women's
Day, March 8th 2013. Alberte will share some of her favourite quotations and the books and authors that have inspired
her through the years. Copies of her books will be available and she will be honoured to sign them for you.
The general public is welcome to attend. For more information you can contact Chantal Richer at chantalisa@retraiteenaction.ca.
You can read Alberte's latest column, Hope and Gratitude, by clicking here. |
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Canaan Blueberry Farm suffers devastating
(Rockland - Sunday, May 31, 2015) Canaan Blueberries will
not open in 2015, according to information posted on their website. The severe winter "killed all the blueberry fruit".
"The 2015 winter was extremely harsh on plants and
fruit" reads the news, and "The
blueberry fruit did not survive the persistent cold and winds , resulting in 100 per cent loss."
This is a huge blow to the Reynolds family, who have been operating the Canaan Road farm for
umpteen years. and devastating news for the hundreds of loyal customers who have been visiting the farm from all
over the Clarence-Rockland area, the Ottawa region, including the Outaouais and from as far away as Hawkesbury,
Pembroke and Cornwall.

Many of our local seniors would come to pick blueberries every day,
enjoying the health benefits that this wonderful fruit offers.
The farm also employs as many as 15 neighbouring students during the season, giving them summer
jobs and a boost to the local economy of many thousands of dollars.
Many of the regular customers bring family and friends visiting from literally all over the world...
most whom have never eaten blueberries before, and aficionados of the wild blueberry (a lot come from Northern
Ontario), are much surprised and easily converted to this domesticated fruit.
"I can't believe the delicious taste of these "home-grown" berries", said
one northern visitor, and we don't have to worry about the black bears either!"
According to the website text, the owners, Morlen and Brigitte Reynolds, "will be restoring
the plants health this summer and hopefully have a crop in 2016.
Part of the growing process is to have the plants pollinated by honey bees, so over the years,
the Reynolds have become expert apiarists (bee keepers), and have "swarms" of beehives scattered throughout
the area, offering a great boon to the many farmers, gardeners and fruit growers.
So, while there may not be any blueberries this season, a final note on the website says: "We
will have fresh honey at the end of July 2015. More...
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Municipal building collapses in Embrun
(Embrun - Tuesday, May 12, 2015) A municipal salt shed has collapsed in Embrun. Russell
Township C.A.O. Jean LeDuc says the building on New York Central Avenue was in the process of being demolished,
when a gust of wind hit it Tuesday morning and brought it down.
The Russell County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to the call along with Emergency
Medical Services (EMS). Hydro was also notified due to the hydro lines being down.
According to the OPP, one male employee from the Russell County Township was treated for minor injuries by Paramedics
but he was not transported to hospital.
However 1310 News reported that LeDuc said “Staff were wearing safety equipment, and nobody was injured.”
He says the Ministry of Labour has been notified. |
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Exceptional Mothers:
Mothers live ordinary lives in an exceptional way
BITS & BITES of Everyday Life
by Alberte Villeneuve
Read the verbal etchings from our resident columnist and see her special
Mother's Day column...
It is with pride and joy that I offer you my article on "Exceptional mothers".
"Happy Mothers' Day" to all the wonderful moms of this world!
'Love begins by taking care of
the closest ones – the ones at home' — Mother Teresa'

Today I would like to salute all the wonderful mothers of this world because motherhood may be the most difficult
challenge women face during their lives and unfortunately, young women are often ill-prepared for it.
Click here to
read more and to see previous columns... for example, her April column "Contrasts... from Canadian winter to Barbados' southern sun"
offers a virtual tour through the links that she has provided! |
Jill Churchill: "There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a
million ways to be a good one."
Did you know that... The US Congress passed legislation in 1914,
designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day? |
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Larose Forest:
Forest Fire causes little damage
(Casselman, May 4, 2015) The United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) has advised that a forest fire happened in a remote area
of the Larose Forest, in the former Township of Cambridge, more than 650 metres from the nearest access road (Martel
Road, located more than 5.5 kilometres from the Village of Casselman.
“According to preliminary details, the fire was contained within a hardwood patch of woodlot along the slopes of
a ravine,” said Louis Prévost, Director of Planning and Forestry of the UCPR.
“Volunteer firefighters from The Nation Municipality along with two of our forestry technicians were able to contain
the blaze without any problems. We estimate that the burnt area was of a few acres, without any significant damage
or risk of further spread.” The origin of the fire is unknown at this time.
The management of the Larose Forest has been the responsibility of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell
since 2000. With its total surface area of approximately 26,000 acres, the Larose Forest is today one of the largest
man-made forests in Canada.
Read more on Larose Forest... |
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Canadian Tire offers cheaper gas on
Editor's Comments:
We ran this story, not to promote Canadian Tire (CT), but to give our readers a heads up about saving a few cents
on gas. Turns out that when I arrived at the gas bar around mid-morning, the price of gas per litre had increased
to $108.9 from $102.9 earlier in the week. So much for the .05-cents saving!
I needed gas, but I only put in $25.00 worth out of principle. I was put off by the increased
price. I then noticed that the price per litre across the street at the shell station, was $103.9! I felt like
going back to the CT and telling every motorist in the line up, to head across the street.
About one hour later, after running some errands, I saw that CT had reduced their price to
When I spoke to the manager, he told me that the other station had set the price and that
he had to wait to hear from his head office, before he could change his prices. He said that the prices were set
at head office, not by the local station. He also advised that he was forbidden from talking to the other station
I have since called Dan McTeague, to get his spin on this pricing... I will share his thoughts shortly.
(May 4, 2015) These days everyone likes to save a few pennies, especially at the gas pumps.
The prices were down for a while this past winter, but now they are starting to creep up again.
You will be able to get a little relief this Thursday, May 7, when the local Canadian Tire Gas
Bar will be giving you .05¢ off the day's posted price per litre, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00
You can expect long line-ups during the day and one employee was heard to tell a customer, come
by at 7:00 a.m. when they are starting up.
The local gas bar usually offers these sales twice a year and advertise by giving out the above
flyer both at the cashier's counter and included in the local Canadian Tire Flyer.
The event also promotes signing up for their "Gas Advantage Mastercard" which has "no
annual fee". if you are a regular customer, the card can save you money at the pumps as well as saving you
time, because you can use the card to pay at the pumps.
NOTE: If you visit OttawaGasPrices.com you will note that Clarence-Rockland
often has the cheapest prices in the region.
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Burn Ban lifted: ( : we are now showing the burn ban status on our
front page!)
You can still have back yard fires, but check first
(Monday, May 11, 2015) The local burn ban was lifted today, probably
because of the rain fall that we received. However if drier conditions come back the burn ban will probably be
enforced again.
Before you light up that back yard fire, call the number on your fire permit... Yes, you still require fire permit,
and given the fine, it is worth the $25 to pay for the permit.
The number is: 613-580-2880. Listen to the message, and follow
the instructions. Please read our previous story... click here. |
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Clarence-Rockland is under a burn ban
( : we are now showing the burn ban
status on our front page!)
(May 1, 2015) A city-wide spring burn ban remains in effect to prevent the rapid
spread of fire due to grass and brush fires. This ban will remain in place until conditions improve and the green
grass starts to show through dead tall grass. This winter left more debris (fallen tree branches, leaves, etc.)
on the ground than in previous years, which increases the risk of fire spread.
This means that no fires are allowed, whether you are burning your leaves and yard rakings, or sitting around a
back yard fire pit.
Clarence-Rockland burn bans are issued through the City of Ottawa dispatch. Residents are reminded that they must
first obtain a fire permit before they have any fire in the open air. Permit holders are required to call 613-580-2880 prior to burning to ensure there is not a burn ban in effect.
Substantial fines may be issued to residents who are not in possession of a
valid fire permit or are found to be non-compliant to conditions and
regulations within their permit. Fire Permits are available through our bylaw office: 613-446-6022, Ext: 2244.
The current fine is around $240.00 |
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Carbon Monoxide alarms now required
in certain Ontario homes
As of mid-April 2015, it’s now the law in Ontario to install carbon monoxide (CO)
alarms in your home if you have a fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage. Those who do not have a carbon
monoxide detector installed in their home will now face a $360 fine.
An estimated 10,000 Ontarians suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning each year. Read more here. |
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Sarsfield Home Hardware closes... employees
out ASAP

(Photo courtesy of Orleans Online)
(Sarsfield, April 8, 2015) When the Sarsfield Home Hardware shut its doors on Wednesday, after
20 years, it left 20 people out of a job and forced the store cats to find new homes. According to one radio news
report, management walked in to the store at 2:00 p.m., and closed it by 6:00 p.m. That was all the notice the
staff got.
Some aspects of the business (feed, fertilizer, etc.)were to remain available for the local farming
community. The community (Canada) post office, which is housed inside the store, was to remain open as well, however
the corporation is evidently looking for a new location.
Read the CBC coverage (with photos) here.
the Vision Newspaper story (in French) here.
From Orleans Online: Sarsfield landmark closes its doors for the last time
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Find these older stories on our
(October/November 2014) Archives Page #10:
- High winds topple trees, cut power
- Remembrance Day phony works in Rockland
- Major gas leak closes Caron, residents evacuated
- Winter overnight parking restrictions start on November 15
- School zone awareness program adds traffic devices near schools
- Citizens for Ethical Government closing website
- C-R City cancels all meetings for November
- Changes to speed limits on County Road (Hwy) 17
- Carbon Monoxide alarms now required by law in certain Ontario homes
- Have you been to the C-R Public Library's new website?
- Clarence-Rockland has a new mayor - Guy Desjardins
- Attack on Parliament Hill, soldier killed at National War Memorial
- Russell Township, Jean-Paul St-Pierre dies unexpectedly
- Francophone book fair comes to town (Le Salon du livre de l’Est ontarien)
Click here to go to these stories...
Weather satellite for the eastern seaboard |

(Editor's Comment: Sometimes trying to get
weather reports for our area is like trying to catch a firefly... very difficult. I think it is just as easy to
look out the window, or to read the current Farmer's Almanac, but this satellite shot may show what's
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A little humour..
(We provide the occasional slice of humour...)

(Previous jokes)
Quotable Quotes
Did you know that... If you took two aspirins with
a glass of water, it would be insufficient to stop the charge of a bull rhinoceros?
(Put your mouse over the scrolling to
stop it)
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Are you new to the area?
When is the last time you
had your septic tank cleaned?
(Click on pic for more)
LINKS ~ ( = new info!) (C-R = Clarence-Rockland)
Please let us know if there
are any errors or omissions and if there are links you would like us to add:  |
This week's recycle box!
Alfred College...
Archived (Older) News Stories
Bird Watching
Bits and Bites (Column by
Alberte Villeneuve)
Business News
Business (Small Office-Home Office)
Canaan Blueberry Farm
Clarence-Rockland Area News
C-R Casino??
C-R Chamber of Commerce
C-R City Council - members
C-R City Council - schedules
C-R City Council News
C-R City Website
C-R Environmental Society (CRES)
C-R Fire Department (CRFD)
C-R Municipal News
C-R Museum (historical) News
C-R Public Library
Church News
City of Ottawa website
Classified Ads
Community Resources
- Childcare, Facebook, Pets, Septic
Computer, Hi-Tech & Internet News |
Contact us
Cumberland Councillor Stephen Blais
Cumberland Lions News
Cumberland Community Association
Cumberland Village News
Dale's Cemetery, Cumberland
Environment - News
and Links
Facebook Links
Family News/Health/Childcare/etc
Furniture repaired/refurbished
Garbage & Recycling
Gas Prices (Rockland-Ottawa)
Health News
Highway 174 Updates
Home/Household tips
House Cleaning Services
Humour/Morning Smile
Hydro (Ontario Hydro)
Just Ask Us!
Letters to the Editor
Local Fruit/Vegetables/Honey
Metal scrap/Junk pick-up
Neighbourly News
New Residents information
News Archives
News Headlines (Scrolling)
Obituaries |
Ontario Hydro
Ottawa, City of - website
Ottawa Public Health
Past News Stories
Patrick's latest blog
Pet Page - Stories
& Resources
Pet Care Services - Kennels/Grooming
Police news (OPP/Ottawa)
Previous News and Archives
Product and food recalls
Recycle - Where to?
Regional News (Eastern Ontario)
Road Closures & Conditions
Rockland TVC22 (Cable-TV)
Schools, buses, cancellations
Scrap Metal/Junk pick-up
Septic Tanks and Systems
Site Map
Sports News
Technology News headlines
Today In History
Turtle News
TVC22 (Cable-TV) Rockland
Virus, Malware, Phishing News
Vision Newspaper
Water wells
Weekend Review
WEIRD News Stories |
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Click here for our
post-election coverage.
Latest News from City Hall
The City is currently seeking
applications to fill the positions of Volunteer Fire-fighter at their Bourget, Clarence Creek and Rockland fire
The City has issued a Notice for Overnight Winter Parking which will go into effect from November 15 to April 1.
The Public Meeting to discuss
Development Charges, originally
scheduled for this Thursday October
30, at 7:00 p.m. has been cancelled
due to election administration. It will
be rescheduled at a later date. All
enquiries are very important to the
City and this will give you more time
to review the study which was
requested at the Open House on
October 21
elect Guy Desjardins
said in a recent interview on
local Jewel radio that
this meeting was a priority.
The City of Clarence-Rockland is seeking individuals to fill positions of the different Clarence-Rockland’s committees
for the 2014-2018 term of Council.
The City of Clarence-Rockland has cancelled its meetings for
the month of November. More...

Listen to an interview with Clarence-Rockland's Mayor elect, Guy Desjardins,
the morning after the election.
Click here...
What's New?
We have added a couple of new pages to our website and hope that our visitors will find them useful.

The first, under the heading of Community Resources, contains several links to things like Childcare, Pet Services, scrap meta/junk pick-up and and Small

The second, contains a growing list of local Facebook
and Twitter links.Click on the above graphics
to visit wach page. And don't forget to look at our Page Directory below.
Weekly recycle

August 4 - 8
Monday was a holiday so
pick-up will be one day later!)
Schedule AUGUST
30 |
31 |
Patrick Meikle
Canaan Connexion
A Special Kind of City:
Bob Gadoua's letter to the editor outlining how Clarence-Rockland is a "A Special Kind of City" and how
“Maggie’s Place” a sanctuary for lost or abandoned dogs, is just one example to show that "Clarence-Rockland
citizens have once again stepped up to the plate."
Read more... |
of Everyday Life
Alberte Villeneuve
Read the verbal etchings from our resident columnist. Currently...
What a difference in lifestyles!
Alberte reminices about her maternal grandmother and early life on the farm. More...

Lots of places in Rockland sell cameras,
but if you want professional advice and
competitive prices, visit Masoud at
Royal Photo. Click on the picture to
visit their website. Have a look at their
many services, including event
photography, passport photos,
custom framing and lamination.

Listen to Clarence-Rockland's
own radio station.
(Click on the logo.)
Read Jewel's local news here...
Weekly recycle

December 19 - 23
Get your 2016/2017
collection schedule here.
Cumberland residents
click here.
Schedule December
Where to recycle and what
is not picked up. More...
Size limit on recycle containers. More...
Gas Prices
We have a link that shows "Lowest Regular Gas Prices in the Last 24 hours" as well as "Highest Regular
Gas Prices in the Last 24 hours".
Fake soldier Franck Gervais
(worked at Potvin, Rockland)
sentencing delayed:
The sentencing hearing for the man who pleaded guilty to illegally wearing a military uniform and medals during
the 2014 Remembrance Day ceremony in Ottawa has been delayed until Aug. 4..
Daytripping to Rockland:
Citizen feature offers background
on Rockland and includes local
artists and businesses.
Get your water tested if...
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit
recently reminded us to have our
water tested if we are on wells.
Local Honey

Canaan Blueberry Farm
sells their own local honey in season... all natural, healthy and delicious!

to come...
Call us with your event!
or email us at:
(See more events here...)
Rockland's weather
(Gatineau Airport is closer than Ottawa)
CBC's weather specialist
Ian Black on Twitter
1310 News - Storm Centre here...
To view Environment Canada's nation wide Public Weather
Alerts, click here...
Check the satellite tracking here.
Parliament Hill

(Click on pic for view of
Parliament Hill)
The Canaan Connexion
is looking for writers
Would you like to become a
"Country Correspondent"?
Contact us:
Cameron and Highway 174

Traffic Cameras at 174/Trim and
Cameron Street at 174
(Go to the main list, and Click on the camera you want to see.)
Click here to
see our updates
on Highway 174 information